Pence: I Participated in the Ukraine Plot But Only As a Patsy


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Vice-President Mike Pence is knee-deep in the Ukraine scandal. He is floating the absurd defense that, while he did participate in Trump’s plan to extort Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden, he was completely ignorant of what he was doing.

Although President Trump “used Pence to tell [Ukrainian president Volodymyr] Zelensky that U.S. aid was still being withheld,” the Washington Post reports, Pence’s aides insist he had no idea what he was actually being used for. “Officials close to Pence insist that he was unaware of Trump’s efforts to press Zelensky for damaging information about Biden and his son,” the Post notes. Pence, by their accounting, is like a man who delivers a ransom note to a bank teller, failing to place any significance in the fact that the tellers have their hands in the air, the bank patrons are lying on the floor, and the guy who asked him to bring the note to the bank had a mask and a gun.

Pence’s involvement in the plot was extensive.
White House officials had him cancel a planned trip to Zelensky’s inauguration. One of Pence’s top advisers was on the July 25 call when Trump made clear his demand that Zelensky open investigations into various Democratic officials, including Biden, whom Trump named on the call. Pence was given the transcript of the call before his September 1 meeting with Zelensky, when he reiterated Trump’s threat.

Pence’s defense is that, even though the readout of Trump’s call with Zelensky was in his briefing materials on his trip to Europe, he did not bother to read it before the meeting. “Officials close to Pence contend that he traveled to Warsaw for a meeting with Zelensky on Sept. 1 probably without having read — or at least fully registered — the transcript,” the Post records.

So Pence didn’t read or understand the vital background information he needed before this important national-security meeting. He didn’t hear the widespread alarm rippling through the administration that Trump was acting improperly. He somehow failed to pick up on Rudy Giuliani’s repeated public boasts — in the New York Times, on Fox News, on Twitter, and in any media he could find — that he was pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Bidens in his personal capacity as Trump’s lawyer. He somehow accepted at face value Trump’s claim of being deeply concerned with corruption in Ukraine despite Trump’s record of greeting corruption in almost every other country he deals with with something ranging from indifference to enthusiasm.

Most amazing, Pence’s defense is that when he delivered Trump’s threat in the meeting with Zelensky, Pence had no idea that “corruption” was code for ordering up investigations of Trump’s domestic enemies. “A top Pence staffer rejected the charge that the vice-president was conveying an inappropriate — or coded — message from the president,” notes an obviously skeptical Post.

If Pence is so ignorant that he could be pulled into an extortion plot without having any idea what he was doing, while missing numerous public and private signs that would have spelled it out, he is too dumb to serve as vice-president or even to be allowed to use metal cutlery. There is no way Pence is quite that stupid.


Pence: I Participated in the Ukraine Plot But Only As a Patsy

I say BOTH of them need to be hailed off and thrown in the slammer. The first for utter corruption, and the latter for utter incompetence.
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So, you haven't figured out the pattern yet?
The Media puts out some dirt on the Right....The left goes into a frenzy
The Media puts out some dirt on the left....The right goes into a frenzy
Imma tell you one mo time.....
Poor schmucks will still have their panties in a knot three weeks from now, after this "impeachment" BS blows over.
Vice-President Mike Pence is knee-deep in the Ukraine scandal. He is floating the absurd defense that, while he did participate in Trump’s plan to extort Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden, he was completely ignorant of what he was doing.

Although President Trump “used Pence to tell [Ukrainian president Volodymyr] Zelensky that U.S. aid was still being withheld,” the Washington Post reports, Pence’s aides insist he had no idea what he was actually being used for. “Officials close to Pence insist that he was unaware of Trump’s efforts to press Zelensky for damaging information about Biden and his son,” the Post notes. Pence, by their accounting, is like a man who delivers a ransom note to a bank teller, failing to place any significance in the fact that the tellers have their hands in the air, the bank patrons are lying on the floor, and the guy who asked him to bring the note to the bank had a mask and a gun.

Pence’s involvement in the plot was extensive.
White House officials had him cancel a planned trip to Zelensky’s inauguration. One of Pence’s top advisers was on the July 25 call when Trump made clear his demand that Zelensky open investigations into various Democratic officials, including Biden, whom Trump named on the call. Pence was given the transcript of the call before his September 1 meeting with Zelensky, when he reiterated Trump’s threat.

Pence’s defense is that, even though the readout of Trump’s call with Zelensky was in his briefing materials on his trip to Europe, he did not bother to read it before the meeting. “Officials close to Pence contend that he traveled to Warsaw for a meeting with Zelensky on Sept. 1 probably without having read — or at least fully registered — the transcript,” the Post records.

So Pence didn’t read or understand the vital background information he needed before this important national-security meeting. He didn’t hear the widespread alarm rippling through the administration that Trump was acting improperly. He somehow failed to pick up on Rudy Giuliani’s repeated public boasts — in the New York Times, on Fox News, on Twitter, and in any media he could find — that he was pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Bidens in his personal capacity as Trump’s lawyer. He somehow accepted at face value Trump’s claim of being deeply concerned with corruption in Ukraine despite Trump’s record of greeting corruption in almost every other country he deals with with something ranging from indifference to enthusiasm.

Most amazing, Pence’s defense is that when he delivered Trump’s threat in the meeting with Zelensky, Pence had no idea that “corruption” was code for ordering up investigations of Trump’s domestic enemies. “A top Pence staffer rejected the charge that the vice-president was conveying an inappropriate — or coded — message from the president,” notes an obviously skeptical Post.

If Pence is so ignorant that he could be pulled into an extortion plot without having any idea what he was doing, while missing numerous public and private signs that would have spelled it out, he is too dumb to serve as vice-president or even to be allowed to use metal cutlery. There is no way Pence is quite that stupid.


Pence: I Participated in the Ukraine Plot But Only As a Patsy

I say BOTH of them need to be hailed off and thrown in the slammer. The first for utter corruption, and the latter for utter incompetence.

I can't get enough of watching you guys wiggle like a fish on a hook.

Nothing's going to happen.

No removal from office.

And if the House choses to move forward (which is doubtful when it comes right down to it), they will seal their fates.

And you can cut the bullshit about "being a standup". You cocksuckers did the exact same thing for Obama for eight long years.
I want to understand though, when did Trump tell the Ukraine to get dirt on Biden, or else?

It's a bit confusing to consider how much more attention and effort is applied to this weak phone call, but getting $1.5B from Communist China is not a clear example of buying your highest power.

We can't forget how Biden said that China wasn't even a competitor! It's impossible to accept that with any level of seriousness. How much you all want to bet that when he made that comment, the CIA and FBI took note? I would bet it created some interest within their agencies in terms of looking to understand who and what kind of president he would be, and why.

Of all this, of all I might disagree with Obama, I think it's very telling that Obama didn't endorse Biden and last year convinced him not to run. There is a reason for this, I don't know what it is, but there is clearly, as far as I can see; some reservation from Obama in endorsing his former VP.
Pence things that this will end well but all it will end is his political career
If Pence is so ignorant that he could be pulled into an extortion plot without having any idea what he was doing, while missing numerous public and private signs that would have spelled it out, he is too dumb to serve as vice-president or even to be allowed to use metal cutlery. There is no way Pence is quite that stupid.
ding ding ding
I missed the part where Pence got the Ukrainian gas company to hire Bidens kid.

Did anyone else see that in the OP?
If Pence is so ignorant that he could be pulled into an extortion plot without having any idea what he was doing, while missing numerous public and private signs that would have spelled it out, he is too dumb to serve as vice-president or even to be allowed to use metal cutlery. There is no way Pence is quite that stupid.
ding ding ding

Is that the sound of your mother calling you for dinner ?

Because it is quite clear that you and the rest of your left wing band of asswipes will enjoy your near orgasmic moment only to find out it was all alone. You will return to the depression you have experienced the last three years and really suck on it when Trump wins in 2020.

Pence will then follow him for eight years and by then, many of you will be dead and this country might actually make some progress.
I want to understand though, when did Trump tell the Ukraine to get dirt on Biden, or else?
Nobody is this stupid. All of you are acting.

You want to see bad acting? look no further than Adam Schiff saying his lies were a parody. So why is it that the second hand leaker is a CIA operative and this supposed crime by Trump didn't warrant a First hand whistle blower? The transcript stands on its own without the editorializing by Democrats. So why was the CIA operative's account of what was actually said so different from reality? Yes, there is some very bad acting going around, and we need to get to the bottom of it.
And nobody is stupid enough not to see that the Democrat machine has wanted Trump impeached since day one, and looking for any damn thing they can to make that happen because they dont like his politics or the politics of the people who elected him. Their calls for continuous impeachment are growing pretty old now. Everyone can see through the act.
Vice-President Mike Pence is knee-deep in the Ukraine scandal. He is floating the absurd defense that, while he did participate in Trump’s plan to extort Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden, he was completely ignorant of what he was doing.

Although President Trump “used Pence to tell [Ukrainian president Volodymyr] Zelensky that U.S. aid was still being withheld,” the Washington Post reports, Pence’s aides insist he had no idea what he was actually being used for. “Officials close to Pence insist that he was unaware of Trump’s efforts to press Zelensky for damaging information about Biden and his son,” the Post notes. Pence, by their accounting, is like a man who delivers a ransom note to a bank teller, failing to place any significance in the fact that the tellers have their hands in the air, the bank patrons are lying on the floor, and the guy who asked him to bring the note to the bank had a mask and a gun.

Pence’s involvement in the plot was extensive.
White House officials had him cancel a planned trip to Zelensky’s inauguration. One of Pence’s top advisers was on the July 25 call when Trump made clear his demand that Zelensky open investigations into various Democratic officials, including Biden, whom Trump named on the call. Pence was given the transcript of the call before his September 1 meeting with Zelensky, when he reiterated Trump’s threat.

Pence’s defense is that, even though the readout of Trump’s call with Zelensky was in his briefing materials on his trip to Europe, he did not bother to read it before the meeting. “Officials close to Pence contend that he traveled to Warsaw for a meeting with Zelensky on Sept. 1 probably without having read — or at least fully registered — the transcript,” the Post records.

So Pence didn’t read or understand the vital background information he needed before this important national-security meeting. He didn’t hear the widespread alarm rippling through the administration that Trump was acting improperly. He somehow failed to pick up on Rudy Giuliani’s repeated public boasts — in the New York Times, on Fox News, on Twitter, and in any media he could find — that he was pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Bidens in his personal capacity as Trump’s lawyer. He somehow accepted at face value Trump’s claim of being deeply concerned with corruption in Ukraine despite Trump’s record of greeting corruption in almost every other country he deals with with something ranging from indifference to enthusiasm.

Most amazing, Pence’s defense is that when he delivered Trump’s threat in the meeting with Zelensky, Pence had no idea that “corruption” was code for ordering up investigations of Trump’s domestic enemies. “A top Pence staffer rejected the charge that the vice-president was conveying an inappropriate — or coded — message from the president,” notes an obviously skeptical Post.

If Pence is so ignorant that he could be pulled into an extortion plot without having any idea what he was doing, while missing numerous public and private signs that would have spelled it out, he is too dumb to serve as vice-president or even to be allowed to use metal cutlery. There is no way Pence is quite that stupid.


Pence: I Participated in the Ukraine Plot But Only As a Patsy

I say BOTH of them need to be hailed off and thrown in the slammer. The first for utter corruption, and the latter for utter incompetence.
Right after we get down to the REAL scandal
Vice-President Mike Pence is knee-deep in the Ukraine scandal.

Why aren't insane OP's like this reclassed to the Rubber Room? Obviously, Pence was not involved in the Biden/Crooked Hillary/Obama Ukraine scandal. More revelations are coming though in regards to the Biden/Crooked Hillary/Obama Ukraine scandal which is way more than simply Creepy Joe using his crack addict son to extract millions of dollars in exchange for USA aid to the country.
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I want to understand though, when did Trump tell the Ukraine to get dirt on Biden, or else?

It's a bit confusing to consider how much more attention and effort is applied to this weak phone call, but getting $1.5B from Communist China is not a clear example of buying your highest power.

We can't forget how Biden said that China wasn't even a competitor! It's impossible to accept that with any level of seriousness. How much you all want to bet that when he made that comment, the CIA and FBI took note? I would bet it created some interest within their agencies in terms of looking to understand who and what kind of president he would be, and why.

Of all this, of all I might disagree with Obama, I think it's very telling that Obama didn't endorse Biden and last year convinced him not to run. There is a reason for this, I don't know what it is, but there is clearly, as far as I can see; some reservation from Obama in endorsing his former VP.

Guys like MarcATL don't have a problem with government corruption, as long as they have a "D" by their name. His loyalty to the Democratic Party is superseded by nothing else.
Vice-President Mike Pence is knee-deep in the Ukraine scandal. He is floating the absurd defense that, while he did participate in Trump’s plan to extort Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden, he was completely ignorant of what he was doing.

Although President Trump “used Pence to tell [Ukrainian president Volodymyr] Zelensky that U.S. aid was still being withheld,” the Washington Post reports, Pence’s aides insist he had no idea what he was actually being used for. “Officials close to Pence insist that he was unaware of Trump’s efforts to press Zelensky for damaging information about Biden and his son,” the Post notes. Pence, by their accounting, is like a man who delivers a ransom note to a bank teller, failing to place any significance in the fact that the tellers have their hands in the air, the bank patrons are lying on the floor, and the guy who asked him to bring the note to the bank had a mask and a gun.

Pence’s involvement in the plot was extensive.
White House officials had him cancel a planned trip to Zelensky’s inauguration. One of Pence’s top advisers was on the July 25 call when Trump made clear his demand that Zelensky open investigations into various Democratic officials, including Biden, whom Trump named on the call. Pence was given the transcript of the call before his September 1 meeting with Zelensky, when he reiterated Trump’s threat.

Pence’s defense is that, even though the readout of Trump’s call with Zelensky was in his briefing materials on his trip to Europe, he did not bother to read it before the meeting. “Officials close to Pence contend that he traveled to Warsaw for a meeting with Zelensky on Sept. 1 probably without having read — or at least fully registered — the transcript,” the Post records.

So Pence didn’t read or understand the vital background information he needed before this important national-security meeting. He didn’t hear the widespread alarm rippling through the administration that Trump was acting improperly. He somehow failed to pick up on Rudy Giuliani’s repeated public boasts — in the New York Times, on Fox News, on Twitter, and in any media he could find — that he was pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Bidens in his personal capacity as Trump’s lawyer. He somehow accepted at face value Trump’s claim of being deeply concerned with corruption in Ukraine despite Trump’s record of greeting corruption in almost every other country he deals with with something ranging from indifference to enthusiasm.

Most amazing, Pence’s defense is that when he delivered Trump’s threat in the meeting with Zelensky, Pence had no idea that “corruption” was code for ordering up investigations of Trump’s domestic enemies. “A top Pence staffer rejected the charge that the vice-president was conveying an inappropriate — or coded — message from the president,” notes an obviously skeptical Post.

If Pence is so ignorant that he could be pulled into an extortion plot without having any idea what he was doing, while missing numerous public and private signs that would have spelled it out, he is too dumb to serve as vice-president or even to be allowed to use metal cutlery. There is no way Pence is quite that stupid.


Pence: I Participated in the Ukraine Plot But Only As a Patsy

I say BOTH of them need to be hailed off and thrown in the slammer. The first for utter corruption, and the latter for utter incompetence.

There's no plot.

There's not going to be any impeachment either.

Waaah waaah waaah

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