People dumber than Dan Quayle

He didn't misspell anything. That's his idea of "Common Core".

He's a complete and utter slob.

A singing Faux pas is no where near as bad as wrongly correcting a kid who has it written on a chalkboard. But that was funny
Rdean is that you?
Yeah it was much worse because you can spell potato with an e. And quayle knew how many states we had and could speak without a teleprompter

Who cares if he can spell or not? I'm more concerned about the fact that after almost 6 years in office he's still an incompetent amateur as an Executive. President Numbskull has no idea what the people that work for him are up to most of the time and every time he's faced with a major problem he ends up making it worse.

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." -- Albert Einstein

A singing Faux pas is no where near as bad as wrongly correcting a kid who has it written on a chalkboard. But that was funny
Rdean is that you?
Yeah it was much worse because you can spell potato with an e. And quayle knew how many states we had and could speak without a teleprompter

And Quayle was using the teachers resource's that had potato spelled with the e.

A singing Faux pas is no where near as bad as wrongly correcting a kid who has it written on a chalkboard. But that was funny

NO it is WORSE!
Quayle didn't have a "teleprompter".. Obama did!
So this idiot Obama not questioning simply READ what was wrongly displayed!
How dumb is that?
If Obama was so smart... he would have caught and said... see folks even the smartest man in the world makes a mistake!!
But no he didn't even KNOW it was wrong!!!
he is CIC and cant pronounce a name of the military he is charge of? he calls them corpse-men

He is scary dumb and in charge of running our country and military...shameful
Fifty seven states plus ALaska and Hawaii and a couple of others. So over 60 now.

Anyway, everyone makes mistakes like this when speaking in public as often as he does. The fun is that the libs howl whenever a Republican makes this kind of error and points to it as proof he is "stupid." So turnabout is fair play.
People dumber than Dan Quayle
Lots of cons are competing for that title.....
Sarah Palin
Ted Cruz
John McCain
Rand Paul
Paul Ryan
Rick Perry
Michelle Bachmann
Lindsy Graham
Bobby Jindal
There's a whole box of rocks.

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