Philadelphia Police unconditional surrender to the mobs


Platinum Member
Apr 27, 2020
Northeast Oklahoma
Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.
The democratic mayors encourage the riots. They aim to blame their intentionally caused havoc on the best president in history.

Too bad Americans aren't quite retarded enough to buy that... and the ones that are vote democrat anyway and get to be enriched now, wonderful.
Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.

While blue blood does seem to be running thin in some liberal owned cities orders are orders. Cops are not soldiers, although many former soldiers are cops. Want to see some real ground and pound? Petition our President to deploy the regular Army.
Let it burn; it's a black run shithole. We need to send in fuel trucks and pallets of empty jugs and make them available to the rioters, so they can finish off the place. thee black police chiefs obviously like what they see, letting their own stations burn, so why not just let them burn? They're dysfunctional money pits anyway. It's not like nobody was predicting this back in the 1960's how this was all going to turn out.
The Philadelphia mayor has issued an emergency order that all businesses in the city are to close immediately.

Trump is going to be forced to deploy the military.

Not sure about that.

On the other hand he could just wait and blame it all on the incompetent democrats.

Democrats get destroyed by the joggers of their own creation.
Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.

Nothing new in liberal Democrat shitholes.

Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.

While blue blood does seem to be running thin in some liberal owned cities orders are orders. Cops are not soldiers, although many former soldiers are cops. Want to see some real ground and pound? Petition our President to deploy the regular Army.
That can only be done in open rebellion as the Constitution strictly forbids the use of the US military against its citizens except in cases of open rebellion..
Americans should be waking up now. Is this what they want running the country? The nasty ass big cities were all abandoned to them long ago...does anyone want the entire country looking like Detroit or Philadelphia?
Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.

Nothing new in liberal Democrat shitholes.

View attachment 343498

Yes, they certainly look all heartbroken and enraged about 'Injustice n stuff'. Wonder how many of the feral little animals got stabbed and beaten over making a grab for that bag of Doritoes or whatever it is lying in the street there. I understand from left wing media that those are all white protestors.
A few cops have no chance against thousands upon thousands. If I'm a cop and the so called dam breaks I'm outta there.


After the democrats have destroyed their own communities we bring in the spartans to take care of the joggers.

Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.

While blue blood does seem to be running thin in some liberal owned cities orders are orders. Cops are not soldiers, although many former soldiers are cops. Want to see some real ground and pound? Petition our President to deploy the regular Army.
That can only be done in open rebellion as the Constitution strictly forbids the use of the US military against its citizens except in cases of open rebellion..

So the 82nd Airborne was not deployed to Little Rock in 1957? Kennedy did not issue executive order 11111 in 1963?

Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.

Nothing new in liberal Democrat shitholes.

View attachment 343498

Yes, they certainly look all heartbroken and enraged about 'Injustice n stuff'. Wonder how many of the feral little animals got stabbed and beaten over making a grab for that bag of Doritoes or whatever it is lying in the street there. I understand from left wing media that those are all white protestors.

Be prepared for maximum cognitive dissonance to follow. As in “these are whites rioting and if you oppose it you are opposing black rage”
This is now beyond the point of anything this country has ever seen.

If this keeps up, at some point the people that are violent need to be stopped by whatever means are necessary.
Its already well passed that stage, the democratic party mayors are in on this rioting. Antifa is funded by the DNC, and the DNC mega-billionaires who fund the DNC, also fund antifa! In Mlps, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Philly, Boston, ect ect, all have openly sided with antifa over and over and over again for the last three years. CNN & MSNBC on air staff routinely praise and encourage antifa to violence, and not one US attorney general has had the balls to step in and shutter the two of them, and incarcerate the democratic party political agitators who make up the on-air staff. This is not about racism or a dead felon, the democratic party is behind all of this, just this morning John Brennan, the same Obama thug whom Barr will decline to prosecute, was egging on the mobs to loot and pillage the entire United States! Did you fucking hear that? Thats right, Obama's CIA chief John Brennan, is openly inciting the mob to riot coast to coast!

Its time to take matters into our own hands, Barr ain't doing a thing about anything....

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Fox News just showed a long line of parked police cars abandoned by the police and being stripped and burned by the mobs. Then the SWAT truck came down the street and I had hope they were going to stop the attacks but the SWAT truck did nothing, driving by the looters and arsonists. The Philadelphia PD has officially surrendered the city to the mob. Glad I no longer live there.

While blue blood does seem to be running thin in some liberal owned cities orders are orders. Cops are not soldiers, although many former soldiers are cops. Want to see some real ground and pound? Petition our President to deploy the regular Army.
That can only be done in open rebellion as the Constitution strictly forbids the use of the US military against its citizens except in cases of open rebellion..

So the 82nd Airborne was not deployed to Little Rock in 1957? Kennedy did not issue executive order 11111 in 1963?

Kennedy invoked the Rebellion Clause. Just as Trump may be forced to do as well. This is not going to end well in any outcome.

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