Police Charge Big Pharma Boss With Falsifying His Covid Vaccination Status

He chose to 'falsify' and prematurely on account of fascism is still being held at bay at least, my friend.
Now he needs to suffer the appropriate punishment.

From my pond: All Canadian Mallards agree with me.

The real point here is WHY did he not want to take the vaccine? Right over your head huh?
The real point here is WHY did he not want to take the vaccine? Right over your head huh?
I highly suspect that any American not wanting to be vaccinated was politically motivated to refusing it. For months Trump took a position of dissuading people, but much later he finally found he needed to proclaim the vaccines 'Safe and Effective' in order to clear himself of responsibility.

The 'realer point' is, the vaccines saved many millions of lives while politics cost the lives of a million Americans.

I appreciate Bret Weinstein's POV, but I think he's overlooking objectivity on the matter.

Why did the CEO decide not to take his own company’s vaccine if it protected him against COVID? Seems like he is really putting himself on the line to go with the charade that he did by injecting himself with saline instead.
I highly suspect that any American not wanting to be vaccinated was politically motivated to refusing it. For months Trump took a position of dissuading people, but much later he finally found he needed to proclaim the vaccines 'Safe and Effective' in order to clear himself of responsibility.

The 'realer point' is, the vaccines saved many millions of lives while politics cost the lives of a million Americans.

I appreciate Bret Weinstein's POV, but I think he's overlooking objectivity on the matter.

What does any of this have to do with the OP’s article on the CEO of the European pharma. company faking taking his own company’s vaccine? Are you saying Trump influenced him?
............ cheer for vax mandates and not even question why a pharmaceutical company executive would refuse to take it. Seems like a reasonable question to me.
People become motivated for many different reasons and CEO's are no exception.

In fact statistically, the incidence of psychopathy is abnormally high in CEO's.

Be very careful which authority figure you choose to believe!

On medical matters you would be well advised to take the advice of the medical professionals.

You need to stifle your anger and profanity please.
Why did the CEO decide not to take his own company’s vaccine if it protected him against COVID? Seems like he is really putting himself on the line to go with the charade that he did by injecting himself with saline instead.

What does any of this have to do with the OP’s article on the CEO of the European pharma. company faking taking his own company’s vaccine? Are you saying Trump influenced him?
See my reply to Missouri Mike.
People become motivated for many different reasons and CEO's are no exception.

In fact statistically, the incidence of psychopathy is abnormally high in CEO's.

Be very careful which authority figure you choose to believe!

On medical matters you would be well advised to take the advice of the medical professionals.

You need to stifle your anger and profanity please.

You are very naive. The CEO didn't take his own vaccine because he has reservations about it. He VERY likely had more information on the vaccine. That should make you suspicious. BTW, medical professionals are also prone to letting their politics get in the way of sound judgment. The best example is the highly liberal psychiatric community that continues to warp medical science to fit a political narrative regarding many gender disorders. Another example would be scientists who continue to push AGW and to quickly vilify any dissenters from the scientific community. Politics and money talk to even to scientists. BTW, there are notable infectious disease scientists who have also refused the vaccine. Don't be a sheep.
Of course the left wing media misses the actual story here. They focus on this person breaking the law and faking a vax, when the story is, the people making this shit won’t take it yet the government forces you too.
PharmaMar was not producing covid vaccine, they are producing treatment for those infected by covid. Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro was simply avoiding his competitors jab in favor of his own "cure" he could sell to the infected antivaxxers.
...The CEO doesn't make anything but decisions on profit. He is not a scientist. Just like everyone else, no doubt most of the employees are vaccinated, because most people are not irrational, paranoid morons.
Open mouth inset foot.

Who is Dr Sousa-Faro Arrested On Fake Vaccination Charges?​

José Maria Fernández Sousa-Faro graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid with a degree in chemistry and a Ph.D. in biochemistry.

He taught biochemistry at the same university from 1968 until 1979. He has also worked as a Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Dr. Sousa-Faro has more than ninety scientific publications and patents in the fields of biochemistry, antibiotics, and molecular biology to his name.

Open mouth inset foot.

Who is Dr Sousa-Faro Arrested On Fake Vaccination Charges?​

José Maria Fernández Sousa-Faro graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid with a degree in chemistry and a Ph.D. in biochemistry.

He taught biochemistry at the same university from 1968 until 1979. He has also worked as a Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Dr. Sousa-Faro has more than ninety scientific publications and patents in the fields of biochemistry, antibiotics, and molecular biology to his name.

So what? He didn't want to take his competitors jab in favor of his own covid cure he could market to the infected antivaxers.
when the story is, the people making this shit won’t take it yet the government forces you too.

why the fuck aren’t you asking why pharmaceutical CEO’s aren’t wanting to take their own vaccines?

Just like everyone else, no doubt most of the employees are vaccinated, because most people are not irrational, paranoid morons.

Only a complete fucking moron would cheer for vax mandates and not even question why a pharmaceutical company executive would refuse to take it.

Poison jabs for the peasants.....not for the elites

you just implied that all the powers that be believe the vaccines don't work

The real point here is WHY did he not want to take the vaccine?

The 'realer point' is, the vaccines saved many millions of lives

Be very careful which authority figure you choose to believe!

BTW, there are notable infectious disease scientists who have also refused the vaccine


So what? He didn't want to take his competitors jab in favor of his own covid cure he could market to the infected antivaxers.

Let's assume for a moment that you are inside his head, and your explanation is correct.

He wanted to use a treatment that was developed by his own organization.

The post I replied to claimed he was not a scientist- obviously that wasn't true. The fact is that most CEO's of pharmaceutical companies are scientists, and he is no exception.

So his org developed a covid cure or treatment (according to you anyway) that he thought was better than the jab. Obviously there is no financial incentive for a single person to forego the jab in favor an alternative, and he didn't publicize the fact that he didn't get the vaccine. So it's not like he was trying to affect the "competitor" or public acceptance of the vaccines. He made a private decision and kept it to himself.

I'd say that was a personal decision based on his own analysis.

Let's assume for a moment that you are inside his head, and your explanation is correct.

He wanted to use a treatment that was developed by his own organization.

The post I replied to claimed he was not a scientist- obviously that wasn't true. The fact is that most CEO's of pharmaceutical companies are scientists, and he is no exception.

So his org developed a covid cure or treatment (according to you anyway) that he thought was better than the jab. Obviously there is no financial incentive for a single person to forego the jab in favor an alternative, and he didn't publicize the fact that he didn't get the vaccine. So it's not like he was trying to affect the "competitor" or public acceptance of the vaccines. He made a private decision and kept it to himself.

I'd say that was a personal decision based on his own analysis.
Plitidepsin is a drug developed by PharmaMar originally to treat cancer, but has been effective in trials as covid antiviral.

"All data we have seen so far with Plitidepsin corroborate our initial hypothesis of its activity as antiviral," PharmaMar's Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa said in a statement.

The results of Phase I trials have shown the drug, also known as Aplidin, had a powerful antiviral activity against all the variants in vitro and a distribution into the lungs of animals tested, resulting in a 99% reduction of viral load in the lungs, the company said.

So he chose his own drug treatment & didn't want to take the government mandated vaccine that could alter his personal trial outcome or his belief in his own products efficacy. He will get very rich marketing a cure to infected antivaxers.
Plitidepsin is a drug developed by PharmaMar originally to treat cancer, but has been effective in trials as covid antiviral.

"All data we have seen so far with Plitidepsin corroborate our initial hypothesis of its activity as antiviral," PharmaMar's Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa said in a statement.

The results of Phase I trials have shown the drug, also known as Aplidin, had a powerful antiviral activity against all the variants in vitro and a distribution into the lungs of animals tested, resulting in a 99% reduction of viral load in the lungs, the company said.

So he chose his own drug treatment & didn't want to take the government mandated vaccine that could alter his personal trial outcome or his belief in his own products efficacy. He will get very rich marketing a cure to infected antivaxers.
Your conclusion is unfounded. A "personal trial outcome"? What is that supposed to even mean?

Plitidepsin is a treatment, not a prevention. Why should a vaccine alter his belief in the efficacy of Plitidepsin? They are totally unrelated (and the vaccines don't prevent infection anyway).

It's not a stretch to think that he believed Plitidepsin would clear the virus if he became infected, and that factored into his calculus to forego the vaccine- I have no issue with that. Why take a vaccine with a very high rate of adverse reactions if there is a safer and effective alternative?

This story doesn't surprise me at all. I know several people in health care that won't have anything to do with the jab.
Your conclusion is unfounded. A "personal trial outcome"? What is that supposed to even mean?

Plitidepsin is a treatment, not a prevention. Why should a vaccine alter his belief in the efficacy of Plitidepsin? They are totally unrelated (and the vaccines don't prevent infection anyway).

It's not a stretch to think that he believed Plitidepsin would clear the virus if he became infected, and that factored into his calculus to forego the vaccine- I have no issue with that. Why take a vaccine with a very high rate of adverse reactions if there is a safer and effective alternative?

This story doesn't surprise me at all. I know several people in health care that won't have anything to do with the jab.

Most people in healthcare were already infected before the vaccine was available. So they believe there is no reason to get jabbed when they already acquired immunity.
Most people in healthcare were already infected before the vaccine was available. So they believe there is no reason to get jabbed when they already acquired immunity.
Well about a half million were laid off before the vaccines were available. Do you have statistics to back up your assertion?

'Previously infected' is not the reason I'm given by the people I know. Some of whom come from the world of Pharma themselves.

What is stranger to me than vaccine hesitancy, is the extreme emotional reaction vaxxers have for anyone who doesn't adhere to their viewpoint. I gave up trying to have a rational discussion a long time ago, lol. Not worth the effort.

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