PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Federal judge BLOCKS DrumpF administration from cutting program funds! WHEE!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Federal judge blocks Trump administration from cutting Planned Parenthood program funds - CNNPolitics
A federal judge in Washington state has issued a permanent injunction that blocks the Trump administration from slashing grants to a Planned Parenthood program that funds teen pregnancy prevention programs across the country.

:thankusmile::thewave: Judge! Pro-Lifers can't understanf. There will always be abortion services in America. It just that simple. FFS! The Lord' plans them ALL!


About 86% of ALL Americans are fine with allowing Abortions. From/For a few reasons or for many
reasons that a doctor determines is safe for the only person, whos choices matters here. The owner
of the born living body.
Only a ghoulish leftist would find joy in the slaughtering of babies so PP can make money selling their body parts for profit.
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WOW! You don't say.


MAGA: Gobmint needs to fund Free Abortions, to the tune of 400 Million a year at least.

Why do you ask? WELL. To save us some 215 Billion Plus a year in Tax Dollar spending on LONG TERM TAKERS!

aka: American FREELOADERS living off Gobmint Dimes..FFS! It's just that simple and very, Very Conservative.

Btw: We can give the savings to the 1%er in new Tax Cuts.
Only a ghoulish leftist would find joy in the slaughtering of babies so PP can make money selling their body parts for profit.

Most PP do not even perform abortions and fed funding is not used for those that do. Only 3% people that use PP have abortions. So it helps a lot more people than that fetuses its aborts.

You pro birth people are all alike, ok to spread VD's but don't get an abortion.
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Only a ghoulish leftist would find joy in the slaughtering of babies so PP can make money selling their body parts for profit.

WEAK! You claim below is a baby? WOW!


btw. The lord' plans all Abortions from Female periods just after sex, the next day or two,
miscarriages can come at any time
or can be stillborn. Should we jail these females? Or blame the lord' here for murder?
Federal activist libtard judges do not run the budget. The House does so the motherfucker ain’t done nothing!
We allow the daily slaughter of innocent, unborn children and wonder how we can be uncivil to one another?

You do not allow it, the Supreme Court allows it, and its the female that allows it , you have nothing to do with it.

Fetus is what is inside of the womb, not children.
Are ewe aware that PP kills more black babies than they allow to be born?
This should go to the Supreme Court. A federal activist judge thinks the taxpayers should be forced to fund PP who then turns around and donates to the democrats! Sue them.
We allow the daily slaughter of innocent, unborn children and wonder how we can be uncivil to one another?

I do see your point, we can be uncivil. How many Drone strikes will there be in the M.E. this month that kill Women and Children?
Ooh, look at all the ghoulish leftists trying to justify their barbaric practice of dismembering children for profit.
Only a ghoulish leftist would find joy in the slaughtering of babies so PP can make money selling their body parts for profit.

WEAK! You claim below is a baby? WOW!


btw. The lord' plans all Abortions from Female periods just after sex, the next day or two,
miscarriages can come at any time
or can be stillborn. Should we jail these females? Or blame the lord' here for murder?

You claim this is NOT a baby? Wow at your ignorance.
Only a ghoulish leftist would find joy in the slaughtering of babies so PP can make money selling their body parts for profit.

WEAK! You claim below is a baby? WOW!


btw. The lord' plans all Abortions from Female periods just after sex, the next day or two,
miscarriages can come at any time
or can be stillborn. Should we jail these females? Or blame the lord' here for murder?

You claim this is NOT a baby? Wow at your ignorance.

Well, that has a baby shape. If IT can't get itself born alive.
It gets no live birth certificate award. Here's one below that made it.


I'm not sure what IT is? Was it conceived by two humans?
btw: Seems the Great Douche has paid for Pornstars and Hookers. Paying for an abortion
fits in with living the Great Douche Lifestyle. Seems IT has paid for one we know of.
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I always fucking laugh when a political activist judge says the fed govt cant stop doing unconstitutional things.. :rofl:
Every one of those bedwetting freaks should be impeached.
Ooh, look at all the ghoulish leftists trying to justify their barbaric practice of dismembering children for profit.


View attachment 190061
Going off topic in your own thread. What's your point, douchebag, and what does it have to do with abortion funding?
Placed an FYI. as I wait for you to answer my question.
Still, on topic, List an Obama Staffer Convicted of a Felony? Good Luck!
Why are you avoiding your own topic? Bet you wish you'd never started this thread, huh?

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