Pilgrims came to US fleeing socialism in 1600s.

The title is misleading. They didn't come here fleeing Socialism in Europe. William Bradford, who was the first "governor" of the new Plymouth colony actually set up a communal society in which everything belonged to the community, rather than the individual. It didn't take long for them to find out that such a system didn't work because people didn't have the motivation to do labor for other people when they weren't receiving any benefit from it themselves. They then did away with this system and unleashed the first American idea of free enterprise. Bradford wrote about it in his journal "Of Plymouth Plantation". You can probably find it at the library.

More pure myth.

I see. They should give you a Nobel Prize. The only conclusion I can come to is that you have discovered the ability to time travel because that is the only way you could know that William Bradford lied in his journals 400 years ago because he wanted to placate the future wingnuts of the 21st century.
I continue to be amazed at the lack of historical knowledge, and the lack of research skills, that are shown on this site every single day.

It stopped amazing me years ago. How do you think we end up with the government we have? All of those people vote.
They learned that in the 1620s”:

AKIN: It might be helpful to think back and say, there’s more to Thanksgiving than the Pilgrims. They were a group of people who were willing to change the system, to think of different ideas. They came here and separated civil and church governments. They came here and created the model of a written constitution, the idea that the government should be the servant of the people. […] They came here with the idea that after trying socialism that it wasn’t going to work. They realized that it was unbiblical, that it was a form of theft, so they pitched socialism out. They learned that in the early 1620’s.
ThinkProgress Rep. Todd Akin: The Pilgrims Came To America To Flee ‘Unbiblical’ Socialism In The 1620′s

Does anyone ever get tired of this kind of crap? This isn't even revisionism..this is pure fantasy.

You are NOT going to win the debate. This is Republican/Conservative "history". Not based in fact. But, according the right wing, true none-the-less.

According to the "right wing" Bible, "charity" is only good if someone doesn't "tell" you to be charitable, the way the Bible does. Does that make sense? Yes, to them. It makes perfect sense.

And yet they profess to be staunch supporters of the Constitution, which establishes a democratic process for deciding what we do and don't do, and if, in fact, it is decided, democratically,
that tax money will be used in a charitable way,

that is the way the system works.

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