Planned Parenthood fails to take sex trafficking seriously after being busted


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
in seven separate facilities HELPING pimps obtain abortions for girls as young as 14. They are mandatory reporters, supposedly...who are obligated to notify authorities of any suspected abuse, remember. That's how they get away with refusing to contact parents.

"Live Action filed Freedom of Information Act requests with justice, police and child services departments in the five jurisdictions – Arizona, New Jersey, New York, Virginia and Washington, D.C. – where the investigation was conducted. It could only find evidence that Planned Parenthood contacted authorities in Arizona."

"The pro-life group that caught on camera several Planned Parenthood employees attempting to help a man posing as a pimp obtain abortions for underage sex workers is accusing Planned Parenthood of deceiving the public and failing to take the issue of sex trafficking seriously."

"Contrary to what Planned Parenthood told the media at the time, Ms. Treviño said the abortion provider responded to the undercover videos not by training employees how to spot and report sex trafficking—but by teaching them how not to get caught saying incriminating things to undercover journalists."

"“When confronted with child sex traffickers, Planned Parenthood cared more about protecting its image than protecting children,”

Planned Parenthood failed to take sex trafficking seriously after infamous sting, ex-employee says
I've been all over the internet today trying to find out the source of the "abortion is miraculously reduced thanks to Planned Parenthood!" stats.

They don't exist. It's completely fabricated.
I've been all over the internet today trying to find out the source of the "abortion is miraculously reduced thanks to Planned Parenthood!" stats.

They don't exist. It's completely fabricated.

PP is the spawn of Satan
Planned Parenthood gets away with breaking the law because pro-abortion prosecutors don't want to go after them, motivated by their political agenda to have as many abortions as possible, even if illegal and dangerous to the women.

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