Pescetarianism: A Modern Prescription?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Pescetarianism or pesco-vegetarianism is the practice of following a diet that includes fish or other seafood, but not the flesh of other animals (source of information: Wikipedia).

Bears are pseudo-pescetarian, since they eat mostly fish when they're not only eating berries.

Pescetarianism is a great modernism diet for urban dwellers dining on chic sushi and then tempering their hustle-bustle lifestyle with a balancing ascetic diet of fruits and veggies (and maybe some fresh dairy items).

Who would you want to be a pescetarian (from the modern world)?

Here are some anecdotal 'candidates' for pescetarianism advertising (philosophy/psychology):

1. Billy Idol (modern American rock star)
2. Dan Quayle (famous but criticized Republican vice-president to George Bush)
3. Steve Jobs (founder of Apple Computers)
4. Leo DiCaprio (famous American movie superstar and former teen heart-throb)


GOD: More Americans should consider pescetarianism...
SATAN: Even bears are pescetarian!
GOD: Civilization has become a cheeseburger haven!
SATAN: Planet Hollywood culture is a cholesterol-culture.
GOD: Do you think Americans will 'swallow' sushi-aesthetics?
SATAN: New Yorkers and urbanites may, but midwesterners won't...
GOD: Right, traditional die-hard Americans like corn, meat, and potatoes.
SATAN: High protein, starch, and cholesterol diet is not good for an urban lifestyle...
GOD: Remember the Bud Bowl (the beer-themed contest presented during the Super Bowl)?
SATAN: Americans love beer and fries...
GOD: Sushi is not offensive or dirty or trite or strange, so American urbanites can embrace it!
SATAN: Sushi is a good way to 'sell' pescetarianism.
GOD: Or, you could conversely hype Red Lobster...
SATAN: I suppose it's better than continually hyping, "There's a Burger King in Afghanistan!"
GOD: Sushi is also good in terms of nutrition.
SATAN: Eskimos eat fish!
GOD: I like that naturalism film Brother Bear (Joaquin Phoenix)!
SATAN: It's either pescetarianism or cannibalism...



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