Phillies Dragon: An Urban Catholic


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA motivate you to think about 'superstitious-marketing' (e.g., Jerry Maguire)?

This yarn is about sports in Philadelphia.




Amlan was an Asian-Indian immigrant living in America and recently-admitted into the prestigious Ivy League school, the University of Pennsylvania (in the City of Brotherly Love!). Amlan was a huge fan of the Philadelphia Phillies (MLB) baseball team and grew up watching Mike Schimidt and then cheering for Chase Utley (eventually). Amlan believed the Phillies were the last great 'democratic team' unaffected by the corruption problems of modern free-agency as well as steroids. Amlan wore Phillies 'costumes' and posted blogs on the Internet about Schmidt, Dykstra, and other Phillies greats.


Amlan's posts became very popular, so his UPenn prof suggested he use the red-color motifs of his Phillies costumes to talk about 'spiritual ornamentation' rights on Internet-blogs (e.g., what was considered 'festive' and what was considered 'fanatical.') Since Amlan was a Catholic-Christian, he decided to write about red-color ornaments of the Christian church (e.g., priestly-robes, urn-cloths, etc.) and why Philadelphia sports fans (i.e., Phillies-fans) wore red and cheered on their team. Red was the color of blood and equated with both passion, agony, and honest emotions. Amlan wrote, "Catholics feel welcome in the pluralism-friendly City of Brotherly Love --- Philadelphia --- and appreciate when the Phillies played in vintage old-style uniforms on the playing-field to delighted audiences/sports-fans!"


Philadelphia was indeed a pluralism rich American city and therefore the cite of great populism-politics intrigue arguably ever since the days of the symbolic signing of the Declaration of Independence (in Independence Hall, Philadelphia). To Amlan, the Phillies uniforms were compatible with Catholic beliefs regarding festive community cheer and colorful ornamentations. Amlan began blogging about the red-colored fictional comic book 'super-villain' Carnage (Marvel Comics), a 'dragon' of anarchy and Carnage's symbolic complementation of capitalism-oriented competitive spirit. Amlan wrote, "The Catholic-friendly Phillies stood proudly in opposition to the terrorism-agenda of the fictional red-colored villain Carnage, a dragon of racism!"


GOD: American kids love comic books.
SATAN: Carnage (Marvel Comics) is pure evil!
GOD: Yes, youngsters appreciate 'morality compasses.'
SATAN: Amlan is an idealistic Internet-blogger.
GOD: He sure is, but is Philadelphia truly secure?
SATAN: After 9/11, any American city is vulnerable...
GOD: Modern commerce traffic creates anti-capitalism terrorism.
SATAN: The Philadelphia Phillies are a fan-loved baseball team.
GOD: Sports in media-culture is festive (e.g., Jerry Maguire).
SATAN: Is Amlan a true 'Catholicism-advocate' in America?
GOD: He's an idealistic immigrant and Phillies fan...that's good.
SATAN: The Vatican has its own website now...
GOD: Don't be sarcastic; media can unite people through networking.
SATAN: Many consider computers 'toys.'
GOD: There's nothing wrong with modernism 'selfie-imagination.'
SATAN: Only in America...



I've never been a phan of that red. I tolerate it, because I have to.

As far as a Catholic connection, even with the considerable neighborhoods of Irish, Italian and Polish (of which I am a product) I'd guess Baltimore has the edge at least historically.

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