PETA kidnaps family dog off their porch, Then Kills It


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
More lefty liberal scenes from America. I swear the time is coming when I'm going to have to saddle up again.

And it wont be pretty.

Maya Why PETA Kills

Waiting until the family was away from the home, PETA employees backed their van up to the porch and threw biscuits to Maya

Thinking that no one was around, one of the employees—who was later charged with larceny—went onto the property and took Maya.

Had a surveillance video not been available, the killing of Maya would have remained unknown, as are the fates of the other animals.

I don't like PETA..Why rescue and animal, then try to feed it with other newly introduced dogs to see if it is aggressive, to see if they need to euthanize it if it growls at another dog while eating,,,what madness...
What the hell were they trying to do??

Thats what I don't understand and why kill that sweet little dog? What was the end game.

PETA sucks and always has.
PETA is right around the Tea Party and Lena Dunham when it comes to groups/people that I dislike.
PETA seems to have been infiltrated by animal haters, rather than animal lovers. I've heard just too much over the years. They preferred to put down the pets that were caught after Katrina than find a new family for them. They've been witnessed to pick up the excess animals at no kill shelters and then proceed to euthanize them, when they said they would attempt to find homes for them.
Retarded Brotches. :slap:

Looks like action is being taken...

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