Poland prosecuted Nazi Germans after WW2.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Yet, we hear otherwise, anyways.

Such a bunch of ignoramus's.

Auschwitz trial - Wikipedia

Auschwitz trial
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This is about the trial held in Poland. See Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials for the German Auschwitz trials.

Auschwitz trial proceedings, Kraków, Poland
The Auschwitz trial began on November 24, 1947, in Kraków, when Polish authorities (the Supreme National Tribunal) tried 40 former staff of the Auschwitz concentration camps. The trials ended on December 22, 1947.[1]

The best-known defendants were Arthur Liebehenschel, former commandant; Maria Mandel, head of the Auschwitz women's camps; and SS-doctor Johann Kremer. 38 other SS officers — 34 men and four women — who had served as guards or doctors in the camps were also tried.

Verdict of the Supreme National Tribunal in the first Auschwitz trial[edit]
Excerpts from Explanation of Jury Decisions
Torturing of prisoners [of Auschwitz] already tormented to the extreme [by extrajudicial means], is the evidence of inhuman savagery perpetrated by those defendants who as a result of the trial were sentenced to death. The listed violent crimes committed by named defendants, who all took smaller or larger part in the mass murder of prisoners, also reveal that the accused were involved in the acts of killing for pleasure, and not pursuant to orders of their superiors. If it were not for their expressed desire to kill, they would have otherwise displayed elements of sympathy for the victims, or at least show indifference to their plight, but not torture them to death.

W uzasadnieniu wyroku Najwyższego Trybunału Narodowego
Znęcanie się nad i tak nadmiernie udręczonymi więźniami dowodzi wielkiego zezwierzęcenia tych oskarżonych, którzy w wyniku przewodu sądowego zostali skazani na karę śmierci. To znęcanie się ze strony tych oskarżonych, którzy wszyscy brali mniejszy lub większy udział w zabijaniu więźniów, wskazuje też na to, że ci oskarżeni brali udział w tych zabójstwach z potrzeby wewnętrznej zabijania, a nie w wykonaniu rozkazu przełożonych. Gdyby bowiem nie odczuwali potrzeby zabijania, to albo okazywaliby więźniom współczucie, albo też byliby dla nich obojętni, lecz nie znęcaliby się nad nimi.[2]

# Defendant Rank Function Sentence
1 Arthur Liebehenschel SS-Obersturmbannführer camp commandant death by hanging (carried out)
2 Hans Aumeier SS-Sturmbannführer Schutzhaftlagerführer death by hanging (carried out)
3 Maximilian Grabner SS-Untersturmführer camp Gestapo chief death by hanging (carried out)
4 Karl Möckel SS-Obersturmbannführer manager of camp administration death by hanging (carried out)
5 Maria Mandl SS-Oberaufseherin Birkenau female camp commandant death by hanging (carried out)
6 Franz Xaver Kraus SS-Sturmbannführer information officer death by hanging (carried out)
7 Ludwig Plagge SS-Oberscharführer Rapportführer death by hanging (carried out)
8 Fritz Buntrock SS-Unterscharführer Rapportführer death by hanging (carried out)
9 Wilhelm Gerhard Gehring SS-Hauptscharführer subcamp commandant death by hanging (carried out)
10 Otto Lätsch SS-Unterscharführer subcamp vice commandant death by hanging (carried out)
11 Heinrich Josten SS-Obersturmführer commander of the camp guard death by hanging (carried out)
12 Josef Kollmer SS-Obersturmführer commander of the camp guard death by hanging (carried out)
13 Erich Muhsfeldt SS-Oberscharführer Birkenau crematoria manager death by hanging (carried out)
14 Hermann Kirschner SS-Unterscharführer camp administration death by hanging (carried out)
15 Hans Schumacher SS-Unterscharführer manager of camp food supplies death by hanging (carried out)
16 August Bogusch SS-Scharführer camp administration death by hanging (carried out)
17 Therese Brandl SS-Aufseherin SS-Erstaufseherin death by hanging (carried out)
18 Paul Szczurek SS-Unterscharführer Blockführer death by hanging (carried out)
19 Paul Götze SS-Rottenführer Blockführer death by hanging (carried out)
20 Herbert Paul Ludwig SS-Oberscharführer Blockführer death by hanging (carried out)
21 Kurt Hugo Müller SS-Unterscharführer Blockführer death by hanging (carried out)
22 Johann Kremer SS-Obersturmführer camp doctor death by hanging (commuted to life imprisonment)
23 Arthur Breitwieser SS-Unterscharführer camp administration death by hanging (commuted to life imprisonment)
24 Detlef Nebbe SS-Sturmscharführer sergeant of the guard company life imprisonment
25 Karl Seufert SS-Hauptscharführer manager of prisoner block life imprisonment
26 Hans Koch SS-Unterscharführer camp desinfection life imprisonment
27 Luise Danz SS-Aufseherin female guard life imprisonment
28 Adolf Medefind SS-Unterscharführer guard life imprisonment
29 Anton Lechner SS-Rottenführer guard life imprisonment
30 Franz Romeikat SS-Unterscharführer camp administration 15 years imprisonment
31 Hans Hoffmann SS-Rottenführer camp Gestapo unit 15 years imprisonment
32 Hildegard Lächert SS-Aufseherin female guard 15 years imprisonment
33 Alice Orlowski SS-Aufseherin female guard 15 years imprisonment
34 Johannes Weber SS-Sturmmann camp kitchen 15 years imprisonment
35 Alexander Bülow SS-Sturmmann guard 15 years imprisonment
36 Eduard Lorenz SS-Unterscharführer guard 15 years imprisonment
37 Richard Schröder SS-Unterscharführer camp accounting 10 years imprisonment
38 Erich Dinges SS-Sturmmann driver 5 years imprisonment
39 Karl Jeschke SS-Oberscharführer guard 3 years imprisonment
40 Hans Münch SS-Untersturmführer doctor in SS Higene Institute acquitted

Rudolf Höss immediately before being hanged
Rudolf Höss, sentenced in another trial, was executed on April 16, 1947 in front of the crematorium at Auschwitz I. The trial of camp commandant Höss which took place at the Supreme National Tribunal in Warsaw throughout March 1947 was the actual first ever Auschwitz trial, followed by the trials in Kraków several months later.[2]

The Supreme National Tribunal presiding in Kraków issued 23 death sentences, and 17 imprisonments ranging from life sentences to 3 years. All executions were carried out on January 28, 1948 at the Kraków Montelupich Prison, "one of the most terrible Nazi prisons in occupied Poland" used by Gestapo throughout World War II.[2][3]Maria Mandel and Therese Brandl were the first to be executed. One person was acquitted; Sergeant Major Hans Münch, who refused to participate in the selection process and made futile, though confirmed requests for more food to the inmates.[4] Liebehenschel, Mandel and Kremer were condemned to death, as were Hans Aumeier, August Bogusch, Therese Brandl, Arthur Breitwiser, Fritz Buntrock, Wilhelm Gehring, Paul Götze, Maximilian Grabner, Heinrich Josten, Hermann Kirschner, Josef Kollmer, Franz Kraus, Herbert Ludwig, Karl Möckel, Kurt Mueller, Eric Muhsfeldt, Ludwig Plagge, Hans Schumacher and Paul Szczurek (Arthur Breitwieser and Johann Kremer had their sentences commuted to life imprisonment). Luise Danz, Hans Koch, Anton Lechner, Adolf Medefind, Detlef Nebbe, and Karl Seufert received life sentences. Alexander Bülow, Hans Hoffmann, Hildegard Lächert, Eduard Lorenz, Alice Orlowski, Franz Romeikat, and Johannes Weber were sentenced to 15 years. Richard Schroeder received 10 years, Erich Dinges five years, and Karl Jeschke three years. Hans Münch was acquitted.

Supreme National Tribunal - Wikipedia

Supreme National Tribunal
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The Supreme National Tribunal (Polish: Najwyższy Trybunał Narodowy, NTN) was a war crime tribunal active in Poland from 1946 to 1948. The Tribunal aims and purpose were defined by the State National Council in the Decrees of 22 January and 17 October 1946 and 11 April 1947. The new law was based on the earlier Decree of 31 August 1944 issued by the new Polish pro-Soviet government, with jurisdiction over fascist-hitlerite criminals and traitors to the Polish nation.[1][2] The tribunal presided over seven high-profile cases (of 49 individuals total).[3]

Further information: Nazi crimes against ethnic Poles, Holocaust in Poland, and Nuremberg Trials
Nazi Germany occupied Poland in 1939 and carried out many atrocities. The 1943 Moscow Declaration stated that Germans judged guilty of war crimeswould be sent back to the countries where they had committed their crimes and "judged on the spot by the peoples whom they have outraged". Poland, which suffered heavily due to Nazi atrocities, identified over 12,000 criminals it requested to be extradited; eventually about 2,000 German criminals were extradited to Poland (from 1945 onwards, most before 1949).[4]

The Polish Underground State had its own Special Courts in occupied Poland, which tried and passed sentences on some German war criminals. Polish communist authorities (of the Polish Committee of National Liberation, PKWN) who did not recognize the Underground State (and in some cases actively persecuted people connected with it) established its own alternative structure, which with the victory of the communist authorities over the Underground State became dominant in post-war Poland. PKWN authorities authorized the establishment of the Special Criminal Courts on 12 September 1944 to try German war criminals. On 22 January 1946, the single-instance Supreme National Tribunal was formed, with a mission to try the main perpetrators of crimes committed by the Third Reich in the occupied Polish territories.[5]

Jurisdiction and powers[edit]
The jurisdiction and powers of the tribunal were defined in Decrees of 22 January and 17 October 1946 and Decree of 11 April 1947. The law applied was a Decree of 31 August 1944, concerning the punishment of fascist-hitlerite criminals guilty of murder and ill-treatment of civilian population and of prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation.[1]

There was no appeal from the verdicts of the tribunal.[3]

Composition of the tribunal[edit]
The tribunal had three judges, four members of the jury, procurators and defenders.

The best known judge was Emil Stanisław Rappaport.


Warsaw Trial, 1946–1947

Auschwitz Trial, Kraków, 1947
Seven trials were brought before the Supreme National Tribunal in 1946–1948:[5]

  1. The trial of Arthur Greiser, head of the Free City of Danzig and later, governor of Reichsgau Wartheland
    Trial took place in Poznań, from 22 June to 7 July 1946.
    Sentence: death penalty, carried out
  2. The trial of Amon Göth, commander of the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp
    Trial took place in Kraków, from 27 August to 5 September 1946.
    Sentence: death penalty, carried out
  3. The trial of Ludwig Fischer, Ludwig Leist, Josef Meisinger, Max Daume, all four high-ranking Nazi officials of occupied Warsaw
    Trial took place in Warsaw from 17 December 1946 to 24 February 1947
    Sentences: Fischer, Meisinger, Daume — death penalty, Leist — 8 years, sentences carried out.
  4. The trial of Rudolf Höss, one of the commanders of the Auschwitz concentration camp
    Trial took place in Warsaw from 11 March to 29 March 1947
    Sentence: death penalty, carried out
  5. The trial of 41 staff of the Auschwitz concentration camp (including one of the commanders, Arthur Liebehenschel).
    Trial (also known as the First Auschwitz Trial, with the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials known as the Second Auschwitz Trial) took place in Kraków from 24 November to 16 December 1947
    Sentences: 23 death sentences, 17 imprisonments from life sentences to 3 years of imprisonment, one person (Hans Münch) acquitted for humane behavior and enabling the survival of numerous patients.
  6. The trial of Albert Forster, governor of Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia
    Trial took place in Gdańsk from 5 April – 29 April 1948
    Sentence: death penalty, carried out
  7. The trial of Josef Bühler, state secretary and deputy governor to the General Government
    Trial took place in Kraków from 17 June – 5 July 1948
    Sentence: death penalty, carried out
The first two of the above trials (of Greiser and Göth) were completed even before the sentence was passed by the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg on 30 September 1946.[5]

The Tribunal also declared that the General Government was a criminal institution.
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Which one of these Nazis executed by Poland following WW2, was particularly Polish, rather than particularly German?

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