People's Respect Toward Authority Figures


Sep 1, 2014
Hi I'm new here but I am writing an essay for high school about the Ferguson shooting or the shooting where Police Officer Wilson shot Michael Brown, killing him. I have my opinion that racial relations in the US have been improving but not nearly enough so that racism is gone. Also, to me, this case says that people's respect toward authority figures, such as the police, has gone downhill. I suppose that to some people, when police enforce the laws, the people end up resenting them, hence the protests and vandalism. As for this case, I think that is an excessive use of force depending on which side you look at. From the police officer's side, it would not be because he must have believed that he was just enforcing the law. Although, from the majority black community, I believe that they think it is excessive because their story is so much more different than that of the police officer. So that is just my opinion but if anyone else could give me some more information on this or even their views, it would be greatly appreciated. If I was unclear about anything, please tell me. Thanks everyone!
If I was writing a (short) easy on The Ferguson incident I would stress withholding ALL opinions until ALL the facts are in. Who resents what may be interesting, but it could all be based on misperception of what really happened....who did wrong and who did right.
Ohhh, okay...but it is due in two days (my teacher gave it to us yesterday) and it is five paragraphs. And yeah, it could and probably is based on misperception of what really happened but I either have to choose the side of the police officer or the side of Brown. So I am not entirely sure... but who is to say who did wrong and who did right? In the past, it seemed that the jury usually sided with the police officer, but I feel like both of them were right and cheesy as that may sound.

Oh and I am just starting the IB program in high school so this is my first essay for high school so I'm trying to make it believable...:)
I would hold out for the position that choosing sides at this point is impossible, immoral and un-american. Both sides deserve a hearing before a grand jury...and then a trial if the evidence justifies. I think the teacher is setting a trap...and the one who avoids stepping in it will win.
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Alright, thank you for your input deltex1:) I'll explain to my teacher about this...but are you sure that it is impossible for me to write this essay right now?? Um can you read the prompt??

"Write a five paragraph response to the question below. Answer all parts of the question. You must use your knowledge of the topic and opinion to answer the question. Do not use first person. You must write as if you are writing an editorial in the paper or on the Internet. You will not be graded on your opinion but you must use evidence to support your ideas.

What does the situation in Ferguson, Missouri say about race relations in the United States? What does it say about people's respect towards authority figures such as police? Is there a problem in America and what is it? IS this an example of excessive force and racism? How does respect to authority figures factor in to the situation? What do we do to move forward?

If possible, choose a side: Brown or Wilson."

So, thank you for your help:)
Of course you can write it now. Your point is that it IS impossible to choose brown over Wilson now. (That is your First para)....then Briefly state the alleged "facts" on Wilson's side.( 2nd para). Then do the same for brown. (3 rd para).
Your conclusion is that the facts on either side are unproven speculation.(4 th para) last paragraph ...your recommendation.....says justice calls for neutrality at this impassioned plea for patience.

Something like that.
Alright, thank you for your input deltex1:) I'll explain to my teacher about this...but are you sure that it is impossible for me to write this essay right now?? Um can you read the prompt??

"Write a five paragraph response to the question below. Answer all parts of the question. You must use your knowledge of the topic and opinion to answer the question. Do not use first person. You must write as if you are writing an editorial in the paper or on the Internet. You will not be graded on your opinion but you must use evidence to support your ideas.

What does the situation in Ferguson, Missouri say about race relations in the United States? What does it say about people's respect towards authority figures such as police? Is there a problem in America and what is it? IS this an example of excessive force and racism? How does respect to authority figures factor in to the situation? What do we do to move forward?

If possible, choose a side: Brown or Wilson."

So, thank you for your help:)
I meant it's not possible to choose...not that it's not possible to write an essay that you can't choose.
Hi I'm new here but I am writing an essay for high school about the Ferguson shooting or the shooting where Police Officer Wilson shot Michael Brown, killing him. I have my opinion that racial relations in the US have been improving but not nearly enough so that racism is gone. Also, to me, this case says that people's respect toward authority figures, such as the police, has gone downhill. I suppose that to some people, when police enforce the laws, the people end up resenting them, hence the protests and vandalism. As for this case, I think that is an excessive use of force depending on which side you look at. From the police officer's side, it would not be because he must have believed that he was just enforcing the law. Although, from the majority black community, I believe that they think it is excessive because their story is so much more different than that of the police officer. So that is just my opinion but if anyone else could give me some more information on this or even their views, it would be greatly appreciated. If I was unclear about anything, please tell me. Thanks everyone!
Having been around a lot longer than you, I think I can say with some confidence, that the lower socioeconomic classes have never had much respect for authority. There has always been some incident like the Ferguson shooting riots that would indicate that people have lost respect for authority.
Hi I'm new here but I am writing an essay for high school about the Ferguson shooting or the shooting where Police Officer Wilson shot Michael Brown, killing him. I have my opinion that racial relations in the US have been improving but not nearly enough so that racism is gone. Also, to me, this case says that people's respect toward authority figures, such as the police, has gone downhill. I suppose that to some people, when police enforce the laws, the people end up resenting them, hence the protests and vandalism. As for this case, I think that is an excessive use of force depending on which side you look at. From the police officer's side, it would not be because he must have believed that he was just enforcing the law. Although, from the majority black community, I believe that they think it is excessive because their story is so much more different than that of the police officer. So that is just my opinion but if anyone else could give me some more information on this or even their views, it would be greatly appreciated. If I was unclear about anything, please tell me. Thanks everyone!
Having been around a lot longer than you, I think I can say with some confidence, that the lower socioeconomic classes have never had much respect for authority. There has always been some incident like the Ferguson shooting that would indicate that people have lost respect for authority.
Perhaps true...but that loss of respect should be based on facts...the truth...not the usual stereotypes.
I would advise the young student to avoid this place like the plague.

I would also advise the young student to take advantage of the fact that your instructor is motivated by dealing with motivated students. Your desire to learn and interest in what your instructor has to say will, in the end, impact your grade more than the path you take regarding an essay.
I would advise the young student to avoid this place like the plague.

I would also advise the young student to take advantage of the fact that your instructor is motivated by dealing with motivated students. Your desire to learn and interest in what your instructor has to say will, in the end, impact your grade more than the path you take regarding an essay.
With that advice I agree she should avoid you like the plague. The teacher said she will not be graded on her opinion...she will be graded on how she presents HER opinion.
Hi I'm new here but I am writing an essay for high school about the Ferguson shooting or the shooting where Police Officer Wilson shot Michael Brown, killing him. I have my opinion that racial relations in the US have been improving but not nearly enough so that racism is gone. Also, to me, this case says that people's respect toward authority figures, such as the police, has gone downhill. I suppose that to some people, when police enforce the laws, the people end up resenting them, hence the protests and vandalism. As for this case, I think that is an excessive use of force depending on which side you look at. From the police officer's side, it would not be because he must have believed that he was just enforcing the law. Although, from the majority black community, I believe that they think it is excessive because their story is so much more different than that of the police officer. So that is just my opinion but if anyone else could give me some more information on this or even their views, it would be greatly appreciated. If I was unclear about anything, please tell me. Thanks everyone!

Having been around a lot longer than you, I think I can say with some confidence, that the lower socioeconomic classes have never had much respect for authority. There has always been some incident like the Ferguson shooting riots that would indicate that people have lost respect for authority.

Having spent a good amount of time on this earth as well, I can say that historically, authority figures have not have much respect for the lower socioeconomic classes, either. Which accounts for police abuse.

How many wealthy people have suffered from police brutality?
By the way, Yoite, good luck on your essay, and I agree that it is possible, when facts are not ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN, to withhold judgment. And you could make a good argument for that.
Hi I'm new here but I am writing an essay for high school about the Ferguson shooting or the shooting where Police Officer Wilson shot Michael Brown, killing him. I have my opinion that racial relations in the US have been improving but not nearly enough so that racism is gone. Also, to me, this case says that people's respect toward authority figures, such as the police, has gone downhill. I suppose that to some people, when police enforce the laws, the people end up resenting them, hence the protests and vandalism. As for this case, I think that is an excessive use of force depending on which side you look at. From the police officer's side, it would not be because he must have believed that he was just enforcing the law. Although, from the majority black community, I believe that they think it is excessive because their story is so much more different than that of the police officer. So that is just my opinion but if anyone else could give me some more information on this or even their views, it would be greatly appreciated. If I was unclear about anything, please tell me. Thanks everyone!

Having been around a lot longer than you, I think I can say with some confidence, that the lower socioeconomic classes have never had much respect for authority. There has always been some incident like the Ferguson shooting riots that would indicate that people have lost respect for authority.

Having spent a good amount of time on this earth as well, I can say that historically, authority figures have not have much respect for the lower socioeconomic classes, either. Which accounts for police abuse.

How many wealthy people have suffered from police brutality?
And that is an opinion....not a fact...I would hasten to say...
deltex1- Thanks soooooo much for that outline:) I've already written part of my essay but I will revise it with your outline. And you communicated every perfectly so thanks for that! I'm gonna absolutely try to base my essay and opinions on the facts, if that makes sense.....

Flopper- Thanks for your input as well! But shouldn't the lower socioeconomic classes have the most respect for authority because police enforce the laws and (sometimes) prevent bad things from happening?? Like robberies or something?? And if they do happen don't the police get right on it??

LoneLaughter- Yeah, my teacher is pretty motivated and strict because I am in the IB program. But everyone in this program has a desire to learn and is motivated so I think, in my own opinion, that my essay matters more...

ricechickie- I'm sure a lot of wealthy people have suffered from it but it has not been released or something because the wealthy pay for it to not be released?? I'm not sure...

Thank you for your help everyone!! If it's ok with everyone I would like to incorporate some of your ideas into my essay, just the ideas not your actual words (I will also cite them)?? Thanks again!
Whatever you do....don't cite this forum as a source. Your instructor will not consider it to be a valid form of research.

You'll do well to look up a column on the subject in the Philadelphia Enquirer by Michael Smerconish.
If you even hint that a public lynching of the police officer is not an immediate national concern then you should resign yourself to a very low grade.

Unless you have a very unusual teacher who is given to risk-taking at "evaluation" time.

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