Pennsylvania county sues Dominion over 'severe anomalies' in 2020 election, County Discovers Python Script Illegally in Machine Linked to Canada


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Fulton County, PA did not like that one bit, suit claims "breach of contract and breach of warranty, and breach of other common-law and statutory duties, by Dominion." In other words the system was not secure. PA was the biggest of the swing states in 2020, and one where large middle of the night Biden vote dumps were observed.

So the political question is if PA is trying to throw Dominion under the bus before it becomes too obvious that PA was rigged.

The lawsuit filed Tuesday claims that the county at about the time of the 2020 election "became aware of severe anomalies in the Dominion Voting Systems due to the inaccuracy and/or inability to reconcile voter data with votes actually cast and counted" by the company's proprietary system.

County officials claims that a report from earlier this month revealed that "security measures necessary to harden and secure" Dominion's systems had not been performed, that "external USB hard drives had been inserted in the machines on several occasions," and that "there is no known list of approved external drives that could have been or were used or inserted into the machines."

The suit also alleges the county discovered a "python script” had been installed on one device, and that that same device was "connected to an external device on an external network," reportedly one linked to Canada.

The suit claims "breach of contract and breach of warranty, and breach of other common-law and statutory duties, by Dominion,"
I can GUARANTEE that even if an irrefutable level of evidence was presented to these bastards and they had no choice but acknowledge what happened, they'd STILL say the end justified the means. That's just who they are. OTOH, had it been done TO them instead of BY them, they'd still be in the streets trying to burn it all down. Yep... that is who and what they ARE.
I can GUARANTEE that even if an irrefutable level of evidence was presented to these bastards and they had no choice but acknowledge what happened, they'd STILL say the end justified the means.
It already has been....They just refuse to admit it, then go to step #2.
That's just who they are. OTOH, had it been done TO them instead of BY them, they'd still be in the streets trying to burn it all down. Yep... that is who and what they ARE.
  • Only one week of early voting.
  • Valid ID to receive a ballot.
  • Paper ballots and #2 pencils.
  • All hand counted by precinct.
  • No statewide results tallied until all major urban areas report their returns first.

    Problem solved
Sounds reasonable to me. As long as computers are involved we will continue to have rigged elections.
This goes way back and has nothing to do with Biden winning.
It goes way back and has everything to do with Xiden stealing the election.

Hildabeest believed her press and thought she had it in the bag, which led to her not having the fake ballots on hand to beat out Trump.

The recount/audit that jill Stein demanded in Michigan in '16, which the Clintonistas promptly shot down, is the tell.
  • Only one week of early voting.
How about NO early voting! If you can't vote on election day, you ask for a paper ballot giving reasons (medical, out of country, etc.)

  • Valid ID to receive a ballot.
Proof of ID to vote period. No matter how.

  • Paper ballots and #2 pencils.
Only if legal with full chain of custody.

  • No statewide results tallied until all major urban areas report their returns first.
And all votes tallied by end of next day.
Fulton County, PA did not like that one bit, suit claims "breach of contract and breach of warranty, and breach of other common-law and statutory duties, by Dominion." In other words the system was not secure. PA was the biggest of the swing states in 2020, and one where large middle of the night Biden vote dumps were observed.

So the political question is if PA is trying to throw Dominion under the bus before it becomes too obvious that PA was rigged.

The lawsuit filed Tuesday claims that the county at about the time of the 2020 election "became aware of severe anomalies in the Dominion Voting Systems due to the inaccuracy and/or inability to reconcile voter data with votes actually cast and counted" by the company's proprietary system.

County officials claims that a report from earlier this month revealed that "security measures necessary to harden and secure" Dominion's systems had not been performed, that "external USB hard drives had been inserted in the machines on several occasions," and that "there is no known list of approved external drives that could have been or were used or inserted into the machines."

The suit also alleges the county discovered a "python script” had been installed on one device, and that that same device was "connected to an external device on an external network," reportedly one linked to Canada.

The suit claims "breach of contract and breach of warranty, and breach of other common-law and statutory duties, by Dominion,"

Do you have any sources for this story that aren't "Questionable"????

  • Overall, we rate Just the News Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and the promotion of conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda.

Do you have any sources for this story that aren't "Questionable"????

  • Overall, we rate Just the News Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and the promotion of conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda.

Yeah the court documents they link too is fake nooz. Who believes court documents, right?
Dumbass yank
Yeah the court documents they link too is fake nooz. Who believes court documents, right?
Dumbass yank
Ever read the 'About' page for that link the Kos drones always source as some kind of counter argument? It's hilarious.

Basically it reads as well, we're just some random our own biased opinion, man.

Fulton County, PA did not like that one bit, suit claims "breach of contract and breach of warranty, and breach of other common-law and statutory duties, by Dominion." In other words the system was not secure. PA was the biggest of the swing states in 2020, and one where large middle of the night Biden vote dumps were observed.

So the political question is if PA is trying to throw Dominion under the bus before it becomes too obvious that PA was rigged.

The lawsuit filed Tuesday claims that the county at about the time of the 2020 election "became aware of severe anomalies in the Dominion Voting Systems due to the inaccuracy and/or inability to reconcile voter data with votes actually cast and counted" by the company's proprietary system.

County officials claims that a report from earlier this month revealed that "security measures necessary to harden and secure" Dominion's systems had not been performed, that "external USB hard drives had been inserted in the machines on several occasions," and that "there is no known list of approved external drives that could have been or were used or inserted into the machines."

The suit also alleges the county discovered a "python script” had been installed on one device, and that that same device was "connected to an external device on an external network," reportedly one linked to Canada.

The suit claims "breach of contract and breach of warranty, and breach of other common-law and statutory duties, by Dominion,"
if true, oops, all those lawsuits dominion has on the republicans come crashing down?

Mike Lindell, read this!!!!!
Ever read the 'About' page for that link the Kos drones always source as some kind of counter argument? It's hilarious.

Basically it reads as well, we're just some random our own biased opinion, man.




That site is agenda driven and ran by a member of the Anglo-American elite. :rolleyes:
The moonbats always snivel about nobody ever compromising....I figure throw them a bone and never ever let them forget it.

Not me, OB--- --- they NEVER compromise even on ridiculous positions, then never admit, much less appreciate nor reciprocate on (if even admit getting) any bones thrown their way, so I'm done making concessions. Nothing short of head amputation now, and without even a shot of Novocaine or a pencil to bite on.
Not me, OB--- --- they NEVER compromise even on ridiculous positions, then never admit, much less appreciate nor reciprocate on (if even admit getting) any bones thrown their way, so I'm done making concessions. Nothing short of head amputation now, and without even a shot of Novocaine or a pencil to bite on.
Correct, comprising isn’t a demofk play ever.

It’s what makes them Nazis

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