Pinheads & Loons & Their Love of Control


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
No good Heartland Boy can fail to notice that our fellow citizens in the Northeast and California have settled upon the opinion that they enjoy intellectual superiority over over us rustics.

That notion goes back a long this country...back to the Puritans who landed in Massachusetts and forthwith declared themselves "The Elect of God". And so they knew best and all others knew less. And, it wasn't long before these consummate asses were hanging women in Boston commons for being Quackers instead of Puritans (Google Mary Dyer). Another generation or so and they were burning teenagers as witches for being non-conformists. And when John Adams from Braintree, Massachusetts got control of the White House, he started using the Sedition Laws which his FEDERALIST Party passed---to put citizens in jail for criticizing him and his Administration. (Jefferson pardoned them all as soon as he got elected)

Their irritation at the fools who wouldn't not listen to them developed in their lacerated Souls, a deep love of Control...and while they no longer know the Lord, the love of Control has become genetic.

In turn, the Heartland boys have noticed over the decades, as the Romans noticed about the decaying Greeks....that refinement and taste and knowledge seem only to make men atheists, cowards and fools.

So, the contempt is mutual, and it has been for a long time. But, it is getting worse as the situation becomes more dire.

Jefferson said these people could never have much influence in national government, because they were simply too obnoxious, but he never expected these Pinheads & Loons to be able to borrow 20 trillion dollars from our future, and with it---to buy votes sufficient to put together a coalition of the aggrieved & the lazy which is known today as the Democratic Party. Valuable members of this coalition are the Public Employee Unions and their army of Democratic operatives---like Lois Lerner.

Alexi de Toqueville said in 1842, about America that: "What is to be a bureaucratic tyranny that would make possible the weakness of the individual".

Well, we're there. And we have the Pinheads and the Loons to thank for it.

They are a far cry from their Puritan ancestors, but they still love Control. That's why ole Ronnie Reagan said the 9 most feared words in the English language are:

"We're from the Government, and we're here to help".

Wake up America. We're going to be Greece as our children and grandchildren come along.
Sigh. You heartland goofs are just as American and ornery as the rest of us. Celebrate yourself tomorrow.
Alexi de Toqueville said in 1842, about America that: "What is to be a bureaucratic tyranny that would make possible the weakness of the individual".

Well, we're there. And we have the Pinheads and the Loons to thank for it...Wake up America. We're going to be Greece as our children and grandchildren come along.

Bill O'? That you?

Couldn't agree more.
The Flyover matters not a damn. And if you want to see some nice socialist radicalism, read the history of Kansas...


I have you and the "Hater Dupe" guy on ignore...just the two.

But, I read your post in direct response to mine, and it is the usual horse shit.

You state your opinion as if it was established fact, and you trot out a deflection/dodge of the post you are suppose to be responding to, this time some gripe you apparently have with Kansas.

You used the whole Pinhead repertoire of responses on this board in one post, which at least had the merit of brevity. Here is some brevity in response:

Fuck you.
Good post.

The elitist mentality of control freaks is a psychological defect. Servile bed wetters adhere themselves to such sociopaths to compensate for their insecurity and will follow any order including mass suicide because of their dedication to cults of personality.


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