People Food?


Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.
Do you feed your four legged friend people food? My cat is fairly new to my home, only got her in November, and I think was still a bit of a kitten. Definately a very young adult, at most, this creature. She LOVES people food and I have allowed her to graze on left overs, and have been giving her milk daily.

My friends think she is gaining weight, and I can see she looks different but I had expected her to grow some. She's in no danger of being overweight, and eats her cat food with a good appetite.

What say you?
stop giving the cat milk.....cow's milk is bad for a cat.....stop...if you must go to the store and get the fake milk...kitty sip or something...pricey but safe
As a practice milk is not good for them belly aches..that's the truth.

We give our dog a tiny portion of what we are eating for dinner..and I mean tiny. My wife thinks it makes him feel like "one of us". I think it causes him to beg more, but that's not a battle I want to fight.
Define "people food". If you're talking murkin chow like BK, KFC, MC'D, Nacho Hell,SubPar,Pizza Rut,Wendy's,Redneck lobster, Guinea Garden and that shit ? NO

My dogs, twice a day have an assortment of a leafy greens( various types/mostly spinach or radish tops), broken rice, carrots, squash, beef kidney,fatty meat, heart and brains.I add a little salt and tons of garlic.In the morning they usually get eggs, a little yuca, and some fresh milk. They eat about 2 bananas or plaintains per day as snacks. They get raw bones as I occasionally bone out chickens, rabbits etc. They get the entrails as well.
This diet has been adjusted several times as regular blood samples reveal nutritional deficits and excesses. I do the same testing for my toucans, parrots, fish ( yes. you can take blood samples) and rabbits.I nearly hurt my toucans with feeding too much iron content.

The pigs, I could care less.Four or five months and they get the sledgehammer and knife treatment. I like to pretend they're in uniform:eek: when I do it.:eusa_shhh::tongue:
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My cat loves Iams dogfood. She won't eat the catfood so I just gave up and let her eat the dogfood

My dog eats mostly what I eat with Iams dogfood as her emergency the man isn't eating anything I like food.

I think if you eat good food, and you share it with your dog or cat, they'll be eating well, too.
i used to have a beer with my pigs quite often Douger, i figured it kinda cut to the chase, kept me outta bad bars and trouble .....they're rather sociable animals when 1/2 cocked , and can't dial a phone the next day.....everyone wins!

and we're on the doggie diet here, the place setting are, Knife, Fork, Dog , maybe that fat a*shat Dr Phil will pick it up, eh?
O good grief, Douger. I am not going to start cooking for the cat.

Sounds as if you have a menagere' there. What kind of doggies?
American bulldogs


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of course there's always the notion of testing new dishes out on the dog first

i mean, you just know it's gonna be a bummer if the dog walks away from it
My dog gets "Wellness" and I feed the cat "MaxCat". They get some scraps as well..mostly roasted chicken. The other day my dog and I feasted on some left over porterhouse from Peter Luger's steakhouse.
My dog eats dry dog food and what ever else I can sneak her when my wife is not looking. She is a Chesapeake and weights about 100 lbs with no fat on her anywhere.
Cows' milk is only good for cows.

And I give my dogs and cats a small amount of people food, mostly left over meat or eggs and a few veggies. (my dogs love asparagus)

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