Police called on College Radio DJ


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
for use of the word "tranny".

VIDEO: Student radio hosts yanked from air, suspended after using the word 'tranny' - The College Fix

During a discussion about the university’s lack of “Antifa” violence, Albrecht said the campus was too small for a potential violent activist to hide his identity.

“You know, you can definitely, you see one tranny that’s trying to punch someone,” Albrecht told The Fix he said on-air. “You know it’s automatically that one guy that you know I’m talking about. I bet you know. I’m not going to dox anybody and name them on air. But you two know if I say the tranny who looks like he’s going to punch someone. Yep.”

“About fifteen minutes later,” Albrecht told The Fix, “the student station manager came into the studio with a UMMPD officer and told us to leave. She said we had violated FCC law by saying a word that was never allowed on air, ‘tranny.’ So we packed up and left the studio.”
been doing internet radio for 18 years - they're full of shit on the FCC regulations.

then again they were full of shit in every other way they tried to "silence" this wild and crazy thought.

*THIS* is an example of the out of control left and the butthurt they exhibit.
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Leftists....what a bunch of snowflake loons
the sad part is there is simply no law at all around any use of the word whatsoever. and to go for equal rights also means equal mocking of you, along with any other "segment" of our population that gets mocked all the time.

you have the right to pursue happiness. you don't have the right to get it and you certainly don't have the right to never be offended. if you don't like the show, don't listen.
for use of the word "tranny".

VIDEO: Student radio hosts yanked from air, suspended after using the word 'tranny' - The College Fix

During a discussion about the university’s lack of “Antifa” violence, Albrecht said the campus was too small for a potential violent activist to hide his identity.

“You know, you can definitely, you see one tranny that’s trying to punch someone,” Albrecht told The Fix he said on-air. “You know it’s automatically that one guy that you know I’m talking about. I bet you know. I’m not going to dox anybody and name them on air. But you two know if I say the tranny who looks like he’s going to punch someone. Yep.”

“About fifteen minutes later,” Albrecht told The Fix, “the student station manager came into the studio with a UMMPD officer and told us to leave. She said we had violated FCC law by saying a word that was never allowed on air, ‘tranny.’ So we packed up and left the studio.”
been doing internet radio for 18 years - they're full of shit on the FCC regulations.

then again they were full of shit in every other way they tried to "silence" this wild and crazy thought.

*THIS* is an example of the out of control left and the butthurt they exhibit.

There is no such FCC regulation. Period. That's a bullshit excuse.

However, the station license holder, in the agent of the SM, does have the authority to determine what's on their airwaves and what isn't.

There was a famous case in the 1970s at another University radio station (Penn) involving much cruder content, a talk show involving jokes about pedophilia. The FCC declined to renew that station's license when its term expired, BUT the rationale for doing so was that the station administration failed to execute adequate control of its programmers and was thus irresponsible.

That's the issue they work with.
Lawsuit time. These campus fascists need to be taught a lesson.

There's nothing to "sue" over. The University (not "college") holds the license, therefore they get to dictate what's on its airwaves. They're responsible for that.

Now you can certainly protest. The listener community can do that. They can write letters of objection, which the station is required by law to keep in its files, and show the FCC when it's time to renew the license and determine whether that station is serving its listeners. But it will take a lot more than this to get FCC to notice.
Does this mean that they shut down the college radio station? If yes, very easy, even remotely.

Nobody shut down the station --- and it would be illegal for them to do so unless they were under extraordinary circumstanes, like a tornado took their tower down.

Not that KUMM has much of a "tower"....
From the middle of the OP linked article:

>> Board members said they had “received complaints about our show and threats to file a report to the FCC, which could end up costing the station (which is a University-funded organization) thousands of dollars.” <<​

This part is true. That's how the FCC operates; it reacts to listener complaints (if they're made to the FCC). If complaints were made to the station itself, then those complaints would have to be (by law) in its Public File, So it could be easily determined whether there actually were complaints, or whether management was making that up, as they were with "tranny" being illegal speech. And it's something the show hosts should be looking into. A station's Public File is by law accessible to anyone on request.

But if there were actual listener complaints, that can put the station license in jeopardy if it fails to act on them.

>> Albrecht told The Fix that the board openly admitted that the hosts had not in fact broken FCC rules by saying the word “tranny.” The board, however, claimed that they had “received complaints the week before that said [Albrecht and Lehmann] sounded like [they] were under the influence, which is an FCC violation.”
Again, management is playing loosely with the facts. While having alcohol in the physical studio would be an FCC violation, "sounding like they were under the influence" is quite a stretch, and it's no basis for removal.
for use of the word "tranny".

VIDEO: Student radio hosts yanked from air, suspended after using the word 'tranny' - The College Fix

During a discussion about the university’s lack of “Antifa” violence, Albrecht said the campus was too small for a potential violent activist to hide his identity.

“You know, you can definitely, you see one tranny that’s trying to punch someone,” Albrecht told The Fix he said on-air. “You know it’s automatically that one guy that you know I’m talking about. I bet you know. I’m not going to dox anybody and name them on air. But you two know if I say the tranny who looks like he’s going to punch someone. Yep.”

“About fifteen minutes later,” Albrecht told The Fix, “the student station manager came into the studio with a UMMPD officer and told us to leave. She said we had violated FCC law by saying a word that was never allowed on air, ‘tranny.’ So we packed up and left the studio.”
been doing internet radio for 18 years - they're full of shit on the FCC regulations.

then again they were full of shit in every other way they tried to "silence" this wild and crazy thought.

*THIS* is an example of the out of control left and the butthurt they exhibit.

There is no such FCC regulation. Period. That's a bullshit excuse.

However, the station license holder, in the agent of the SM, does have the authority to determine what's on their airwaves and what isn't.

There was a famous case in the 1970s at another University radio station (Penn) involving much cruder content, a talk show involving jokes about pedophilia. The FCC declined to renew that station's license when its term expired, BUT the rationale for doing so was that the station administration failed to execute adequate control of its programmers and was thus irresponsible.

That's the issue they work with.
the college can and will decide what they want on their college radio. if they would have said the college requirements say DON'T say that, then don't or make your own internet radio station. $60 a month on up on live365 and you're legal.

but the fact they hid behind every bullshit excuse they could just shows it's just them being intolerant.

which is the core of a lot of issues in dealing with an extreme on either side.

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