Photos Show Officer at Burger King Night of Laquan McDonald's Death


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Lower than common criminals , feral pigs

On the night of the Laquan McDonald shooting, Chicago police entered the nearby Burger King restaurant to see what its security cameras captured. When they left, the store official said, the security video was missing. Now NBC 5 News has obtained screen grabs of what appears to be at least one police officer in the Burger King at what appears to be a computer terminal that night. NBC 5's Carol Marin reports. (Published Monday, Nov. 30, 2015)

Photos Show Officer at Burger King Night of McDonald's Death
Holy toledo! This case is one so over the top crazy. AND freaking blatant. Is this roid rage? Is this just that we've lowered the bar so you can't even do a limbo underneath it.?

Cripes. It's insane what police forces are doing.
Holy toledo! This case is one so over the top crazy. AND freaking blatant. Is this roid rage? Is this just that we've lowered the bar so you can't even do a limbo underneath it.?

Cripes. It's insane what police forces are doing.
Some act like they are the law, not the enforcers...
This story would have been a whole lot funnier if it had been a McDonalds.
Lower than common criminals , feral pigs

On the night of the Laquan McDonald shooting, Chicago police entered the nearby Burger King restaurant to see what its security cameras captured. When they left, the store official said, the security video was missing. Now NBC 5 News has obtained screen grabs of what appears to be at least one police officer in the Burger King at what appears to be a computer terminal that night. NBC 5's Carol Marin reports. (Published Monday, Nov. 30, 2015)

Photos Show Officer at Burger King Night of McDonald's Death

Yeah this one has blown open the 'good 'ol boy' thinking in the Chicago PD. They defend their own even when they commit murder. To the point of destroying evidence that would outright convict their 'buddy'.

It is disgusting and reprehensible. No need for cops everywhere to start questioning why people don't trust cops now. When the good cops stay silent or as in this case actively protect a murderer then the good cops are as bad the rest.

Something is really wrong with the police in the country.
Holy toledo! This case is one so over the top crazy. AND freaking blatant. Is this roid rage? Is this just that we've lowered the bar so you can't even do a limbo underneath it.?

Cripes. It's insane what police forces are doing.
Some act like they are the law, not the enforcers...

I don't get it. It's like I'm freaking reliving my moments in the 60's and 70's where cops were so out of control. Look. I don't understand this at all. I loved the Panthers. That's for another day. BUT they had every right to form when you understand what was going on back then.

The New Black Panthers just so everyone knows have nothing to do with the original.
Lower than common criminals , feral pigs

On the night of the Laquan McDonald shooting, Chicago police entered the nearby Burger King restaurant to see what its security cameras captured. When they left, the store official said, the security video was missing. Now NBC 5 News has obtained screen grabs of what appears to be at least one police officer in the Burger King at what appears to be a computer terminal that night. NBC 5's Carol Marin reports. (Published Monday, Nov. 30, 2015)

Photos Show Officer at Burger King Night of McDonald's Death
Your racist, faux-black president's buddy, Rahm Emanuel, probably ordered all potential incriminating videos confiscated because it would hurt his reelection chances. Just like Benghazi.

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