pizzza man shot in st, louis

Pizzerias generally don't deliver to Ghetto locations, because of this very reason, the possibility of getting shot.

Its my understanding that St. Louis has a far left DA handpicked by Soros, so the shooter will probably get off with a slap on the wrist.
Pizzerias generally don't deliver to Ghetto locations, because of this very reason, the possibility of getting shot.

Its my understanding that St. Louis has a far left DA handpicked by Soros, so the shooter will probably get off with a slap on the wrist.

And a free pizza.
Pizzerias generally don't deliver to Ghetto locations, because of this very reason, the possibility of getting shot.

Its my understanding that St. Louis has a far left DA handpicked by Soros, so the shooter will probably get off with a slap on the wrist.
good greef
Pizzerias generally don't deliver to Ghetto locations, because of this very reason, the possibility of getting shot.

Its my understanding that St. Louis has a far left DA handpicked by Soros, so the shooter will probably get off with a slap on the wrist.

Where did you get your understanding from? Tucker Carlson. Since you have never really been in the ghetto, how do you know who delivers and who doesn't. Since the founding of this country black folks have NEVER gotten a slap on the wrist, that is a privilege that is reserved for white folks.
black folks have NEVER gotten a slap on the wrist

My empathy for food delivery, restaurants, Uber drivers and businesses that serve high crime areas. If I were a delivery person, I would pack a handgun. It’s not worth it appeasing egregious gun laws vs getting shot by some thug who has no acknowledgement of gun laws let alone appreciation and compassion for human life.
My empathy for food delivery, restaurants, Uber drivers and businesses that serve high crime areas. If I were a delivery person, I would pack a handgun. It’s not worth it appeasing egregious gun laws vs getting shot by some thug who has no acknowledgement of gun laws let alone appreciation and compassion for human life.
Backs in the 1980s when I was a teenager I moonlighted delivering pizzas for Dominos pizza. I packed a handgun, but I never had to shoot anybody. But one time I was delivering to an apartment complex that was getting a bit shady at the time. I drove into the parking lot in back and got the heebie jeebies because I noticed that the parking lot lights were out, which was highly unusual.

When I got out of my car some crazy-eyed negro with a knife came out of the shadows and demanded the pizza, my money and my car keys. I threw the just out of a 650 degree oven hot pizza in his face, quickly got back into my 1976 Trans Am and got the fuck out of there. And I hit him with the car in the process.
With all due respect, as soon as I saw the words "St. Louis," I knew all the details without reading the news article.

What a crying shame!

But if things are bad now in 2022, just think of what our great-grandchildren will be faced with!
What will they be faced with?
It will never get better now. It may be masked with massive tax resource infusions, however even that can and will end or be reduced. Globalism for a minimum of 6 billion of the 8 billion on this planet means less for 330 million Americans.

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