Pipeline from canada


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We don’t need oil from Canada and a pipeline to create jobs. We nee to drill for independence on oil here and create jobs.
Buying oil from Canada is no different from buying oil from other foreign countries. We are still dependent. Just as we do not need Illegal Aliens to pay for future Social Security and Medicare and boost our economy. We need to make education easier for our own children and they can pay their own and the future’s Social Security and Medicare and boost the economy.
Pipeline from Canada sound like a “foreign stimulus program.” How much will this pipeline cost? The money could be put to better use to us to spend on drilling here for the oil we have to make us independent. Pipeline is like a colony on the moon. Another Newt joke like amnesty.
Is the Newt a right wing plant or mole?
The pipeline isn't the problem, it's the location of the pipeline. It needs to be rerouted away from a crucial aquifer and away from residential ares and wildlife zones. This requires remapping the plan and using a few hundred miles more pipe, sending it over the original budget and cutting into the oil barons' profits.
The pipeline isn't the problem, it's the location of the pipeline. It needs to be rerouted away from a crucial aquifer and away from residential ares and wildlife zones. This requires remapping the plan and using a few hundred miles more pipe, sending it over the original budget and cutting into the oil barons' profits.

meh no one inside big gov genuinely cares about private property or wildlife. That's like saying neocons who dump $ into the military are doing it for the well being of our troops. The pipeline as is doesn't map well with the planned NAFTA superhighway crucial to the North American Union. Simple as that.



What North American Union you say?

Cable Viewer

Declaration by President Obama and Prime Minister Harper of Canada - Beyond the Border | The White House
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Frankly I'm surprised that a radical leftie is for domestic drilling. Yeah, it's true we need to "drill baby drill" but an oil pipeline from Canada is just the ticket for a quick spike in the economy and the ultimate shovel ready jobs. Why would Barry be against it? We all know he is lying when he says he didn't have time to study it. He had his entire term to study it and it is a guaranteed winner.

We don’t need oil from Canada and a pipeline to create jobs. We nee to drill for independence on oil here and create jobs.
Buying oil from Canada is no different from buying oil from other foreign countries. We are still dependent. Just as we do not need Illegal Aliens to pay for future Social Security and Medicare and boost our economy. We need to make education easier for our own children and they can pay their own and the future’s Social Security and Medicare and boost the economy.
Pipeline from Canada sound like a “foreign stimulus program.” How much will this pipeline cost? The money could be put to better use to us to spend on drilling here for the oil we have to make us independent. Pipeline is like a colony on the moon. Another Newt joke like amnesty.
Is the Newt a right wing plant or mole?
Been preaching this all along.right on.

We don’t need oil from Canada and a pipeline to create jobs. We nee to drill for independence on oil here and create jobs.
Buying oil from Canada is no different from buying oil from other foreign countries.

When we send our money to Canada, they cross the border and spend it in the US on medical care. When we send our money to Mexico (#2 importer), they cross the border and buy medical care and food. When we send our money to the Mid-east, they buy weapons from the Chinese.

We don’t need oil from Canada and a pipeline to create jobs. We nee to drill for independence on oil here and create jobs.
Buying oil from Canada is no different from buying oil from other foreign countries. We are still dependent. Just as we do not need Illegal Aliens to pay for future Social Security and Medicare and boost our economy. We need to make education easier for our own children and they can pay their own and the future’s Social Security and Medicare and boost the economy.
Pipeline from Canada sound like a “foreign stimulus program.” How much will this pipeline cost? The money could be put to better use to us to spend on drilling here for the oil we have to make us independent. Pipeline is like a colony on the moon. Another Newt joke like amnesty.
Is the Newt a right wing plant or mole?

You are correct that we need to Drill for our own oil, But we will never supply all of our oil ourselves, and will always need to buy some from other Countries. It only makes sense to buy as much of it as we can From Canada. For a few of Reasons.

First of course is it means less we have to Buy from Countries which Frankly do not like us, and in some cases even Fund Terrorism, and in Many cases are ruled by less than Democrat Governments of one sort or another, that Rape their Peoples resources selling to us, and the people do not benefit from it.

Second is The Economies of Canada and the US are very intertwined. Canadians spend a lot of money on US goods and Services, and Spend a lot of Money in the US. A boost to their Economy is a boost to ours.

Third, and most Ironic Considering your Reasoning here, is that building this pipe line, Will enable US shale oil In and near the States the Pipe line passes through, to Tie into an Existing Pipe line and more Quickly, and cheaply get their Oil to market as US fields come on line. You say we need to Drill for our own, This Pipe line will be a much needed piece of infrastructure to facilitate the Development of the Oil Reserves all Around it. Yet you oppose it. Hmmm

It's a win win win Situation really. I do not understand why liberals are so against it. Especially considering it's going to get Built either here or west to the Coast either way. It's not like you are actually going to stop it's progress, all you are going to do is make sure we do not Benefit from it.

Everyone except the Radical Environmentalist Left, Knows it is a good thing, and it will be built. Even Obama, He is just putting it off to avoid Pissing of the Extremists in his own party before an Election. He has as much as promised the Canadians he will approve it in 2013. The Problem is they have no Reason to wait on Obama's Political Posturing.

and one more question while I am at it. Why the hell do you care how much the Pipe line will cost? Were not paying for it. The Canadians are, Private industry is.
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We don’t need oil from Canada and a pipeline to create jobs. We nee to drill for independence on oil here and create jobs.
Buying oil from Canada is no different from buying oil from other foreign countries. We are still dependent. Just as we do not need Illegal Aliens to pay for future Social Security and Medicare and boost our economy. We need to make education easier for our own children and they can pay their own and the future’s Social Security and Medicare and boost the economy.
Pipeline from Canada sound like a “foreign stimulus program.” How much will this pipeline cost? The money could be put to better use to us to spend on drilling here for the oil we have to make us independent. Pipeline is like a colony on the moon. Another Newt joke like amnesty.
Is the Newt a right wing plant or mole?

You are correct that we need to Drill for our own oil, But we will never supply all of our oil ourselves, and will always need to buy some from other Countries. It only makes sense to buy as much of it as we can From Canada. For a few of Reasons.

First of course is it means less we have to Buy from Countries which Frankly do not like us, and in some cases even Fund Terrorism, and in Many cases are ruled by less than Democrat Governments of one sort or another, that Rape their Peoples resources selling to us, and the people do not benefit from it.

Second is The Economies of Canada and the US are very intertwined. Canadians spend a lot of money on US goods and Services, and Spend a lot of Money in the US. A boost to their Economy is a boost to ours.

Third, and most Ironic Considering your Reasoning here, is that building this pipe line, Will enable US shale oil In and near the States the Pipe line passes through, to Tie into an Existing Pipe line and more Quickly, and cheaply get their Oil to market as US fields come on line. You say we need to Drill for our own, This Pipe line will be a much needed piece of infrastructure to facilitate the Development of the Oil Reserves all Around it. Yet you oppose it. Hmmm

It's a win win win Situation really. I do not understand why liberals are so against it. Especially considering it's going to get Built either here or west to the Coast either way. It's not like you are actually going to stop it's progress, all you are going to do is make sure we do not Benefit from it.

Or ...

we could get more electric cars on the road and then our drilling would match our demand.

Just sayin'
Is there some code that turns radical lefties into zombies? They chant "brains we need brains, but we don't need no stinking oil". What the hell is going on in the radical left wing mind when the radical left wing president tells Brazil "we want to be your best oil customer" and then the hope/change radicals say we don't need no stinking oil from Canada? Does anything make sense in the modern democrat party?
Is there some code that turns radical lefties into zombies? They chant "brains we need brains, but we don't need no stinking oil". What the hell is going on in the radical left wing mind when the radical left wing president tells Brazil "we want to be your best oil customer" and then the hope/change radicals say we don't need no stinking oil from Canada? Does anything make sense in the modern democrat party?

There is a certain small sector of the frontal lobe in every human brain which is totally irrational. Let's call it 'the libozzone'. The libozzone functions exactly opposite the other parts of the rational brain.

Some people are born with realy big libozzones.

We don’t need oil from Canada and a pipeline to create jobs. We nee to drill for independence on oil here and create jobs.
Buying oil from Canada is no different from buying oil from other foreign countries. We are still dependent. Just as we do not need Illegal Aliens to pay for future Social Security and Medicare and boost our economy. We need to make education easier for our own children and they can pay their own and the future’s Social Security and Medicare and boost the economy.
Pipeline from Canada sound like a “foreign stimulus program.” How much will this pipeline cost? The money could be put to better use to us to spend on drilling here for the oil we have to make us independent. Pipeline is like a colony on the moon. Another Newt joke like amnesty.
Is the Newt a right wing plant or mole?

You are correct that we need to Drill for our own oil, But we will never supply all of our oil ourselves, and will always need to buy some from other Countries. It only makes sense to buy as much of it as we can From Canada. For a few of Reasons.

First of course is it means less we have to Buy from Countries which Frankly do not like us, and in some cases even Fund Terrorism, and in Many cases are ruled by less than Democrat Governments of one sort or another, that Rape their Peoples resources selling to us, and the people do not benefit from it.

Second is The Economies of Canada and the US are very intertwined. Canadians spend a lot of money on US goods and Services, and Spend a lot of Money in the US. A boost to their Economy is a boost to ours.

Third, and most Ironic Considering your Reasoning here, is that building this pipe line, Will enable US shale oil In and near the States the Pipe line passes through, to Tie into an Existing Pipe line and more Quickly, and cheaply get their Oil to market as US fields come on line. You say we need to Drill for our own, This Pipe line will be a much needed piece of infrastructure to facilitate the Development of the Oil Reserves all Around it. Yet you oppose it. Hmmm

It's a win win win Situation really. I do not understand why liberals are so against it. Especially considering it's going to get Built either here or west to the Coast either way. It's not like you are actually going to stop it's progress, all you are going to do is make sure we do not Benefit from it.

Or ...

we could get more electric cars on the road and then our drilling would match our demand.

Just sayin'

Electric Cars are nice for People who live in Urban Areas, Not much good for people like me. Not to Mention the Plug into a Grid Powered 80% by Fossil Fueled Power Plants.
Is there some code that turns radical lefties into zombies? They chant "brains we need brains, but we don't need no stinking oil". What the hell is going on in the radical left wing mind when the radical left wing president tells Brazil "we want to be your best oil customer" and then the hope/change radicals say we don't need no stinking oil from Canada? Does anything make sense in the modern democrat party?

There is a certain small sector of the frontal lobe in every human brain which is totally irrational. Let's call it 'the libozzone'. The libozzone functions exactly opposite the other parts of the rational brain.

Some people are born with realy big libozzones.

I wasnt born with one,apparently,and thank god....
You are correct that we need to Drill for our own oil, But we will never supply all of our oil ourselves, and will always need to buy some from other Countries. It only makes sense to buy as much of it as we can From Canada. For a few of Reasons.

First of course is it means less we have to Buy from Countries which Frankly do not like us, and in some cases even Fund Terrorism, and in Many cases are ruled by less than Democrat Governments of one sort or another, that Rape their Peoples resources selling to us, and the people do not benefit from it.

Second is The Economies of Canada and the US are very intertwined. Canadians spend a lot of money on US goods and Services, and Spend a lot of Money in the US. A boost to their Economy is a boost to ours.

Third, and most Ironic Considering your Reasoning here, is that building this pipe line, Will enable US shale oil In and near the States the Pipe line passes through, to Tie into an Existing Pipe line and more Quickly, and cheaply get their Oil to market as US fields come on line. You say we need to Drill for our own, This Pipe line will be a much needed piece of infrastructure to facilitate the Development of the Oil Reserves all Around it. Yet you oppose it. Hmmm

It's a win win win Situation really. I do not understand why liberals are so against it. Especially considering it's going to get Built either here or west to the Coast either way. It's not like you are actually going to stop it's progress, all you are going to do is make sure we do not Benefit from it.

Or ...

we could get more electric cars on the road and then our drilling would match our demand.

Just sayin'

Electric Cars are nice for People who live in Urban Areas, Not much good for people like me. Not to Mention the Plug into a Grid Powered 80% by Fossil Fueled Power Plants.

This is true, and it's why I am not suggesting YOU switch your car. But, for those of us in, oh, I dunno, Los Angeles, there's no reason not to have an electric car. Well, other than there needs to be better infrastructure for it, and that costs money that the GOP doesn't want to spend, but the point is, it's possible.

As for the electricity coming from fossil fuels, I don't care. Do you care? This is about reducing our foreign oil consumption. Deal with coal power plants tomorrow.
Or ...

we could get more electric cars on the road and then our drilling would match our demand.

Just sayin'

Electric Cars are nice for People who live in Urban Areas, Not much good for people like me. Not to Mention the Plug into a Grid Powered 80% by Fossil Fueled Power Plants.

This is true, and it's why I am not suggesting YOU switch your car. But, for those of us in, oh, I dunno, Los Angeles, there's no reason not to have an electric car. Well, other than there needs to be better infrastructure for it, and that costs money that the GOP doesn't want to spend, but the point is, it's possible.

As for the electricity coming from fossil fuels, I don't care. Do you care? This is about reducing our foreign oil consumption. Deal with coal power plants tomorrow.

Sorry but electric car technology is not to the point that it is capable of replacing gas powered vehicles at this time. There are several major problems with it. Mostly, distance and cost simply prohibit the switch.

We don’t need oil from Canada and a pipeline to create jobs. We nee to drill for independence on oil here and create jobs.
Buying oil from Canada is no different from buying oil from other foreign countries. We are still dependent. Just as we do not need Illegal Aliens to pay for future Social Security and Medicare and boost our economy. We need to make education easier for our own children and they can pay their own and the future’s Social Security and Medicare and boost the economy.
Pipeline from Canada sound like a “foreign stimulus program.” How much will this pipeline cost? The money could be put to better use to us to spend on drilling here for the oil we have to make us independent. Pipeline is like a colony on the moon. Another Newt joke like amnesty.
Is the Newt a right wing plant or mole?

You are correct that we need to Drill for our own oil, But we will never supply all of our oil ourselves, and will always need to buy some from other Countries. It only makes sense to buy as much of it as we can From Canada. For a few of Reasons.

First of course is it means less we have to Buy from Countries which Frankly do not like us, and in some cases even Fund Terrorism, and in Many cases are ruled by less than Democrat Governments of one sort or another, that Rape their Peoples resources selling to us, and the people do not benefit from it.

Second is The Economies of Canada and the US are very intertwined. Canadians spend a lot of money on US goods and Services, and Spend a lot of Money in the US. A boost to their Economy is a boost to ours.

Third, and most Ironic Considering your Reasoning here, is that building this pipe line, Will enable US shale oil In and near the States the Pipe line passes through, to Tie into an Existing Pipe line and more Quickly, and cheaply get their Oil to market as US fields come on line. You say we need to Drill for our own, This Pipe line will be a much needed piece of infrastructure to facilitate the Development of the Oil Reserves all Around it. Yet you oppose it. Hmmm

It's a win win win Situation really. I do not understand why liberals are so against it. Especially considering it's going to get Built either here or west to the Coast either way. It's not like you are actually going to stop it's progress, all you are going to do is make sure we do not Benefit from it.

Everyone except the Radical Environmentalist Left, Knows it is a good thing, and it will be built. Even Obama, He is just putting it off to avoid Pissing of the Extremists in his own party before an Election. He has as much as promised the Canadians he will approve it in 2013. The Problem is they have no Reason to wait on Obama's Political Posturing.

and one more question while I am at it. Why the hell do you care how much the Pipe line will cost? Were not paying for it. The Canadians are, Private industry is.

1) If the pipeline is good now it will still be good when they build it in the future. Nobody is saying that it won't be built.

2) The reason we are buying so much oil is that it is cheaper for us to buy it rather than produce it.

3) One of these days the middle east will run out of oil and guess what? We'll still have ours.

We don’t need oil from Canada and a pipeline to create jobs. We nee to drill for independence on oil here and create jobs.
Buying oil from Canada is no different from buying oil from other foreign countries. We are still dependent. Just as we do not need Illegal Aliens to pay for future Social Security and Medicare and boost our economy. We need to make education easier for our own children and they can pay their own and the future’s Social Security and Medicare and boost the economy.
Pipeline from Canada sound like a “foreign stimulus program.” How much will this pipeline cost? The money could be put to better use to us to spend on drilling here for the oil we have to make us independent. Pipeline is like a colony on the moon. Another Newt joke like amnesty.
Is the Newt a right wing plant or mole?

You are correct that we need to Drill for our own oil, But we will never supply all of our oil ourselves, and will always need to buy some from other Countries. It only makes sense to buy as much of it as we can From Canada. For a few of Reasons.

First of course is it means less we have to Buy from Countries which Frankly do not like us, and in some cases even Fund Terrorism, and in Many cases are ruled by less than Democrat Governments of one sort or another, that Rape their Peoples resources selling to us, and the people do not benefit from it.

Second is The Economies of Canada and the US are very intertwined. Canadians spend a lot of money on US goods and Services, and Spend a lot of Money in the US. A boost to their Economy is a boost to ours.

Third, and most Ironic Considering your Reasoning here, is that building this pipe line, Will enable US shale oil In and near the States the Pipe line passes through, to Tie into an Existing Pipe line and more Quickly, and cheaply get their Oil to market as US fields come on line. You say we need to Drill for our own, This Pipe line will be a much needed piece of infrastructure to facilitate the Development of the Oil Reserves all Around it. Yet you oppose it. Hmmm

It's a win win win Situation really. I do not understand why liberals are so against it. Especially considering it's going to get Built either here or west to the Coast either way. It's not like you are actually going to stop it's progress, all you are going to do is make sure we do not Benefit from it.

Everyone except the Radical Environmentalist Left, Knows it is a good thing, and it will be built. Even Obama, He is just putting it off to avoid Pissing of the Extremists in his own party before an Election. He has as much as promised the Canadians he will approve it in 2013. The Problem is they have no Reason to wait on Obama's Political Posturing.

and one more question while I am at it. Why the hell do you care how much the Pipe line will cost? Were not paying for it. The Canadians are, Private industry is.

1) If the pipeline is good now it will still be good when they build it in the future. Nobody is saying that it won't be built.

2) The reason we are buying so much oil is that it is cheaper for us to buy it rather than produce it.

3) One of these days the middle east will run out of oil and guess what? We'll still have ours.

It is cheaper to buy cheap products from China but does is make us independent?
Middle east will never run out of oil,

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