Playing the Glacial Fraud Game. This is surreal.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This link to Real Science just nails the global warming fraudsters. They start with a 1940 photo of a glacier, and then to a 2004 photo but skip a 1950 photo that shows most of the melt occurred in the 40's.

And don't show the map that shows 2/3 of the melt occured before 1880.

Here's the link:

Playing The Glacial Fraud Game | Real Science
This link to Real Science just nails the global warming fraudsters. They start with a 1940 photo of a glacier, and then to a 2004 photo but skip a 1950 photo that shows most of the melt occurred in the 40's.

And don't show the map that shows 2/3 of the melt occured before 1880.

Here's the link:

Playing The Glacial Fraud Game | Real Science

Interesting. The more you read about the global warming cult, the more convinced you become that they are little more than an organized con.




and finally 2004


and just for good measure here is a map of the area showing where the glaciers were going back in time.


it doesnt appear as if very much of the total melting has been recent.
the pictures are of Riggs Glacier, from upper right area of map
from the map it seems as if most of the Western Arm melted between 1860-1879. must have been pretty hot then, huh?




and finally 2004


and just for good measure here is a map of the area showing where the glaciers were going back in time.


it doesnt appear as if very much of the total melting has been recent.

I guess this is a case of seeing what you want to see.

Look at the 1940 picture. See mountain in the distance on the left. Now look at the 1950 photo. See the lighter line just above the ice. That is where the ice was in the 1940 picture. Now look at that same line in the 2004 picture. A lot of ice had to melt to create the depth of that line.

In the middle, the mountain most distant, there is a near horizontal line above the ice. When you compare the pictures you can see the amount the ice has melted back.

Of course, if you deny what your eyes are telling you, you will see nothing. And that seems to be the case for you fellows. Glaciologists from all over the world have been detailing the retreat of the glaciars for over one hundred years. A retreat that is accelerating.

Global glacier retreat
The cult of Gorbal Warming is a subsidiary of the Environmental Movement, just like the Baptist church is a subsidiary of Christianity. Both cults are founded on their "faith" in the word of their chosen messiahs.

The deniers are the ones basing their opinions on the "faith" that despite the known properties of GHGs and their rise over the last 200 years, we can't possibly be having an effect on something as large as earth. I don't adhere to Messiahs myself, preferring the logic of A causes B, A is increasing, therefore B will increase. :cool:
Ice comes and goes. Glaciation, and the recession of glaciers are part of a larger cycle. But of course, a being capable of creating any number of gods in their own image would be arrogant enough to think their feeble lives would naturally have some significant effect on their environment.


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Smacks of Al Gore using digitally created images from a MOVIE, and treating the images as authentic in his global warming documentary.

The global warming/climate change hucksters are EXPOSED AGAIN! I wonder what the next "snake oil salesman" will bring to town.
So.........let me ask the true believers................

Assumming we should be in panic mode..........what should we do????????????????:eusa_think::eusa_think::eusa_doh::dunno:

Please answer the question..............or basically, every single one of your posts are nothing but a data dump for science hobbyists.

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Ice comes and goes. Glaciation, and the recession of glaciers are part of a larger cycle. But of course, a being capable of creating any number of gods in their own image would be arrogant enough to think their feeble lives would naturally have some significant effect on their environment.

Glaciers come in cycles? REALLY?!?! What would we do without you? Trouble is, that's not the topic. We're not talking about things that happened over tens of thousands to millions of years. We're talking about what's happened over the last two hundred. Your comment is worthless, as it completely ignores the time aspect. Nevermind, the cutesy "religion" aspect! Grow up, man. That tack puts you in the joke category. :cool:
Ice comes and goes. Glaciation, and the recession of glaciers are part of a larger cycle. But of course, a being capable of creating any number of gods in their own image would be arrogant enough to think their feeble lives would naturally have some significant effect on their environment.

Glaciers come in cycles? REALLY?!?! What would we do without you? Trouble is, that's not the topic. We're not talking about things that happened over tens of thousands to millions of years. We're talking about what's happened over the last two hundred. Your comment is worthless, as it completely ignores the time aspect. Nevermind, the cutesy "religion" aspect! Grow up, man. That tack puts you in the joke category. :cool:

It IS the topic. How can you ignore the FACT that glaciers have been melting at a steady pace since the last ice age and expect us to be paniced that glaciers have been melting in the last 100 years?

Are ice glaciers magically supposed to stop melting during this time even though we are thousands of years past the last ice age and our planet is supposed to be warming up? :cuckoo:




and finally 2004


and just for good measure here is a map of the area showing where the glaciers were going back in time.


it doesnt appear as if very much of the total melting has been recent.

I guess this is a case of seeing what you want to see.

Look at the 1940 picture. See mountain in the distance on the left. Now look at the 1950 photo. See the lighter line just above the ice. That is where the ice was in the 1940 picture. Now look at that same line in the 2004 picture. A lot of ice had to melt to create the depth of that line.

In the middle, the mountain most distant, there is a near horizontal line above the ice. When you compare the pictures you can see the amount the ice has melted back.

Of course, if you deny what your eyes are telling you, you will see nothing. And that seems to be the case for you fellows. Glaciologists from all over the world have been detailing the retreat of the glaciars for over one hundred years. A retreat that is accelerating.

Global glacier retreat

I dont seem to be able to comprehend your point Old Rocks. the glaciers have been retreating since the end of the LIA and would still be retreating without the added temperature of unknown quantity from CO2. are you saying that we are doomed because of retreating glaciers, or that we are doomed because of the extra melting? the glaciers would still be retreating in either case.

sometimes it seems that you are blaming the retreat on CO2, and that the simple fact that glaciers are retreating is somehow proof that CO2 is warming the planet. that seem like circular reasoning to me.
LOL...........I rest.:eusa_dance:

The environmental nutters NEVER think they have to answer any questions by those not steeped in the religion.

Which is why they are losing in spectacular fashion.
Ice comes and goes. Glaciation, and the recession of glaciers are part of a larger cycle. But of course, a being capable of creating any number of gods in their own image would be arrogant enough to think their feeble lives would naturally have some significant effect on their environment.

Glaciers come in cycles? REALLY?!?! What would we do without you? Trouble is, that's not the topic. We're not talking about things that happened over tens of thousands to millions of years. We're talking about what's happened over the last two hundred. Your comment is worthless, as it completely ignores the time aspect. Nevermind, the cutesy "religion" aspect! Grow up, man. That tack puts you in the joke category. :cool:

It IS the topic. How can you ignore the FACT that glaciers have been melting at a steady pace since the last ice age and expect us to be paniced that glaciers have been melting in the last 100 years?

Are ice glaciers magically supposed to stop melting during this time even though we are thousands of years past the last ice age and our planet is supposed to be warming up? :cuckoo:

Man, you are full of shit clear up to your brown eyes. Glaciers have extended and retreated numerous times since the last ice age. It is the rate, and acceleration of that rate that puts the present retreat outside the norm. They have not melted at a steady rate since the last ice age at all.

When Glacier National Park was created, there were more than 150 glaciers in that area. Today, there are only 23 left. And some of those are but small patchs of ice, doomed to disappear before 2030.

Also, the ice caps of Greenland and Antarctica are melting, at a rate that will have definate consequences before 2050.




and finally 2004


and just for good measure here is a map of the area showing where the glaciers were going back in time.


it doesnt appear as if very much of the total melting has been recent.

I guess this is a case of seeing what you want to see.

Look at the 1940 picture. See mountain in the distance on the left. Now look at the 1950 photo. See the lighter line just above the ice. That is where the ice was in the 1940 picture. Now look at that same line in the 2004 picture. A lot of ice had to melt to create the depth of that line.

In the middle, the mountain most distant, there is a near horizontal line above the ice. When you compare the pictures you can see the amount the ice has melted back.

Of course, if you deny what your eyes are telling you, you will see nothing. And that seems to be the case for you fellows. Glaciologists from all over the world have been detailing the retreat of the glaciars for over one hundred years. A retreat that is accelerating.

Global glacier retreat

I dont seem to be able to comprehend your point Old Rocks. the glaciers have been retreating since the end of the LIA and would still be retreating without the added temperature of unknown quantity from CO2. are you saying that we are doomed because of retreating glaciers, or that we are doomed because of the extra melting? the glaciers would still be retreating in either case.

sometimes it seems that you are blaming the retreat on CO2, and that the simple fact that glaciers are retreating is somehow proof that CO2 is warming the planet. that seem like circular reasoning to me.

Were we at 280 ppm of CO2, given the low TSI, the glaciers would have extended for the last 50 years. A decline in TSI while at the same level of GHGs results in a period like the LIA. Instead, we have seen a steady increase in global temperature decade by decade. And an accelerating rate of recession for most of the world's glaciers.

RAOnline Nepal: Nepal's Glaciers - Decline of world's glaciers expected to have global impacts over this century

The research is part of an international effort by glaciologists, coordinated by the USGS, which uses NASA satellite imagery to map and assess glaciers throughout the world during the middle to latter part of the melt season when permanent ice is exposed.

Current glacier satellite images are being compared with topographical maps and other records of glaciers from the 20th century. The project, called the Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS), includes more than 100 collaborators in 23 countries.

"Glaciers in most areas of the world are known to be receding," said Kargel, who is also the international coordinator for GLIMS. "But glaciers in the Himalaya are wasting at alarming and accelerating rates, as indicated by comparisons of satellite and historic data, and as shown by the widespread, rapid growth of lakes on the glacier surfaces."
Were we at 280 ppm of CO2, given the low TSI, the glaciers would have extended for the last 50 years. A decline in TSI while at the same level of GHGs results in a period like the LIA. Instead, we have seen a steady increase in global temperature decade by decade. And an accelerating rate of recession for most of the world's glaciers.

really Old Rocks???? we would be in another LIA? I havent heard that one. so the glaciers melted normally until 1961 but then CO2 stopped us from going into another LIA. I dont think you have reasoned things out very rationally.




and finally 2004


and just for good measure here is a map of the area showing where the glaciers were going back in time.


it doesnt appear as if very much of the total melting has been recent.

I guess this is a case of seeing what you want to see.

Look at the 1940 picture. See mountain in the distance on the left. Now look at the 1950 photo. See the lighter line just above the ice. That is where the ice was in the 1940 picture. Now look at that same line in the 2004 picture. A lot of ice had to melt to create the depth of that line.

In the middle, the mountain most distant, there is a near horizontal line above the ice. When you compare the pictures you can see the amount the ice has melted back.

Of course, if you deny what your eyes are telling you, you will see nothing. And that seems to be the case for you fellows. Glaciologists from all over the world have been detailing the retreat of the glaciars for over one hundred years. A retreat that is accelerating.

Global glacier retreat

So the 98% of the glacier that melted BEFORE 1940 means nothing to your eyes.

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