
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
In the movie Planes Trains & Automobiles-the character John Candy plays resembles the zealot posters in this forum, in this manner:
1) lies about his relationship with his bride.
2) lies about still being with his bride.
3)steals credit from others.
4)one of the funniest moments is when
his character is being told-warned that he's "going the wrong way!"
So his response mirrors that of these
forums, where he calls the messenger drunk or crazy, for how do they know where he's heading? HIS arrogance and ignorance leaves him for a scare of his life when 2 trucks come directly twards him.
He then turns into a scared skeleton then a figure of the devil, surely the face and image zealots paint of themselves when they do similar scoffing at sincere warnings that "YOU ARE GOING THE WRONG WAY!"
In the movie Planes Trains & Automobiles-the character John Candy plays resembles the zealot posters in this forum, in this manner:
1) lies about his relationship with his bride.
2) lies about still being with his bride.
3)steals credit from others.
4)one of the funniest moments is when
his character is being told-warned that he's "going the wrong way!"
So his response mirrors that of these
forums, where he calls the messenger drunk or crazy, for how do they know where he's heading? HIS arrogance and ignorance leaves him for a scare of his life when 2 trucks come directly twards him.
He then turns into a scared skeleton then a figure of the devil, surely the face and image zealots paint of themselves when they do similar scoffing at sincere warnings that "YOU ARE GOING THE WRONG WAY!"

I would use allegory as in Plato's Allegory of the Cave and analogy may be a better word. I find a meaningful moral in Planes, Trains and Automobiles; never give up.
First of all I hate Plato, his ideas proved flawed through Hitler's use of his sinister concepts.
You just proved Plato flawed again in that it requires knowing just what you are clinging onto is right or wrong, Shalem or opposite Shalem to justify never giving up or needing to let go.
REMEMBER John Candy didn't do to well not letting go of his caught jacket either. *L*
Seriously I was thinking of one example just this last week. If you were a Turkish military or Police involved in the coupe wouldn't it have been better to give up your cause and take off your uniform and blend in to the crowd to save yourself being arrested and tortured? Those who couldn't give up that uniform in pride were easilly gathered.
Same thing with Taliban, early on they could
have noticed they were the wrong way wrong side and just blended back in to society if they droped their weapons and became a normal citizen building the freedom they had. No instead they let some
crazy mans hate and ideology make wrong choices and lose their sense of real life and enjoyment thereof.
Isis is the result of Saddam's Baath party Sunnis not letting go, and so many other political prisoners would not let it go or give up including the followers of the imaginary christ who they chose to destroy society over false blames then turn around and do the things they are claiming their vengeance for=mistaken alegiances=attrocitities throughout mankind.
Imprisoned allegiances to Paul & Jesus,
Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, Napolean, Idi Amin, Arafat, where did it lead the followers of the one's who came out of prison with Plutos never gove up attitude which bleed into them?
ASK the Branch Davidians if the should have given up? Ask the martyred apostles if they should have followed the ones in John 6:66
who stoped following the christ and left because he was claiming himself most high.

Lesson: seemingly good philosophy and philosophers are missleading until you dig deeper and out of the blanket generic phrases & into the heart and soul of those concepts. Sometimesxwhat seems good is not what's best. Knowing the proper direction helps it from being subjective and influenced by human pride.
That FOCUS of YeruShalem being the central to everyrhing is no joke, it's literally the cliff notes to the Bible andcmancs purpose-path. Because Shalem means completeness, wholeness, stability-our direcion and path is always towards that not opposite. Knowing this now helps discern, should we never give up our path or should we give up our poor choice to cling to, because we are adversary (sawtawn) that direction?
Yah good old John Candy( j c) loved him in Uncle Buck...Very valid analogy in planes trains automobiles how he is going in the wrong direction at least he is only taking himself and one other on that journey but the other J C has taken a multitude of people's in the wrong direction for generations upon generations... He didn't need trains planes and automobiles to do so just a few pages of a written document and a legion of followers pointing the direction they wished to go even though all the signs before he showed up on the scene pointed the other way.... Topsy turby world we live in indeed where the signs have been altered to suit the needs of the ones feigning knowledge while they wear big dunce caps showing they know nothing while the people foolishly refuse to get off the snake oil they are selling...
According to The Secret Book of Judas of Kerioth, John's Candy was the one skinny dipping with him in the Jordan.

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