Ploys of the left to distort the truth


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
It's no secret to those who really pay attention. I notice the huge difference in terminology when the media is talking about a Dem vs a Repub. With Obama, they would ignore a dozen negative things and find at least one positive way to spin the story. With Trump, they focus on any negative, even if they have to invent one, and from the headline to the empty content, it's all designed to make him look like a failure. There are always different angles one can choose when covering any story. Used to be that the media just stated facts instead of trying to convince people to see things their way.

"The board of directors of the Santa Monica Symphony Orchestra and its conductor, Guido Lamell, invited Prager to guest conduct a symphony being performed for charity. Subsequently, four members of the orchestra published a letter asking their fellow musicians not to perform, claiming, “Dennis Prager is a right-wing radio host who promotes horribly bigoted positions.” While this was local news and hardly of national note the New York Times decided to write a piece on the controversy. Why?"

"Lesson No. 1: When the mainstream media write or say that a conservative “suggested” something that sounds outrageous, it usually means the conservative never actually said it. "

"Lesson No. 2: When used by the mainstream media, the words “divisive” or “contentious” simply mean “leftists disagree with.”

Both words were used in the New York Times piece. The writer wrote that my “political views are divisive” and that I’ve made “other contentious statements.”

But the only reason my views are “divisive” and “contentious” is the New York Times differs with them.
During the eight-year presidency of Barack Obama, did the New York Times once describe anything he did or said as “divisive” or “contentious” (including his pre-2012 opposition to the legalization of same-sex marriage)?"

"Lesson No. 3: Contrary evidence is omitted.

Despite all the Santa Monica musicians who supported my conducting; despite the musicians from other orchestras—including the Los Angeles Philharmonic—who asked to play when I conducted; and despite the orchestra’s conductor and board members who have followed my work for decades, not one quote in the entire article described me in a positive light.

Rather, the article is filled with quotes describing me in the worst possible way."

"Lesson No. 4: Subjects are covered in line with left-wing ideology.

The subject of the article could have easily (and more truthfully) been covered in a positive way, as something unifying and uplifting.

“Despite coming from different political worlds, a leading conservative and a very liberal city unite to make music together”—why wasn’t this the angle of the story?

Similarly, instead of its headline, “Santa Monica Symphony Roiled by Conservative Guest Conductor,” the Times could have used a headline and reported the very opposite: “Santa Monica Symphony Stands by Conservative Guest Conductor.”

That also would have conveyed more truth than the actual headline. But the difference between “roiled by” and “stands by” is the difference between a left-wing agenda and truth…"

Typical ploys of the left-wing media to distort the truth.
I like Pragers clips I have seen. Is this one being called a nazi too?
The Press hates Republicans and it is a cultural thing. The Left Wing loathes mainstream society, Christians, middle class white folks, patriots, Midwesterners, Southerners, Suburbanites, traditional families.....well basically just the average white person who lives between LA and NYC.
This has been a pet peeve of mine for a long time. A trick they use is to briefly quote Trump (or some other target) out of context, then slant and distort what he said in their own words. This gives the feel of a true quote when it really isn't. A while back there was an article about Pence's practice of not dining alone with a woman who was not his wife. I can't find it now, but the writer said something like, "the controversy caused last week when Pence talked about how he conducted himself when his wife was not around." The writer tried to make a perfectly admirable practice look seedy by misleading readers ignorant of the true facts. The writer was called on it repeatedly in the "comments." Trump was right. The Media is the enemy of the American people.
This has been a pet peeve of mine for a long time. A trick they use is to briefly quote Trump (or some other target) out of context, then slant and distort what he said in their own words. This gives the feel of a true quote when it really isn't. A while back there was an article about Pence's practice of not dining alone with a woman who was not his wife. I can't find it now, but the writer said something like, "the controversy caused last week when Pence talked about how he conducted himself when his wife was not around." The writer tried to make a perfectly admirable practice look seedy by misleading readers ignorant of the true facts. The writer was called on it repeatedly in the "comments." Trump was right. The Media is the enemy of the American people.
Give us an example
Obama could pardon people and the media made it sound like it was the right thing to do. The media is sympathetic to scumbags like deserter, Bergdahl, and they refuse to report on some people in a negative way.

The headline I saw earlier said that Trump pardoning Sheriff Joe would cause a 'constitutional crisis.' Really? As if pardoning anyone on the right would be unthinkable. The real funny part is how the left sometimes pretends that they actually give a damn about our constitution.
Prager has gall to talk about the lack of honesty shown by the Times article.

From the NYT article:
He has views that I find objectionable,” Mr. Lamell said in an interview on Saturday. “But this concert is not about that.

Mr. Lamell is the person who invited Prager to perform.

Santa Monica, like much of California, is overwhelmingly liberal. Last November, 80 percent of the city voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald J. Trump in the presidential election....

“I anticipated [the controversy],” Mr. Lamell said. “I think it’s perfectly reasonable. It’s perfectly fair. No one is ever forced in the symphony. It’s always voluntary. I expected it to happen. All I can say is that, ‘Yes, some people cannot separate their political views from their musical views.’” As far as ticket sales, Mr. Lamell said that more than half of the available tickets had already been sold and that he was “thrilled” with what he called an “enthusiastic response.”

Apparently, plenty of would-be attendees of the event don't give a damn about the nine orchestra members' refusal to perform with Prager conducting. It'd be quite a stretch to think that overwhelming majority of ticket buyers come from the 20% of Santa Monica that is conservative, but maybe they did. I wouldn't know.

Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded."

Well, he's right about that. It goes without saying what liberals' diehard opponents, conservatives, "by definition" are.....

Rightwinger, here is your example.

"Not all" of the people carrying torches and chanting at the white nationalist rally were bad, Trump contended, "and the press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

Republicans back away from Trump after his fiery defense of Virginia rally

The first two lines come from the above linked article at cnbc. Below are Trump's actual words from the transcript at vox, an approved far left website.

"Trump: All of those people -- i've condemned neo-Nazis. I've condemned many different groups. Not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, Robert E. Lee."

Trump was likely referring to historical preservationists.
Do you see anything in Trump's actual words about "people carrying torches and chanting at the white nationalist rally?" No, that was written to intentionally mislead by the cnbc author.

Trump said later:
"You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group too."

"There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., wrote in a tweet Tuesday.

Above McCain quote from the same cnbc article. Other Republican establishment snivelers also weighed in, either ignorantly or purposely misunderstanding Trump's very clear condemnation of both left and right violence.

If you interested in a surprisingly even-handed aggregation about who caused the violence, below is a link to an LA Times article.

Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say
Prager has gall to talk about the lack of honesty shown by the Times article.

From the NYT article:
He has views that I find objectionable,” Mr. Lamell said in an interview on Saturday. “But this concert is not about that.

Mr. Lamell is the person who invited Prager to perform.

Santa Monica, like much of California, is overwhelmingly liberal. Last November, 80 percent of the city voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald J. Trump in the presidential election....

“I anticipated [the controversy],” Mr. Lamell said. “I think it’s perfectly reasonable. It’s perfectly fair. No one is ever forced in the symphony. It’s always voluntary. I expected it to happen. All I can say is that, ‘Yes, some people cannot separate their political views from their musical views.’” As far as ticket sales, Mr. Lamell said that more than half of the available tickets had already been sold and that he was “thrilled” with what he called an “enthusiastic response.”

Apparently, plenty of would-be attendees of the event don't give a damn about the nine orchestra members' refusal to perform with Prager conducting. It'd be quite a stretch to think that overwhelming majority of ticket buyers come from the 20% of Santa Monica that is conservative, but maybe they did. I wouldn't know.

Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded."

Well, he's right about that. It goes without saying what liberals' diehard opponents, conservatives, "by definition" are.....

Mr. Prager is certainly gracious toward Mr. Lamell and the board for standing by him — and he said as much with the slight hint of a shot at his critics.

“They are true liberals,” Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded. And they really care about helping their orchestra.”

Santa Monica Symphony Roiled by Conservative Guest Conductor

It's clear in the article that Prager is talking about Lamell and the board, not the disappearing instrumentalists. And he is absolutely right. They were open-minded enough to invite him despite political or philosophic differences. As an atheist, I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.
Prager has gall to talk about the lack of honesty shown by the Times article.

From the NYT article:
He has views that I find objectionable,” Mr. Lamell said in an interview on Saturday. “But this concert is not about that.

Mr. Lamell is the person who invited Prager to perform.

Santa Monica, like much of California, is overwhelmingly liberal. Last November, 80 percent of the city voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald J. Trump in the presidential election....

“I anticipated [the controversy],” Mr. Lamell said. “I think it’s perfectly reasonable. It’s perfectly fair. No one is ever forced in the symphony. It’s always voluntary. I expected it to happen. All I can say is that, ‘Yes, some people cannot separate their political views from their musical views.’” As far as ticket sales, Mr. Lamell said that more than half of the available tickets had already been sold and that he was “thrilled” with what he called an “enthusiastic response.”

Apparently, plenty of would-be attendees of the event don't give a damn about the nine orchestra members' refusal to perform with Prager conducting. It'd be quite a stretch to think that overwhelming majority of ticket buyers come from the 20% of Santa Monica that is conservative, but maybe they did. I wouldn't know.

Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded."

Well, he's right about that. It goes without saying what liberals' diehard opponents, conservatives, "by definition" are.....

Mr. Prager is certainly gracious toward Mr. Lamell and the board for standing by him — and he said as much with the slight hint of a shot at his critics.

“They are true liberals,” Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded. And they really care about helping their orchestra.”

Santa Monica Symphony Roiled by Conservative Guest Conductor

It's clear in the article that Prager is talking about Lamell and the board, not the disappearing instrumentalists. And he is absolutely right. They were open-minded enough to invite him despite political or philosophic differences. As an atheist, I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.
The documentation, please.

I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.

Does the following attribute describe a greater or lesser degree of open-mindedness?
  • More interested in listening to opposing points of view
Prager has gall to talk about the lack of honesty shown by the Times article.

From the NYT article:
He has views that I find objectionable,” Mr. Lamell said in an interview on Saturday. “But this concert is not about that.

Mr. Lamell is the person who invited Prager to perform.

Santa Monica, like much of California, is overwhelmingly liberal. Last November, 80 percent of the city voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald J. Trump in the presidential election....

“I anticipated [the controversy],” Mr. Lamell said. “I think it’s perfectly reasonable. It’s perfectly fair. No one is ever forced in the symphony. It’s always voluntary. I expected it to happen. All I can say is that, ‘Yes, some people cannot separate their political views from their musical views.’” As far as ticket sales, Mr. Lamell said that more than half of the available tickets had already been sold and that he was “thrilled” with what he called an “enthusiastic response.”

Apparently, plenty of would-be attendees of the event don't give a damn about the nine orchestra members' refusal to perform with Prager conducting. It'd be quite a stretch to think that overwhelming majority of ticket buyers come from the 20% of Santa Monica that is conservative, but maybe they did. I wouldn't know.

Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded."

Well, he's right about that. It goes without saying what liberals' diehard opponents, conservatives, "by definition" are.....

Mr. Prager is certainly gracious toward Mr. Lamell and the board for standing by him — and he said as much with the slight hint of a shot at his critics.

“They are true liberals,” Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded. And they really care about helping their orchestra.”

Santa Monica Symphony Roiled by Conservative Guest Conductor

It's clear in the article that Prager is talking about Lamell and the board, not the disappearing instrumentalists. And he is absolutely right. They were open-minded enough to invite him despite political or philosophic differences. As an atheist, I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.
The documentation, please.

I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.

Does the following attribute describe a greater or lesser degree of open-mindedness?
  • More interested in listening to opposing points of view

Is this a trick question? Is the punchline a dictionary definition? Well, on the surface of it, I would say yes, it implies more interest in listening to opposing points of view. Now what?
Prager has gall to talk about the lack of honesty shown by the Times article.

From the NYT article:
He has views that I find objectionable,” Mr. Lamell said in an interview on Saturday. “But this concert is not about that.

Mr. Lamell is the person who invited Prager to perform.

Santa Monica, like much of California, is overwhelmingly liberal. Last November, 80 percent of the city voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald J. Trump in the presidential election....

“I anticipated [the controversy],” Mr. Lamell said. “I think it’s perfectly reasonable. It’s perfectly fair. No one is ever forced in the symphony. It’s always voluntary. I expected it to happen. All I can say is that, ‘Yes, some people cannot separate their political views from their musical views.’” As far as ticket sales, Mr. Lamell said that more than half of the available tickets had already been sold and that he was “thrilled” with what he called an “enthusiastic response.”

Apparently, plenty of would-be attendees of the event don't give a damn about the nine orchestra members' refusal to perform with Prager conducting. It'd be quite a stretch to think that overwhelming majority of ticket buyers come from the 20% of Santa Monica that is conservative, but maybe they did. I wouldn't know.

Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded."

Well, he's right about that. It goes without saying what liberals' diehard opponents, conservatives, "by definition" are.....

Mr. Prager is certainly gracious toward Mr. Lamell and the board for standing by him — and he said as much with the slight hint of a shot at his critics.

“They are true liberals,” Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded. And they really care about helping their orchestra.”

Santa Monica Symphony Roiled by Conservative Guest Conductor

It's clear in the article that Prager is talking about Lamell and the board, not the disappearing instrumentalists. And he is absolutely right. They were open-minded enough to invite him despite political or philosophic differences. As an atheist, I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.
The documentation, please.

I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.

Does the following attribute describe a greater or lesser degree of open-mindedness?
  • More interested in listening to opposing points of view

Is this a trick question? Is the punchline a dictionary definition? Well, on the surface of it, I would say yes, it implies more interest in listening to opposing points of view. Now what?
Is this a trick question?

No. I asked it because I want to learn whether, broadly speaking, you and I have a comparable view/sense of what it means to be open-minded.
Prager has gall to talk about the lack of honesty shown by the Times article.

From the NYT article:
He has views that I find objectionable,” Mr. Lamell said in an interview on Saturday. “But this concert is not about that.

Mr. Lamell is the person who invited Prager to perform.

Santa Monica, like much of California, is overwhelmingly liberal. Last November, 80 percent of the city voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald J. Trump in the presidential election....

“I anticipated [the controversy],” Mr. Lamell said. “I think it’s perfectly reasonable. It’s perfectly fair. No one is ever forced in the symphony. It’s always voluntary. I expected it to happen. All I can say is that, ‘Yes, some people cannot separate their political views from their musical views.’” As far as ticket sales, Mr. Lamell said that more than half of the available tickets had already been sold and that he was “thrilled” with what he called an “enthusiastic response.”

Apparently, plenty of would-be attendees of the event don't give a damn about the nine orchestra members' refusal to perform with Prager conducting. It'd be quite a stretch to think that overwhelming majority of ticket buyers come from the 20% of Santa Monica that is conservative, but maybe they did. I wouldn't know.

Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded."

Well, he's right about that. It goes without saying what liberals' diehard opponents, conservatives, "by definition" are.....

Mr. Prager is certainly gracious toward Mr. Lamell and the board for standing by him — and he said as much with the slight hint of a shot at his critics.

“They are true liberals,” Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded. And they really care about helping their orchestra.”

Santa Monica Symphony Roiled by Conservative Guest Conductor

It's clear in the article that Prager is talking about Lamell and the board, not the disappearing instrumentalists. And he is absolutely right. They were open-minded enough to invite him despite political or philosophic differences. As an atheist, I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.
The documentation, please.

I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.

Does the following attribute describe a greater or lesser degree of open-mindedness?
  • More interested in listening to opposing points of view

Is this a trick question? Is the punchline a dictionary definition? Well, on the surface of it, I would say yes, it implies more interest in listening to opposing points of view. Now what?
Is this a trick question?

No. I asked it because I want to learn whether, broadly speaking, you and I have a comparable view/sense of what it means to be open-minded.

OK, I'll buy that.
Prager has gall to talk about the lack of honesty shown by the Times article.

From the NYT article:

Mr. Lamell is the person who invited Prager to perform.

Apparently, plenty of would-be attendees of the event don't give a damn about the nine orchestra members' refusal to perform with Prager conducting. It'd be quite a stretch to think that overwhelming majority of ticket buyers come from the 20% of Santa Monica that is conservative, but maybe they did. I wouldn't know.

Well, he's right about that. It goes without saying what liberals' diehard opponents, conservatives, "by definition" are.....

Mr. Prager is certainly gracious toward Mr. Lamell and the board for standing by him — and he said as much with the slight hint of a shot at his critics.

“They are true liberals,” Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded. And they really care about helping their orchestra.”

Santa Monica Symphony Roiled by Conservative Guest Conductor

It's clear in the article that Prager is talking about Lamell and the board, not the disappearing instrumentalists. And he is absolutely right. They were open-minded enough to invite him despite political or philosophic differences. As an atheist, I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.
The documentation, please.

I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.

Does the following attribute describe a greater or lesser degree of open-mindedness?
  • More interested in listening to opposing points of view

Is this a trick question? Is the punchline a dictionary definition? Well, on the surface of it, I would say yes, it implies more interest in listening to opposing points of view. Now what?
Is this a trick question?

No. I asked it because I want to learn whether, broadly speaking, you and I have a comparable view/sense of what it means to be open-minded.

OK, I'll buy that.
I'm sorry. Is that your response to the question or is that merely your response to my statement explaining that it wasn't a trick question? I presume it's the latter as it's not really a fitting/clear answer to the question.
Looks like a mix-up, Xelor. I was responding to your statement that your question was to find if the two of us had roughly the same view of the phrase "open minded." Earlier, in response to your question, I said that being open-minded implies a willingness to listen to opposing points of view. Did you ask another question that I missed?
Looks like a mix-up, Xelor. I was responding to your statement that your question was to find if the two of us had roughly the same view of the phrase "open minded." Earlier, in response to your question, I said that being open-minded implies a willingness to listen to opposing points of view. Did you ask another question that I missed?
Earlier, in response to your question, I said that being open-minded implies a willingness to listen to opposing points of view.

Sorry. Yes, you did write that. My bad. I was truly focused on the "is that a trick question" part of that post. I was so dumbfounded by your asking that of such a straightforward question.
Prager has gall to talk about the lack of honesty shown by the Times article.

From the NYT article:
He has views that I find objectionable,” Mr. Lamell said in an interview on Saturday. “But this concert is not about that.

Mr. Lamell is the person who invited Prager to perform.

Santa Monica, like much of California, is overwhelmingly liberal. Last November, 80 percent of the city voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald J. Trump in the presidential election....

“I anticipated [the controversy],” Mr. Lamell said. “I think it’s perfectly reasonable. It’s perfectly fair. No one is ever forced in the symphony. It’s always voluntary. I expected it to happen. All I can say is that, ‘Yes, some people cannot separate their political views from their musical views.’” As far as ticket sales, Mr. Lamell said that more than half of the available tickets had already been sold and that he was “thrilled” with what he called an “enthusiastic response.”

Apparently, plenty of would-be attendees of the event don't give a damn about the nine orchestra members' refusal to perform with Prager conducting. It'd be quite a stretch to think that overwhelming majority of ticket buyers come from the 20% of Santa Monica that is conservative, but maybe they did. I wouldn't know.

Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded."

Well, he's right about that. It goes without saying what liberals' diehard opponents, conservatives, "by definition" are.....

Mr. Prager is certainly gracious toward Mr. Lamell and the board for standing by him — and he said as much with the slight hint of a shot at his critics.

“They are true liberals,” Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded. And they really care about helping their orchestra.”

Santa Monica Symphony Roiled by Conservative Guest Conductor

It's clear in the article that Prager is talking about Lamell and the board, not the disappearing instrumentalists. And he is absolutely right. They were open-minded enough to invite him despite political or philosophic differences. As an atheist, I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.
The documentation, please.

I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.

Does the following attribute describe a greater or lesser degree of open-mindedness?
  • More interested in listening to opposing points of view

Is this a trick question? Is the punchline a dictionary definition? Well, on the surface of it, I would say yes, it implies more interest in listening to opposing points of view. Now what?
Is this a trick question?

No. I asked it because I want to learn whether, broadly speaking, you and I have a comparable view/sense of what it means to be open-minded.
Prager has gall to talk about the lack of honesty shown by the Times article.

From the NYT article:
He has views that I find objectionable,” Mr. Lamell said in an interview on Saturday. “But this concert is not about that.

Mr. Lamell is the person who invited Prager to perform.

Santa Monica, like much of California, is overwhelmingly liberal. Last November, 80 percent of the city voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald J. Trump in the presidential election....

“I anticipated [the controversy],” Mr. Lamell said. “I think it’s perfectly reasonable. It’s perfectly fair. No one is ever forced in the symphony. It’s always voluntary. I expected it to happen. All I can say is that, ‘Yes, some people cannot separate their political views from their musical views.’” As far as ticket sales, Mr. Lamell said that more than half of the available tickets had already been sold and that he was “thrilled” with what he called an “enthusiastic response.”

Apparently, plenty of would-be attendees of the event don't give a damn about the nine orchestra members' refusal to perform with Prager conducting. It'd be quite a stretch to think that overwhelming majority of ticket buyers come from the 20% of Santa Monica that is conservative, but maybe they did. I wouldn't know.

Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded."

Well, he's right about that. It goes without saying what liberals' diehard opponents, conservatives, "by definition" are.....

Mr. Prager is certainly gracious toward Mr. Lamell and the board for standing by him — and he said as much with the slight hint of a shot at his critics.

“They are true liberals,” Mr. Prager said. “Liberals, by definition, are open-minded. And they really care about helping their orchestra.”

Santa Monica Symphony Roiled by Conservative Guest Conductor

It's clear in the article that Prager is talking about Lamell and the board, not the disappearing instrumentalists. And he is absolutely right. They were open-minded enough to invite him despite political or philosophic differences. As an atheist, I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.
The documentation, please.

I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.

Does the following attribute describe a greater or lesser degree of open-mindedness?
  • More interested in listening to opposing points of view

Is this a trick question? Is the punchline a dictionary definition? Well, on the surface of it, I would say yes, it implies more interest in listening to opposing points of view. Now what?
on the surface of it, I would say yes, it implies more interest in listening to opposing points of view. Now what?

So, now, when you get a moment, read the attached document, "Self-Segregation or Deliberation? Blog Readership, Participation, and Polarization in American Politics." After doing so, think about what the findings in that paper, absent your or someone's demonstratively sound and material methodological failings in it, indicate is quite likely so about the derivative value of following anecdotal statement:

I find my conservative religious friends far more open-minded than most liberals.


  • blogpaper.pdf
    304.9 KB · Views: 42
Looks like a mix-up, Xelor. I was responding to your statement that your question was to find if the two of us had roughly the same view of the phrase "open minded." Earlier, in response to your question, I said that being open-minded implies a willingness to listen to opposing points of view. Did you ask another question that I missed?
Earlier, in response to your question, I said that being open-minded implies a willingness to listen to opposing points of view.

Sorry. Yes, you did write that. My bad. I was truly focused on the "is that a trick question" part of that post. I was so dumbfounded by your asking that of such a straightforward question.

Your question was a setup, and I knew there was more coming. And there it finally was, when you want me to evaluate myself by reading the study on blogs. I have downloaded it, and I'll read it and get back to you.

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