Petition: Oprah must disavow Harvey Weinstein

Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
Oprah has mentioned running for president multiple times, you dumb negress.
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
She opened her fat mouth and got a taste of politics. Now she can go back to nibbling on white man's ears.
What is a astonishing is years ago she made a statement where she would never HELP the blacks in America but she would give the shirt off her back to those living in Africa. I believe that is how it went. This was years and years ago she said that.
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
She opened her fat mouth and got a taste of politics. Now she can go back to nibbling on white man's ears.
Ah ah ah.....Weinstein is not white. He is a Jew.
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
She opened her fat mouth and got a taste of politics. Now she can go back to nibbling on white man's ears.
Ah ah ah.....Weinstein is not white. He is a Jew.
So is Ivanka.

Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
I read a book that says she's unstable.

Why would those non-racists, non-misogynists, non-bigots think a fat black woman is qualified to be president?

Oh which book is that?
The one about not begging then tweeting and begging.

You said you read a book that said she was unstable so which book was that??
When will you ever learn?

The Hidden Dirt on Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey's Former Stepmother Dishes Dirt About Oprah; Reveals Shocking Information About Oprah and BFF Gayle King's Relationship - Jade African

Oh a book by her daddy. Really
You didn't even know about it. Here's another by her special biographer. Says she was a whore.

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews -[/QUOTE]

I guess Reagan was a rapist and I don't care if Oprah is a lesbian. Sure beats that we have a female serial assaulter in the white house.
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
She opened her fat mouth and got a taste of politics. Now she can go back to nibbling on white man's ears.
Ah ah ah.....Weinstein is not white. He is a Jew.
So is Ivanka.
Religiously, not ethnically.

Oh a book by her daddy. Really
You didn't even know about it. Here's another by her special biographer. Says she was a whore.

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews -

I guess Reagan was a rapist and I don't care if Oprah is a lesbian. Sure beats that we have a female serial assaulter in the white house.[/QUOTE]
She was a whore according to her father and sister. That doesn't beat the assaulter in the WH.
Don't give that woman credence. She has already told us how she feels about Harvey by not commenting. So forcing something to come out of her mouth would somehow be convincing?
Instead, ask her what Rev. Wright's sermon was last week, or if her buddy, Louis Farrakhan has gotten over the flu...
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
She opened her fat mouth and got a taste of politics. Now she can go back to nibbling on white man's ears.
FACT: every body that night gave a nod to women and their struggles, how on God's green earth is this now her fuckin fault because the lame duck media is too fuckin lazy to find real stories to fuckin talk a book and get off the fucked up news train!!
Don't give that woman credence. She has already told us how she feels about Harvey by not commenting. So forcing something to come out of her mouth would somehow be convincing?
Instead, ask her what Rev. Wright's sermon was last week, or if her buddy, Louis Farrakhan has gotten over the flu...
Girl, you need Gezzus and hamburger....your too fuckin sick for words....get a fuckin life, you sorry clown meat!!
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
She opened her fat mouth and got a taste of politics. Now she can go back to nibbling on white man's ears.
FACT: every body that night gave a nod to women and their struggles, how on God's green earth is this now her fuckin fault because the lame duck media is too fuckin lazy to find real stories to fuckin talk a book and get off the fucked up news train!!
You are an idiot, lady.
You didn't even know about it. Here's another by her special biographer. Says she was a whore.

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews -

I guess Reagan was a rapist and I don't care if Oprah is a lesbian. Sure beats that we have a female serial assaulter in the white house.
She was a whore according to her father and sister. That doesn't beat the assaulter in the WH.[/QUOTE]
You do know that only a whore could recognize another whore, yes?
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
She opened her fat mouth and got a taste of politics. Now she can go back to nibbling on white man's ears.
FACT: every body that night gave a nod to women and their struggles, how on God's green earth is this now her fuckin fault because the lame duck media is too fuckin lazy to find real stories to fuckin talk a book and get off the fucked up news train!!
You are an idiot, lady.
Takes one to know one, aye?
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
She opened her fat mouth and got a taste of politics. Now she can go back to nibbling on white man's ears.
FACT: every body that night gave a nod to women and their struggles, how on God's green earth is this now her fuckin fault because the lame duck media is too fuckin lazy to find real stories to fuckin talk a book and get off the fucked up news train!!
You are an idiot, lady.
Takes one to know one, aye?
No. Smart people know idiots when they see them. They don't also have to be idiots themselves.
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
She opened her fat mouth and got a taste of politics. Now she can go back to nibbling on white man's ears.
FACT: every body that night gave a nod to women and their struggles, how on God's green earth is this now her fuckin fault because the lame duck media is too fuckin lazy to find real stories to fuckin talk a book and get off the fucked up news train!!
NBC tweeted that she was our president. Before they realized their obvious bias and removed it. Blame them.

At least Oprah got an inkling of what it would be like to make an attempt at their fantasies.
Petition: Oprah Must Disavow Harvey Weinstein
Given that Oprah Winfrey has set herself up as a figurehead for the #MeToo movement, and is even reportedly considering running for president, it is imperative that she disavow serial sex predator and her friend for many years Harvey Weinstein..........................


Bet this goes over like a lead balloon that photo going around of her sucking his ear lobe is pretty gross and she's married. Hmmm suck on another mans earlobe Mmmk.
Oprah hasn't set herself up for shit. She gave a effin speech about women and the sorry ass media, who should be worrying about the effin hear and now, is running with this will she run shit. The woman ain't said a damned word about running for effin president and typical right wing deflecting robots is milking this crap for all its worth, because God forbid, we keep our focus on the idiot in chief, can't do that shit....he's not the effin black guy OBAMA
Oprah has mentioned running for president multiple times, you dumb negress.
She also mentioned in the past, that's she was gonna lose stupid comment, you idiot!!

I guess Reagan was a rapist and I don't care if Oprah is a lesbian. Sure beats that we have a female serial assaulter in the white house.
She was a whore according to her father and sister. That doesn't beat the assaulter in the WH.
You do know that only a whore could recognize another whore, yes?[/QUOTE]
Are you saying her father and her sister were whores, too?

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