Planned Parenthood - Turn of Events - KARMA!


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
This is too funny. The two members of the anti-abortion group who created the much-embellished video accusing Planned Parenthood of selling baby parts, causing Republican/conservatives to go rabid, enciting some looney tunes (Robert L. Dear) to go on a shooting spree at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility killing 3 people and wounding 9 others have been indicted for their roles in creating now-viral videos attacking Planned Parenthood.

These two broke the law....(something that conservatives don't have any sympathy for) - so let's see if conservatives will demand that these two get what they have coming.

I believe that Carly Fiborina should be indicted also.......she went on National TV and created an image that wasn't even on the doctored video which I'm sure must have had some part in inciting such anger as to cause someone to go on a shooting spree.

Our illustrious leaders in Texas (Abbot and Patrick) who were so sure they were going to do Planned Parenthood in once and for all, now have egg on their face. All the Republican Presidential candidates that elaborated on it should apologize to Planned Parenthood.

An investigation into Planned Parenthood took a bizarre twist on Monday after a grand jury brought charges against the pair of individuals claiming to expose the group instead.

A grand jury in Houston, Texas announced criminal charges against a pair of anti-abortion activists, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, for their roles in creating now-viral videos attacking Planned Parenthood, according to multiple local reports.

Instead, Daleiden was indicted for “prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs.” He and Merritt were both indicted for “tampering with a governmental record.”

"It is an affirming day for Planned Parenthood," Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast spokeswoman Rochelle Tafolla said, according to the Houston Chronicle. "We feel vindicated."

Planned Parenthood has repeatedly accused Daleiden of breaking the law to create his videos, including falsifying government IDs to enter restricted areas like conferences for abortion providers.

Creator of Planned Parenthood videos indicted in Texas
"It is an affirming day for Planned Parenthood," Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast spokeswoman Rochelle Tafolla said, according to the Houston Chronicle. "We feel vindicated."


And those hostile to privacy rights who lied about Planned Parenthood with the falsified videos have only themselves to blame.
Can't ignore that fact that PP president apologized for charging for baby parts and said they won't do it anymore. Whatever, President Cruz is going to defund that murderous Nazi organization on day one.

Oh and for the indictment, that is going nowhere. Democrats need to read the words of the 1st Amendment and the freedoms it allows journalists.
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Yep, and Linda Tripp broke the law recording Monica...but that didn't change what Clinton did, then lied under oath about, and Hillary helped try to cover up.

So what was your point again? That in some states it is illegal to record someone without their permission, even in public spaces? Stupid law. If you say it out loud in a public place, it should be subject to recording as documented proof that it was said.
Can't ignore that fact that PP president apologized for charging for baby parts and said they won't do it anymore. Whatever, President Cruz is going to defund that murderous Nazi organization on day one.

Oh and for the indictment, that is going nowhere. Democrats need to read the words of the 1st Amendment and the freedoms it allows journalists.

Funny how you twist the truth.....they charged.....just like other doctors charge for the handling of the body parts, nobody does anything for free. Conservatives themselves claim they don't like "free stuff". I bet there are many conservatives walking around with other people's body parts and they don't seem to mind that someone had to die in order for them to get the parts. What these two did was criminal....and they should be punished. The First Amendment doesn't give anyone permission to libel or to make and use fake IDs.

And Cruz isn't going to be President.....the majority of Republicans don't even like him. Just because he weaseled a win in Iowa doesn't mean the entire nation is enamored with his crooked and devious manner.
Teacher say's, "every time a baby is aborted a Dimocrat get's his pitch fork".

Does the teacher also say "every time a Republican threatens to end Obamacare, Welfare and Snap regardless of how many babies die, a Repugnant gets his Angel Wings"?

Repugnants act so pious toward saving fetuses but don't give a crap about real people......fact!
Apparently the anti-abortion activists violated the law with fake drivers licenses. Nowhere does it allege that they embellished the video. PP even acknowledged that they occasionally sold butchered human body parts. It ain't about karma. It's about a corrupt administration flaunting it's power over civilians who would dare to investigate the activities of a protected political base. Hillary's husband acted in a similar way using agents of the government to frighten the women he molested into keeping silent. Corrupt administrations get away with this stuff when the media becomes the propaganda arm of the government.
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Apparently the anti-abortion activists violated the law with fake drivers licenses. Nowhere does it allege that they embellished the video. PP even acknowledged that they were selling butchered human body parts.

It's a known fact that they used a "stillborn" and made it appear to be an abortion. I'm not surprised that you don't know about it, most conservatives are good to pass out misinformation because they are woefully uninformed.

Mother of stillborn child shares story

And nowhere did PP admit they were selling "butchered" human body parts. It is not an uncommon practice to take body parts of people that are dying and use them on someone who needs them to live. I can't believe conservatives are that ignorant.

In immunology, organ harvesting is a surgical procedure that removes organs or tissues for reuse, such as in organ transplantation.[1] It is mired in ethical debate and heavily regulated, but has largely become an accepted medical practice.
Can't ignore that fact that PP president apologized for charging for baby parts and said they won't do it anymore. Whatever, President Cruz is going to defund that murderous Nazi organization on day one.

Oh and for the indictment, that is going nowhere. Democrats need to read the words of the 1st Amendment and the freedoms it allows journalists.
Teacher say's, "every time a baby is aborted a Dimocrat get's his pitch fork".

Does the teacher also say "every time a Republican threatens to end Obamacare, Welfare and Snap regardless of how many babies die, a Repugnant gets his Angel Wings"?

Repugnants act so pious toward saving fetuses but don't give a crap about real people......fact!
Since the fact that we still need planned parenthood. Proves that obamacare is a failure, everybody should have insurance. Proves liberalism is a mental disease.
Teacher say's, "every time a baby is aborted a Dimocrat get's his pitch fork".

Does the teacher also say "every time a Republican threatens to end Obamacare, Welfare and Snap regardless of how many babies die, a Repugnant gets his Angel Wings"?

Repugnants act so pious toward saving fetuses but don't give a crap about real people......fact!
Since the fact that we still need planned parenthood. Proves that obamacare is a failure, everybody should have insurance. Proves liberalism is a mental disease.
What is your suggestion for better health care?
Teacher say's, "every time a baby is aborted a Dimocrat get's his pitch fork".

Does the teacher also say "every time a Republican threatens to end Obamacare, Welfare and Snap regardless of how many babies die, a Repugnant gets his Angel Wings"?

Repugnants act so pious toward saving fetuses but don't give a crap about real people......fact!
Since the fact that we still need planned parenthood. Proves that obamacare is a failure, everybody should have insurance. Proves liberalism is a mental disease.
What is your suggestion for better health care?
Obama took care of it right? That's what we were told. So there is no need for planned parenthood. Unless obamacare is a failure. So tell me, is it?
"This is too funny."

Actually it's extremely sad.

There are those on the right so hostile to privacy rights, who so want to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty, that they're willing to contrive and propagate lies about Planned Parenthood, falsify videos in support of those lies, and violate the law in an effort to influence public policy and the law in a manner where government might be able to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

The social right is in fact the bane of the American Nation.
Apparently the anti-abortion activists violated the law with fake drivers licenses. Nowhere does it allege that they embellished the video. PP even acknowledged that they occasionally sold butchered human body parts. It ain't about karma. It's about a corrupt administration flaunting it's power over civilians who would dare to investigate the activities of a protected political base. Hillary's husband acted in a similar way using agents of the government to frighten the women he molested into keeping silent. Corrupt administrations get away with this stuff when the media becomes the propaganda arm of the government.

Isnt it funny how Mertex is too stupid to understand the difference between Karma and Democrat corruption?
Teacher say's, "every time a baby is aborted a Dimocrat get's his pitch fork".

Does the teacher also say "every time a Republican threatens to end Obamacare, Welfare and Snap regardless of how many babies die, a Repugnant gets his Angel Wings"?

Repugnants act so pious toward saving fetuses but don't give a crap about real people......fact!
Since the fact that we still need planned parenthood. Proves that obamacare is a failure, everybody should have insurance. Proves liberalism is a mental disease.

Keep saying that to yourself and eventually you will believe it, too. What we had before Obamacare was a failure. Your leaders and wrong-wing wannabe Presidents keep claiming they are going to repeal Obamacare...but they never say what they are going to replace it with. Millions have already signed up and are pretty well satisfied with it. The morons of the wrong-wing would cut their nose to spite their face....they would be glad to have their healthcare taken away and replaced with nothing. They would rather go back to higher premiums and shit care and the insurance companies telling them they have a pre-existing condition to keep those who need a lot of care from having any. How stupid is that?

We have Welfare, but we still have charities. Anyone with a brain would be able to figure out why we need both....apparently you aren't.
Teacher say's, "every time a baby is aborted a Dimocrat get's his pitch fork".

Does the teacher also say "every time a Republican threatens to end Obamacare, Welfare and Snap regardless of how many babies die, a Repugnant gets his Angel Wings"?

Repugnants act so pious toward saving fetuses but don't give a crap about real people......fact!
Since the fact that we still need planned parenthood. Proves that obamacare is a failure, everybody should have insurance. Proves liberalism is a mental disease.

Keep saying that to yourself and eventually you will believe it, too. What we had before Obamacare was a failure. Your leaders and wrong-wing wannabe Presidents keep claiming they are going to repeal Obamacare...but they never say what they are going to replace it with. Millions have already signed up and are pretty well satisfied with it. The morons of the wrong-wing would cut their nose to spite their face....they would be glad to have their healthcare taken away and replaced with nothing. They would rather go back to higher premiums and shit care and the insurance companies telling them they have a pre-existing condition to keep those who need a lot of care from having any. How stupid is that?

We have Welfare, but we still have charities. Anyone with a brain would be able to figure out why we need both....apparently you aren't.
Then why is a clinic still needed?
This is too funny. The two members of the anti-abortion group who created the much-embellished video accusing Planned Parenthood of selling baby parts, causing Republican/conservatives to go rabid, enciting some looney tunes (Robert L. Dear) to go on a shooting spree at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility killing 3 people and wounding 9 others have been indicted for their roles in creating now-viral videos attacking Planned Parenthood.

These two broke the law....(something that conservatives don't have any sympathy for) - so let's see if conservatives will demand that these two get what they have coming.

I believe that Carly Fiborina should be indicted also.......she went on National TV and created an image that wasn't even on the doctored video which I'm sure must have had some part in inciting such anger as to cause someone to go on a shooting spree.

Our illustrious leaders in Texas (Abbot and Patrick) who were so sure they were going to do Planned Parenthood in once and for all, now have egg on their face. All the Republican Presidential candidates that elaborated on it should apologize to Planned Parenthood.

An investigation into Planned Parenthood took a bizarre twist on Monday after a grand jury brought charges against the pair of individuals claiming to expose the group instead.

A grand jury in Houston, Texas announced criminal charges against a pair of anti-abortion activists, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, for their roles in creating now-viral videos attacking Planned Parenthood, according to multiple local reports.

Instead, Daleiden was indicted for “prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs.” He and Merritt were both indicted for “tampering with a governmental record.”

"It is an affirming day for Planned Parenthood," Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast spokeswoman Rochelle Tafolla said, according to the Houston Chronicle. "We feel vindicated."

Planned Parenthood has repeatedly accused Daleiden of breaking the law to create his videos, including falsifying government IDs to enter restricted areas like conferences for abortion providers.

Creator of Planned Parenthood videos indicted in Texas

They haven't been convicted and probably won't be.
Teacher say's, "every time a baby is aborted a Dimocrat get's his pitch fork".

Does the teacher also say "every time a Republican threatens to end Obamacare, Welfare and Snap regardless of how many babies die, a Repugnant gets his Angel Wings"?

Repugnants act so pious toward saving fetuses but don't give a crap about real people......fact!

No, the teacher says training people to look to the government for their well being creates weak dependent people.

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