Picked Up Some More GREAT Deals Today... Sweetest Looking Keyboard Ever


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
My buddy and I went back to the discount store again today. Once again it was as much as you can fit in a bag for $5. We got 2 bags between the two of us. One item was a keyboard but it was pretty heavy so I almost just thought it was an older one that wasn't worth the trouble, but got it anyway. Once I got home and we were going through all the stuff we got, I pulled out the keyboard and it is FUCKING AWESOME! It is this expensive mechanical keyboard with backlit keys that have tons of different settings. I took a short video of a few of them. I also picked up this electrical box but I'm not sure what it is. I mean hell, we picked up so much stuff it comes out to about $.10 per item. We have everything from new luggage locks, to replacement LED bulbs, to I found a box of 9 BRAND NEW 8GB thumb drives. Does anyone know for sure what this is?

Here is a video of the keyboard:

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Arrrgh. I saw "keyboard" and was expecting a vintage Moog or a B-3 or sump'm.
The day music died ...


--- was when I was working as a stagehand and watched a crew pull a case off one of several tractor trailers that required seven guys to move, it was so big. They wheeled it out onto the stage and the case was opened to reveal --- a grand piano.

Except it was only a grand piano shell, with no harp in it. Empty wood. A prop. They turned it to an angle where the audience couldn't see the $100 Yamaha keyboard plopped where the ivories should be, and the audience was supposed to believe they were watching a grand piano being played. In spite of what it sounded like.

Oh and this in a venue that already had three real grand pianos backstage, any of which could have been wheeled out and been real.

And that's what Faith Hill thinks of her audience. Their concert ticket dollars at work.

Weird shit.
Here is a variety of LED bulbs in the stash. Are these really that much better than regular bulbs? Any idea on life span on them?


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