Philly: Bill banning shops from protecting themselves with bulletproof plexiglass PASSES commitee


Will the banks in Philly will be required to remove their bulletproof glass also?

Can't wait to see the twisted path this will take...

Will it be determined that door locks are a micro-aggression that can not be installed? How about yard and business fences? Bank vaults?(<<<That'll make it convienent to pick up some money)... Oh wait!!! Prison bars are definitely a micro-aggression!

Even signs could be covered under this legislation as a micro-aggression...


Quick question....................did any of you bother to read the linked article I posted?

If is the Cliff's notes................

Yes, there is a bill that wants to get rid of all of the bulletproof glass.

However.................there is going to be a three year review that will take into account the various views.
The funny thing is, it’s only the busted broken down stores that have bulltet proof glass in Philly . The stores criminals don’t even want to rob.
You know, there is a bit more to it than just wanting the glass gone. It also has to do with regulation of alcohol sales. And, they have a three year timeframe to figure out where the glass can and can't be used. They haven't said that all the glass has to come down immediately.

Here's a link from an actual Philly news agency, not InfoWars...................

Bulletproof glass provision amended in 'Stop and Go' bill

A provision requiring the removal of bulletproof glass from so-called 'Stop and Go' stores in Philadelphia was amended before being passed on Monday by city council.

Instead, the provision was amended to provide L&I a three-year time frame to create regulations regarding the use and removal of that glass.

Councilwoman Cindy Bass, the sponsor of the bill, wants owners of the shops to meet state law minimum requirements for serving alcohol, including serving hot food, have to seat for 30, and access to bathrooms.
...and still makes no sense. Lol
I am glad to learn in this thread that the ban against bulletproof windows has been delayed for three years.

I am afraid, however, that eventually the ban will be approved.

I understand that the authorities (the mayor, city council, and police) have to respond to the concerns of many people of Philadelphia, who may feel that bulletproof windows are insulting to their dignity.

I feel very sorry for the Korean storeowners. (In my city, at least a dozen Asian store clerks were murdered in the 1980s.)

I think that the Koreans will have to accept brutal reality and find another way to make a living in a safer part of Philly or even move to another city or state.

I see no other choice for them and their families.

(Of course, the community will suffer when it loses even more stores (as another poster pointed out), but common sense is weaker than political correctness.

Will the banks in Philly will be required to remove their bulletproof glass also?

Can't wait to see the twisted path this will take...

Will it be determined that door locks are a micro-aggression that can not be installed? How about yard and business fences? Bank vaults?(<<<That'll make it convienent to pick up some money)... Oh wait!!! Prison bars are definitely a micro-aggression!

Even signs could be covered under this legislation as a micro-aggression...



....and didn't they pass a law that you have to vote Democrat, too?????

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