PNC calls for dissolving PA and its security agencies

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
BEIRUT, (PIC)-- The Palestinian national committee (PNC) called for dissolving the Palestinian authority (PA) and its security agencies and described them as the stumbling block to resisting the occupation.

This came in a statement issued following a meeting held on Friday in Beirut by the PNC, a wide coalition of Palestinian NGOs, trade unions and networks.

"The experience proved indisputably that the Palestinian authority, which was formed according to the disastrous Oslo agreement and went too far in the policies of financial, political and security subordination especially during the rule of Mahmoud Abbas (the PA head) and Salam Fayyad (the government head in Ramallah), is the stumbling block that has obstructed the Palestinian people from resisting the occupation, the settlement and the Judaization," the PNC statement read.

"[The PA] is now mainly responsible for perpetuating the division and the existing Palestinian inertia," it added.

The PNC called for launching a broad campaign aimed at dissolving the PA and its security apparatuses as well as a popular uprising aimed at saving Jerusalem, the Aqsa Mosque and the other Islamic and Christian holy sites.

PNC calls for dissolving PA and its security agencies

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