Pentagon not targeting Islamic State training camps?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The Pentagon has not conducted airstrikes against an estimated 60 Islamic State (IS) training camps that are supplying thousands of fighters each month to the terror group, according to defense and intelligence officials.

The camps are spread throughout Islamic State-controlled areas of Iraq and Syria and are off limits in the U.S.-led international bombing campaign because of concerns about collateral damage, said officials familiar with planning and execution of the yearlong bombing campaign.

Additionally, the IS (also known as ISIS or ISIL) camps have been so successful that Islamic State leaders are considering expanding the camps to Libya and Yemen. Both states have become largely ungoverned areas in recent years.

The failure to target the training camps with U.S. and allied airstrikes is raising questions among some defense and intelligence officials about the commitment of President Obama and his senior aides to the current anti-IS strategy of degrading and ultimately destroying the terror group.

“If we know the location of these camps, and the president wants to destroy ISIS, why are the camps still functioning?” one official critical of the policy asked.

The camps are regarded by U.S. intelligence analysts as a key element in the terror group’s successes in holding and taking new territory. The main benefit of the training camps is that they are providing a continuous supply of new fighters.


Pentagon Not Targeting Islamic State Training Camps


Did I copy and paste facts again?


The president is such a disaster. His voting base are fucking losers. They are all ignorant hypocritical liars. They know nothing about history and they still push the mythical man made glowbull warming on us.

They are all pieces of shit. They all talk out of both sides of their greasy faces. Ask them what they do for the environment to "save the planet." Wait till you see their stupid fucking answers. As they type away on their computers.

Uggggh, I hate them.

Shame on you "Jewish" American left wing voters. Shame on all of you. You deserve the fate that awaits you.

See you in hell.
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Who doesn't doubt that, if the camps were bombed, the first thing we'd hear from the OP is how many civilians Obama killed?
Why would Obama bomb the organization Val Jarrett is running, the same organization he armed through the Benghazi Consulate?
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The answer is quite obvious........yet people still refuse to acknowledge the truth.

ISIS is a Mossad/CIA run organization and is funded and supported by the US and Israel.

So don't expect our government to make any real effort to destroy ISIS. ..... :cool:
Who doesn't doubt that, if the camps were bombed, the first thing we'd hear from the OP is how many civilians Obama killed?

Oh so now all of a sudden you care about all of the civilians, and yet you fucking unreal losers cry that saddam is still not in power.

Look everyone, a fucking loser doing what I say they all do. Hypocritical, double talking sack of shit attempting to make us all believe how much he cares about Iraqi civilians.

Yet, let us look at what isis does to those civilians. Like gays and citizens.

isis throwing gay man off roof for being gay

isis throwing another civilian for being gay.


isis mass murder of civilians.


isis more mass murder of civilians.


Liberals are double talking hypocritical lying sacks of shit. They are all losers and there is no exception.
Those pencil dick religious zealots in those training camps will come back to America and vote for Democrats until the call comes from Allah to blow up some Americans...and be rewarded with 72 virgins...virgins being much preferred because virgins won't realize they are dealing with pencil dicks. (Freud figured all that out about Muslims. They are pencil dicks and that makes them deeply angry and frustrated--and the only relief is virgins...and you have to blow up Americans to get to the virgins. Its all in the Book: "Islam for dummies".)

So, no bombing the training camps.

Politics always comes first with Obama.
Those pencil dick religious zealots in those training camps will come back to America and vote for Democrats until the call comes from Allah to blow up some Americans...and be rewarded with 72 virgins...virgins being much preferred because virgins won't realize they are dealing with pencil dicks. (Freud figured all that out about Muslims. They are pencil dicks and that makes them deeply angry and frustrated--and the only relief is virgins...and you have to blow up Americans to get to the virgins. Its all in the Book: "Islam for dummies".)

So, no bombing the training camps.

Politics always comes first with Obama.

Especially when the politics brings about the destruction of an America he hates, Israel he hates, along with all of America's allies. Especially all of those countries his father clearly hated.

Trust that.
Who doesn't doubt that, if the camps were bombed, the first thing we'd hear from the OP is how many civilians Obama killed?
Sorry. If ISIS stations civilians near their training camps, that's their problem. Yup! When you drop bombs, people die Tough shit.
I realize that. What I was saying is, if Obama did bomb the camps and civilians died, the OP's tune would be totally different. When it comes to Obama the right's hypocrisy knows no bounds, IMO.
Who doesn't doubt that, if the camps were bombed, the first thing we'd hear from the OP is how many civilians Obama killed?
Sorry. If ISIS stations civilians near their training camps, that's their problem. Yup! When you drop bombs, people die Tough shit.
I realize that. What I was saying is, if Obama did bomb the camps and civilians died, the OP's tune would be totally different. When it comes to Obama the right's hypocrisy knows no bounds, IMO.
I doubt it. Conservatives are smart enough to realize that noncombatants die. Now, if obama fucked up and bombed an orphanage, yeah, we'd bitch and you would say "oops, we had bad intel".
Conservatives are smart enough to realize that noncombatants die. Now, if obama fucked up and bombed an orphanage, yeah, we'd bitch and you would say "oops, we had bad intel".
It's not a matter of being smart it's a matter of being willing to say anything as long as it hurts Obama. If you were actually smart, you would have gotten that from my previous post. :eusa_doh:
Conservatives are smart enough to realize that noncombatants die. Now, if obama fucked up and bombed an orphanage, yeah, we'd bitch and you would say "oops, we had bad intel".
It's not a matter of being smart it's a matter of being willing to say anything as long as it hurts Obama. If you were actually smart, you would have gotten that from my previous post. :eusa_doh:
If YOU were smart, you'd see I got it and turned it on you.

I win.

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