

Shut the $%$ Up!
Jan 15, 2009
I need honest feed back on this one.

Lake, deviously warm

Sun’s glare awakens,

croon of birds whisper

sharp, through shivering air

All are calm, slowly

rebelling the nature of


Their eyes locked

with Apollonian glare

Mine are cold, burn

My inversion swallowed

The calm water speaks

Still blind to my presence

Ah, finally I see all are

much better with chaos

Blind to my fluttering kick

Above the chained ripple

Passing me by

I wonder how to be born

They pass, still,

without any ripple

but mine

My eyes failing to drink

Thus breathing in the cold bubble

Will anyone ever

come more slowly?

A nudge will do

Great sensual taste

Salty becoming


Why everyone flutters

just as I

My world of shame

for all to see

Still no nudge

Still I flutter

for all to see

Feet dry, ears filled to the brim

Oh, death’s ditty

full of thumps and bubble

Again blind, perfect under chaos

Many nudges my way

Many ripples too

A calm restores

Rock ties me to shore

The wolf nibbles

My mortal

a tasteless appetizer
I read a water poem
about inarticulate nature
and how the sensuality
of life, its tastes,
its smells, its being
filled the author
with awe but
somehow the mix of images
the combination of adjectives
light sound feeling death beauty
confused me.

What were you aiming at here? The combinations are a bit odd to my ear but I liked the words.
I read a water poem
about inarticulate nature
and how the sensuality
of life, its tastes,
its smells, its being
filled the author
with awe but
somehow the mix of images
the combination of adjectives
light sound feeling death beauty
confused me.

What were you aiming at here? The combinations are a bit odd to my ear but I liked the words.
I didn't write this I should have stated that first off. A dear friend did, and he writes poems all the time. He is Military and got a dear john letter from his wife. I suppose that's why you are confused as I was. I wanted someone else to verify what I thought because frankly I wasn't sure...Now I am. Gosh I'm just not being clear and concise either.
Very well written.

It sound like it is written from the perspective of someone who is drowning in the presense of people who are not aware that they are drowning.

Is the author profoundly depressed, perchance?
Very well written.

It sound like it is written from the perspective of someone who is drowning in the presense of people who are not aware that they are drowning.

Is the author profoundly depressed, perchance?
As I stated he is currently serving in the Military station overseas (Middle East) and he got a dear John letter from his wife. So yes he was depressed and reflective.
Very well written.

It sound like it is written from the perspective of someone who is drowning in the presense of people who are not aware that they are drowning.

Is the author profoundly depressed, perchance?
As I stated he is currently serving in the Military station overseas (Middle East) and he got a dear John letter from his wife. So yes he was depressed and reflective.

Oh...I didn't see the part about the letter.

I could see how that situation would make one feel like one was drowning.
Very well written.

It sound like it is written from the perspective of someone who is drowning in the presense of people who are not aware that they are drowning.

Is the author profoundly depressed, perchance?
As I stated he is currently serving in the Military station overseas (Middle East) and he got a dear John letter from his wife. So yes he was depressed and reflective.

Oh...I didn't see the part about the letter.

I could see how that situation would make one feel like one was drowning.
Then again all his poems are rather on the dark side. A lot like Jim Morrison was.
As I stated he is currently serving in the Military station overseas (Middle East) and he got a dear John letter from his wife. So yes he was depressed and reflective.

Oh...I didn't see the part about the letter.

I could see how that situation would make one feel like one was drowning.
Then again all his poems are rather on the dark side. A lot like Jim Morrison was.

He is good with the imagery.
Oh...I didn't see the part about the letter.

I could see how that situation would make one feel like one was drowning.
Then again all his poems are rather on the dark side. A lot like Jim Morrison was.

He is good with the imagery.
I told him he should gather all his works (15 years worth) and get them published. He doesn't think they are good enough. I think they are, this one isn't his best by far...because he was depressed when he wrote it. Most others he is just chilling listening to music as he writes...kind of in a zone.

He shares them with me all the time and frankly some I have no idea what to say to him because they are so dark. I did say once...Are you ok? LOL

He laughed and said, "It's like writing music, it's not really me...its like a nonfiction writer."
OMG, he just emailed me another....here it is...damn!

Rumble noise aches my head
Rocks drift under my feet
always giving birth
to old dust
Just as the sun brings
heat to day
ever so soft my thoughts
of Eden dance with a sigh
Crucifix of love, so
Ending my right for it
Love does not know me
Troubled cause,
no roof for sin
Eyes blind to woman
Love, an atom of parts
Never really knowing until
all the rocks
drift from my walk
My walk to the
longing asylum alone
Never loved by woman
Birdy, birdy in the snow,

Broken wing and broken toe,

Hardly breathing, almost dead,

Then I crushed it's little head.

I was drunk, and I hate the snow.

It was a bad night, cut me some slack.
Ah the infamous 'Dear John,' while it may not help the poem it explains the state of mind and now makes more sense. I remember the crying and the occasional suicide during the Nam era. Basic was hard as it was, but hearing the love of your life moved on without you crushed many.

'Never give all the heart'

"Never give all the heart, for love
Will hardly seem worth thinking of
To passionate women if it seem
Certain, and they never dream
That it fades out from kiss to kiss;
For everything that's lovely is
But a brief, dreamy, kind delight.
O never give the heart outright,
For they, for all smooth lips can say,
Have given their hearts up to the play.
And who could play it well enough
If deaf and dumb and blind with love?
He that made this knows all the cost,
For he gave all his heart and lost."

W. B. Yeats
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