Planned Parenthood shooter vs PP doctors: Aren't they both just killing humans???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ya know....the Planned Parenthood shooter is a white trash scumbag who needs to be hung...slowly. He went into a Planned Parenthood office....used a tool to kill...and took away 3 human lives against their will. Isn't that exactly what abortion doctors do in that same office? How many human lives were ended against their will by doctors in that same building????
Ya know....the Planned Parenthood shooter is a white trash scumbag who needs to be hung...slowly. He went into a Planned Parenthood office....used a tool to kill...and took away 3 human lives against their will. Isn't that exactly what abortion doctors do in that same office? How many human lives were ended against their will by doctors in that same building????
But it's just a small percentage...
Ya know....the Planned Parenthood shooter is a white trash scumbag who needs to be hung...slowly. He went into a Planned Parenthood office....used a tool to kill...and took away 3 human lives against their will. Isn't that exactly what abortion doctors do in that same office? How many human lives were ended against their will by doctors in that same building????
I'm not surprised to find that you are justifying the murders.
Ya know....the Planned Parenthood shooter is a white trash scumbag who needs to be hung...slowly. He went into a Planned Parenthood office....used a tool to kill...and took away 3 human lives against their will. Isn't that exactly what abortion doctors do in that same office? How many human lives were ended against their will by doctors in that same building????
I'm not surprised to find that you are justifying the murders.

Justifying? I said the shooter should be hung.

Oh wait....which murders you talking about? The shooter or the doctor?
Ya know....the Planned Parenthood shooter is a white trash scumbag who needs to be hung...slowly. He went into a Planned Parenthood office....used a tool to kill...and took away 3 human lives against their will. Isn't that exactly what abortion doctors do in that same office? How many human lives were ended against their will by doctors in that same building????
I'm not surprised to find that you are justifying the murders.

Justifying? I said the shooter should be hung.

Oh wait....which murders you talking about? The shooter or the doctor?
You said the shooter should be hung and so should the doctors, apparently. And who even knows if that clinic even performed abortions.

So yeah, you've excused the asshole because his agenda agrees with yours.
Ya know....the Planned Parenthood shooter is a white trash scumbag who needs to be hung...slowly. He went into a Planned Parenthood office....used a tool to kill...and took away 3 human lives against their will. Isn't that exactly what abortion doctors do in that same office? How many human lives were ended against their will by doctors in that same building????
I'm not surprised to find that you are justifying the murders.

Justifying? I said the shooter should be hung.

Oh wait....which murders you talking about? The shooter or the doctor?
You said the shooter should be hung and so should the doctors, apparently. And who even knows if that clinic even performed abortions.

So yeah, you've excused the asshole because his agenda agrees with yours.

I never said the doctor should be harmed.
Shooter is white trash murderer. Killed a cop too. If it was my choice we'd pick the first 12 people we saw at the local WalMart...have a trial right there...and if guilty drop his fat ass in the ocean with Bin Laden.

My second question is about morality. Isn't the doctor who performs abortion (there or in other PP facilities) doing the same thing- ending human lives?
Ya know....the Planned Parenthood shooter is a white trash scumbag who needs to be hung...slowly. He went into a Planned Parenthood office....used a tool to kill...and took away 3 human lives against their will. Isn't that exactly what abortion doctors do in that same office? How many human lives were ended against their will by doctors in that same building????

Women choose not to carry a fetus, their body, their decision. They ask PP to remove the fetus before it knows or feels. Doctors to not takes lives against their will, they have no will and are a parasite feeding off the woman. The woman decides if and when she is willing to carry a fetus. It is her decision to terminate. Doctor is carrying out her wishes for her body.

Soon many abortions will be done at home in private, not in clinics before the third month. How will anti-abortionists know? What will they do then? Bomb pharmacies for carrying medicine? What next, bomb them for carrying birth control as well? Places that sell condoms? Doctors that implant IUDs? What next try to ban copper pennies or wild carrots as well? Dung? Vasectomies?

Why don't they care for the 14 million children that need homes and not worry about a few hundred thousand women that are not ready to love and care for a child or can't carry and give birth to a live infant.

Pro-life? That kill people? That is nuts.
Ya know....the Planned Parenthood shooter is a white trash scumbag who needs to be hung...slowly. He went into a Planned Parenthood office....used a tool to kill...and took away 3 human lives against their will. Isn't that exactly what abortion doctors do in that same office? How many human lives were ended against their will by doctors in that same building????

The answer to that is zero.

Tissue removed from a woman's uterus isn't a human being.

There is no will on the part of that tissue. It doesn't have a brain or central nervous system. In fact it doesn't have any organs needed for life.

It's certainly not against the will of the woman who is there for the procedure so stop the lies.

Meanwhile 3 human beings were murdered by a crazy anti abortion terrorist. He was whipped up into a frenzy by the lies from the manipulated and edited videos that were released a few months ago.

If you have to lie and murder people how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to you?
"Planned Parenthood shooter vs PP doctors: Aren't they both just killing humans???"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, in addition to being ignorant and ridiculous.

This is a lie typical of most hostile to privacy rights, to attempt to conflate abortion with 'murder' where in fact one has nothing to do with the other: abortion concerns civil law and substantive due process, murder concerns criminal law and procedural due process – attempts to call abortion 'murder' is idiotic demagoguery.
Ya know....the Planned Parenthood shooter is a white trash scumbag who needs to be hung...slowly. He went into a Planned Parenthood office....used a tool to kill...and took away 3 human lives against their will. Isn't that exactly what abortion doctors do in that same office? How many human lives were ended against their will by doctors in that same building????

The answer to that is zero.

Tissue removed from a woman's uterus isn't a human being.

There is no will on the part of that tissue. It doesn't have a brain or central nervous system. In fact it doesn't have any organs needed for life.

It's certainly not against the will of the woman who is there for the procedure so stop the lies.

Meanwhile 3 human beings were murdered by a crazy anti abortion terrorist. He was whipped up into a frenzy by the lies from the manipulated and edited videos that were released a few months ago.

If you have to lie and murder people how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to you?

Well, it isn't a human being, unless it's a baby.

Dude wasn't a terrorist, and nobody's convinced he's anti-abortion.

He was just a garden variety nutbag, like you.
"Police have declined to speculate on a motive for the attack. A law enforcement official said Dear told authorities, "no more baby parts," after being arrested. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not allowed to publicly discuss the ongoing investigation."

Ah, the treasured (and imaginary) anonymous government official.

Man accused in Planned Parenthood shooting was charged in SC rape
Babies can be born and survive being extremely premature. Does that infant have feeling and are nerves developed? Yes, it does. Should the law up hold speaking for the infant who can't? Yes. This is the gray area where the decision to end the infant's life crosses the line and becomes murder. Should the woman that decides to have an abortion not pay any penalty even though it is a civil matter? Maybe she should have planned not to become pregnant in the first place.

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