People don't care about the environment that much

Nuc said:
Drive around a bit.

All i see in PA, NJ and Del are housing developments going up everywhere. Former farmland is becoming 50+ houses for new families or families moving further from the city. So when new houses are built, strip malls follow. You know why? Because people buy things and when people live some place, they want to buy things close to them.
insein said:
All i see in PA, NJ and Del are housing developments going up everywhere. Former farmland is becoming 50+ houses for new families or families moving further from the city. So when new houses are built, strip malls follow. You know why? Because people buy things and when people live some place, they want to buy things close to them.

True enough, but if this keeps up, you will be driving at 15MPH from Philly to Maine when you go on vacation in the future. And the whole time you'll be looking at either MacDonalds, Best Buy, Circuit City and Burger King, or at billboards of MacDonalds, Best Buy, Circuit City and Burger King.
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  • #23
kurtsprincess said:

As a moderate ....... can we smack the extremists up side the head when they wander too far????????? :cof:

Yes ma'm. may I have another? :D
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  • #24
GunnyL said:
You are correct. I was thinking more along the lines of culling the herd, so to speak. ;)

If nothing else, it would be environmentally friendly because it would remove a lot of hot air and complete wastes of resources sustaining such individuals. It also would at least for a time, redefine the boundaries of "extreme."

Well I know Liberal extremists have been culling the heard so to speak for the last several decades.

look at two of the major social agendas of the left: Homosexual legitimizaiton and Abortion. Supporting both culls the human race of people who favor those positions over several generation. Homosexuals don't procreate. they are more a self culling group. Pro Abortionists killed their young before they are born so naturally that will cull the human race.

Its pretty sad though.
Avatar4321 said:
Well I know Liberal extremists have been culling the heard so to speak for the last several decades.

look at two of the major social agendas of the left: Homosexual legitimizaiton and Abortion. Supporting both culls the human race of people who favor those positions over several generation. Homosexuals don't procreate. they are more a self culling group. Pro Abortionists killed their young before they are born so naturally that will cull the human race.

Its pretty sad though.

I'm not saying this to provoke you but is there any evidence that proves that the "left" have more abortions than the "right" per capita? I don't know but I'm curious.
:link: :link: :link: :link: :link:
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  • #26
Nuc said:
True enough, but if this keeps up, you will be driving at 15MPH from Philly to Maine when you go on vacation in the future. And the whole time you'll be looking at either MacDonalds, Best Buy, Circuit City and Burger King, or at billboards of MacDonalds, Best Buy, Circuit City and Burger King.

Don't most people take the freeway to Maine anyway? I dont know tons of people who use backroads.

And having driven on some backroads in several states, there arent nearly enough shopping places. There is alot of land just not being used for anything.
Nuc said:
I'm not saying this to provoke you but is there any evidence that proves that the "left" have more abortions than the "right" per capita? I don't know but I'm curious.
:link: :link: :link: :link: :link:

I would be surprised if he could provide you with that kind of evidence.

I went to a liberal college. My sister went to a college made up mostly of Baptists (Baylor), i.e, the religious right. They had the same pregnancy and abortion rate there as my school did. Hmmmmmmm.
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  • #28
Nuc said:
I'm not saying this to provoke you but is there any evidence that proves that the "left" have more abortions than the "right" per capita? I don't know but I'm curious.
:link: :link: :link: :link: :link:

You need a link? I would have thought it would be self evident that the group that is pro abortion would abort more children than the group that is against abortion.
ProudDem said:
I would be surprised if he could provide you with that kind of evidence.

I went to a liberal college. My sister went to a college made up mostly of Baptists (Baylor), i.e, the religious right. They had the same pregnancy and abortion rate there as my school did. Hmmmmmmm.

I suspect the same thing. I would guess a lot of girls from a "right" background would consider abortion simply because their people wouldn't accept their having a child out of wedlock.
Avatar4321 said:
You need a link? I would have thought it would be self evident that the group that is pro abortion would abort more children than the group that is against abortion.

Avatar, that is not true. Sometimes the people who appear to be the most conservative have the worst skeletons in their closet.
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  • #31
ProudDem said:
Avatar, that is not true. Sometimes the people who appear to be the most conservative have the worst skeletons in their closet.

Then they arent conservative.
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  • #33
ProudDem said:
Do you live in the real world?

Yes, Pro life is a defining conservative issue. So much so that those who are pro abortion Republicans aren't conservatives, they are moderates.
Avatar4321 said:
Yes, Pro life is a defining conservative issue. So much so that those who are pro abortion Republicans aren't conservatives, they are moderates.

Avatar, it's easy for people to say that they are pro-life until they get into a position where they (or their significant other) want to get an abortion.

But my point was that sometimes the people who try to come off as conservative on the outside are not necessarily conservative on the inside, and I don't mean the abortion issue.

I mentioned in another thread that I have a friend who engages in threesomes with her husband. They both oppose abortion, and they are both die-hard republicans. If you saw them and spoke with them, you would never know that they engage in this kind of behavior. That was what I was talking about.
ProudDem said:
I mentioned in another thread that I have a friend who engages in threesomes with her husband. They both oppose abortion, and they are both die-hard republicans. If you saw them and spoke with them, you would never know that they engage in this kind of behavior. That was what I was talking about.

But I thought Maria Shriver was a Democrat?
Nuc said:
I suspect the same thing. I would guess a lot of girls from a "right" background would consider abortion simply because their people wouldn't accept their having a child out of wedlock.
I would hazard a guess that they would consider aborting a child as worse than having a child out of wedlock. Much worse. In fact a very religious friend of mine did that very thing. Her mother was horrified that she had gotten pregnant at all, but she did not get married, and aborting it was never even an option. She carried him and the child was put up for adoption.
Nuc said:
But I thought Maria Shriver was a Democrat?


Zhukov, all we were pointing out was that just because someone is a conservative does not mean that they always follow the conservative way. I have a relative to is a conservative, but she had an abortion because she just wasn't ready. We all have stories to support our assertions. The point is that nothing is 100%.
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  • #38
ProudDem said:

Zhukov, all we were pointing out was that just because someone is a conservative does not mean that they always follow the conservative way. I have a relative to is a conservative, but she had an abortion because she just wasn't ready. We all have stories to support our assertions. The point is that nothing is 100%.

um, it was nuc that said that.
Zhukov said:
I would hazard a guess that they would consider aborting a child as worse than having a child out of wedlock. Much worse. In fact a very religious friend of mine did that very thing. Her mother was horrified that she had gotten pregnant at all, but she did not get married, and aborting it was never even an option. She carried him and the child was put up for adoption.

That's one story, but it's also called "anecdotal". We'd have to know about a lot more people than that before we could properly extrapolate.
I know what it is, and I like anecdotal evidence.

Thing is the specifics don't matter, it's the point the story shows

If you believe a conservative is sincere in their beliefs (of course, that's clearly a stumbling block for some people here) which do you think they would think was worse? Having a child out of wedlock, or murdering a baby?

Not so tough to answer is it?

But we come back to the stumbling block, to which I would point out if one does not even believe their political opponent is sincere in their beliefs one can scarely have a meaningful debate with them.

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