PM to Abbas

You said preconditions, Tinmore. Preconditions are conditions which must be fulfilled before sitting down to talk. Netanyahu has NO preconditions. Not even the cessation of terror and incitement.

What you have listed above are not preconditions. They are position statements of what is important to Israel. Just like Palestinian position statements include, the 1967 lines as the basis for borders and Palestine being Judenrien.
Truthfully, in the past Netanyahu has said in Hebrew (which I understand) that everyone knows a Palestinian state would become a hotbed of Islamic terror, and therefore a Palestinian state would not arise under his watch.
Truthfully, in the past Netanyahu has said in Hebrew (which I understand) that everyone knows a Palestinian state would become a hotbed of Islamic terror, and therefore a Palestinian state would not arise under his watch.

Its likely to become a hotbed of Islamic terror regardless. The question is only how to best control or mitigate that. I do think that is the reality Israel is facing, as well as the other more "moderate" Arab and Muslim States.
Truthfully, in the past Netanyahu has said in Hebrew (which I understand) that everyone knows a Palestinian state would become a hotbed of Islamic terror, and therefore a Palestinian state would not arise under his watch.
OMG Nutandyahoo is a hoot. He has been a lying sack of shit his whole life.

For hundreds of years there was peace in Palestine. Generation after generation of Muslims, Christians, and Jews living together.

Then the Zionists came and there has been death and destruction ever since. Look at the wars. Israel and Palestine. Israel and Lebanon. Israel and Syria. Israel and Jordan. Israel and Egypt.

You don't need a PhD to detect a common denominator here.
Common sense

My Message to President Abbas: 5 Steps for Peace

So this is a message to President Abbas? Why isn't it in Arabic? Nutandyahoo is just playing to the gullable American audience, nothing more needs to be said.

Nutandyahoo is full of shit as usual. He states that Arab democracy will bring peace.

What about the Palestinian elections judged free and fair by all international monitors. A government based on a constitution very similar to that in the US. (It was written with the assistance of US constitutional scholars.) A government that included Muslims and Christians, included men and women. A government that included virtually every political party and independents.

It was the model democracy in the ME.

And then along comes hamas who win the next election and the place becomes just another islamic hell hole
So this is a message to President Abbas? Why isn't it in Arabic? Nutandyahoo is just playing to the gullable American audience, nothing more needs to be said.

Sure then Abbas would answer in Hebrew I guess and problem solved.
Never let yourself be challenged by simple facts right?

Abbas speaks english

Pity Nutandyahoo doesn't speak Arabic, then. If this was a serious attempt, he wouldn't be granstanding on television.

And when was the last serious attempt at peace starting from a blank sheet from the palestinians ?
Israel has too many preconditions.

Israel has no preconditions they always start from a blank sheet, which the muslims dont like as they have to start all over again with their demands. As soon as they make a demand Israel now counters with one of their own.

You find me a link from an unbiased source showing the pre conditions placed by Israel on any peace talks ?
Israel has too many preconditions? Please share. The only "precondition" Netanyahoo speaks of in this message is to stop inciting and committing terrorism. And that is hardly a precondition.
Why do you post here with so little knowledge?

Why do you with no knowledge, as shown by your inability to even understand the words of the LoN treaty setting up the Jewish NATIONal home
Truthfully, in the past Netanyahu has said in Hebrew (which I understand) that everyone knows a Palestinian state would become a hotbed of Islamic terror, and therefore a Palestinian state would not arise under his watch.
OMG Nutandyahoo is a hoot. He has been a lying sack of shit his whole life.

For hundreds of years there was peace in Palestine. Generation after generation of Muslims, Christians, and Jews living together.

Then the Zionists came and there has been death and destruction ever since. Look at the wars. Israel and Palestine. Israel and Lebanon. Israel and Syria. Israel and Jordan. Israel and Egypt.

You don't need a PhD to detect a common denominator here.

And the history books say that you are lying as there has never been peace in the area and non muslims were subject to dhimmi laws and the jizya tax.

Yes do look at these wars, everyone instigated by islamonazi violence because the Jews refused to be ruled by islam any more. The muslims lost a ready supply of money and food so decided to attack the Jews and ended up getting the crap beat out of them every time.

And you will never get a PhD being so illiterate, just read the many charters of the islamic groups attacking Israel and see who is instigating the violence. Your own peoples words put you on the spot
Truthfully, in the past Netanyahu has said in Hebrew (which I understand) that everyone knows a Palestinian state would become a hotbed of Islamic terror, and therefore a Palestinian state would not arise under his watch.
OMG Nutandyahoo is a hoot. He has been a lying sack of shit his whole life.

For hundreds of years there was peace in Palestine. Generation after generation of Muslims, Christians, and Jews living together.

Then the Zionists came and there has been death and destruction ever since. Look at the wars. Israel and Palestine. Israel and Lebanon. Israel and Syria. Israel and Jordan. Israel and Egypt.

You don't need a PhD to detect a common denominator here.

And the history books say that you are lying as there has never been peace in the area and non muslims were subject to dhimmi laws and the jizya tax.

Yes do look at these wars, everyone instigated by islamonazi violence because the Jews refused to be ruled by islam any more. The muslims lost a ready supply of money and food so decided to attack the Jews and ended up getting the crap beat out of them every time.

And you will never get a PhD being so illiterate, just read the many charters of the islamic groups attacking Israel and see who is instigating the violence. Your own peoples words put you on the spot
It is you who needs to read up. The Ottoman Empire eliminated dhimmi laws and the jizya tax some time before its demise and the Palestinians did not want any religious designation. It was the Mandate and the Zionists who wanted to divide people by religion.

Yeah, right, whatever. Netanyahu could have had peace in 1995 if that's what he really wanted.

That's why Abbas won't deal with him, he can't be trusted, has no desire for peace, just loves killing inncocent men women and children to further his "Greater Israel project".

Could he then how about a link that actually says this, and not some video that does not. What were the terms that Israel had to conceed to get a temporary cease fire because that is all that they were offered, not a lasting peace.
Truthfully, in the past Netanyahu has said in Hebrew (which I understand) that everyone knows a Palestinian state would become a hotbed of Islamic terror, and therefore a Palestinian state would not arise under his watch.
OMG Nutandyahoo is a hoot. He has been a lying sack of shit his whole life.

For hundreds of years there was peace in Palestine. Generation after generation of Muslims, Christians, and Jews living together.

Then the Zionists came and there has been death and destruction ever since. Look at the wars. Israel and Palestine. Israel and Lebanon. Israel and Syria. Israel and Jordan. Israel and Egypt.

You don't need a PhD to detect a common denominator here.

And the history books say that you are lying as there has never been peace in the area and non muslims were subject to dhimmi laws and the jizya tax.

Yes do look at these wars, everyone instigated by islamonazi violence because the Jews refused to be ruled by islam any more. The muslims lost a ready supply of money and food so decided to attack the Jews and ended up getting the crap beat out of them every time.

And you will never get a PhD being so illiterate, just read the many charters of the islamic groups attacking Israel and see who is instigating the violence. Your own peoples words put you on the spot
It is you who needs to read up. The Ottoman Empire eliminated dhimmi laws and the jizya tax some time before its demise and the Palestinians did not want any religious designation. It was the Mandate and the Zionists who wanted to divide people by religion.

DID THEY then you will have no problem producing a LINK that says this. As the arab muslims from the area were still enforcing them right up until 1948 when Israel declared independence. These laws have been in place in the ottoman empire for all of its existence, and are still in place today in gaza
Sure then Abbas would answer in Hebrew I guess and problem solved.
Never let yourself be challenged by simple facts right?

Abbas speaks english

Pity Nutandyahoo doesn't speak Arabic, then. If this was a serious attempt, he wouldn't be granstanding on television.

And when was the last serious attempt at peace starting from a blank sheet from the palestinians ?
Israel has too many preconditions.

Israel has no preconditions they always start from a blank sheet, which the muslims dont like as they have to start all over again with their demands. As soon as they make a demand Israel now counters with one of their own.

You find me a link from an unbiased source showing the pre conditions placed by Israel on any peace talks ?

country, any country does not want terrorist attacking them.
before any negotiations there is usually a truce.
Teaching hate rather that living by their religion of peace is reasonable.

Palestinians should want peace, and an agreement to coexistence.

stop the lies
This is what palestinians want

>>Fighting Back

Palestinian women have also participated in the resistance. As the conflict grew more intense and young men were recruited to carry out military operations against Israeli targets, several young women also decided to join the ranks of the resistance movement. In January 2002, 28-year-old nurse Wafa Idrees, detonated a bomb in Jerusalem’s Jaffa Street, killing one Israeli and injuring 150 others. She was also killed in the blast.

This marked the beginning of a string of Palestinian women dedicated to sacrificing their lives for the cause. Over the next two years, seven other women carried out similar operations, the most deadly of which was carried out by Hanadi Jaradat, a 29-year-old attorney from Jenin. Hanadi detonated explosives strapped to her body in a busy Haifa restaurant, killing 19 Israelis and injuring 50 others.

Checkpoint Trauma

However, what makes women even more vulnerable to oppressive Israeli measures is their special status as women and mothers. The over 250 military checkpoints set up throughout the West Bank affect all Palestinians across the board. Citizens are unable to travel freely from one city or town to another and often are forced to quit their jobs because they cannot reach their workplaces.

This includes women as well, who in many places no longer have free access to medical and health care, which is often only found in neighboring major cities. As a result of this Israeli isolation and closure policy, which not only includes the numerous checkpoints but also the Apartheid wall, several women have been barred access to hospitals after going into labor. According to a February 2004 fact sheet prepared by Palestine Monitor on children, 36 Palestinian women in labor were delayed at checkpoints and refused permission to reach medical facilities or for ambulances to reach them. At least 14 of these women gave birth at the checkpoint with eight of the births resulting in the death of the newborn infants.

Next Steps

As is the case with all Palestinians, the ultimate solution for the myriad of problems women face on a daily basis is the establishment of a viable, independent and sovereign state on their national soil. It is clear to both the Palestinians and much of the international community that it is virtually impossible for a people shackled by the chains of occupation to flourish individually and collectively. This concept was put into a recommendation by the United Nations Economic and Social Council in March 2005. Following is part of the council’s recommendations on assistance to Palestinian women:

  • Reaffirms that the Israeli occupation remains a major obstacle for Palestinian women with regard to their advancement, self-reliance and integration in the development and planning of their society;
  • Demands that Israel, the occupying power, comply fully with the provisions and principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Regulations annexed to the Hague Convention IV of 18 October 19078 and the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949, in order to protect the rights of Palestinian women and their families;
  • Calls upon Israel to facilitate the return of all refugees and displaced Palestinian women and children to their homes and properties, in compliance with the relevant United Nations resolutions.
Joharah Baker is a Writer for the Media and Information Programme at the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH). She could be contacted at [email protected]<<
This is what palestinians want

Exactly right. They want Zionist Israel to stop the brutal oppression of women and children and go back to the pre-1967 lines. Nutandyahoo, on the other hand wants a continuing conflict so he can carry on building his illegal colonies to make a Palestinian state impossible. he said so himself.


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