
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.

try and keep up -
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.
The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.
Hence Dems are acting like Nazis and the RCC which influenced that hate mongering.
Stop supporting Fascism and admit where there
is a serious problem. SADDAM, IDI AMIN, CASTRO, MADURO all arrested opposition political figures who were a threat to their need to be the only ones in control=fascism.
what a nazi b**ch!!!!!!!
they've been doing this since the fair, legal, American election !!!
...they are like nazis/Banana ''Republicans''/shitheads like Saddam and Gaddafi wanting to take power through a coup
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
BLM and the Dems HAVE acted EXACTLY like nazis/brownshirts

hitler's SA
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics


Donald Trump rally interrupted repeatedly by protesters - CNNPolitics

etc etc
what a nazi b**ch!!!!!!!
they've been doing this since the fair, legal, American election !!!
...they are like nazis/Banana ''Republicans''/shitheads like Saddam and Gaddafi wanting to take power through a coup
Yep, Banana Republics come to mind, the same start to socialism, just wait till they take people's guns away and only arrest opposition party members over ownership.
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
So, Speaker Pelosi (a.k.a. “Nervous Nancy”) says she wants to see President Trump behind bars. “I want to see him in prison,” the speaker told a group of senior Democrats. That’s the part of Pelosi’s statement that is getting all the attention — the second part.

Democrats would prefer not to discuss the first part.

The speaker started out by saying, “I don’t want to see him impeached.” She was prompted by Fat Jerry Nadler, the Judiciary Committee chairman, who has made it known that he very much does want to see the president impeached.

Well, Jerry knows impeachment will go nowhere. And Nancy does not actually want to see the president in prison.

So what’s going on here?

The speaker is saying she wants Trump locked up because she knows it is safe to say that. That is, it’s never going to happen.

See, the speaker has a quandary. The Democratic base is not exactly numerous, but it is loud, moneyed, and energetic. And it badly wants Trump impeached.

But then there’s the other two-thirds of the country, which includes an awful lot of Democrats who cannot abide the president but are dead set against impeachment, either because they think it would be bad for the country or because they know it would be bad for Democrats.

59 Democrats who are calling for the president’s impeachment. Don’t try a Venn diagram on this. You’ll come up empty.

The Democrats who want to start impeachment proceedings are mainly hard lefties who are in very safe seats — the seats that, as Mrs. Pelosi tartly observes, a glass of water could win if it had a “D” on it. These districts are disproportionately woke. They want Trump impeached yesterday. They expect the fellow travelers they send to Washington to get it done. They’re getting angrier that it hasn’t been done yet.

Meantime, the Dems in Trump districts do not want to hear about impeachment. Their constituents not only don’t want Trump impeached; they don’t want to hear about it anymore — not impeachment, not collusion, not obstruction, not Mueller. No mas! They were open-minded about Russiagate. They were anxious, like the rest of us, to find out what Mueller’s probe would come up with. But now that it’s come up with bupkis, they want to move on.

They’d rather the country’s attention were turned to things that are relevant to them.

Does Nancy Pelosi Really Want Trump in Prison? | National Review
How they'll find Pelosi before forcing her retirement:
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
The Democratic party predates the Nazi party. Therefore, it's more accurate to say that the Nazis emulated the Democrats, rather than the other way around.
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
The Democratic party predates the Nazi party. Therefore, it's more accurate to say that the Nazis emulated the Democrats, rather than the other way around.
It is well known Hitler praised the genocide of the Native Peoples. And so do many Trump supporters.
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
The Democratic party predates the Nazi party. Therefore, it's more accurate to say that the Nazis emulated the Democrats, rather than the other way around.
It is well known Hitler praised the genocide of the Native Peoples. And so do many Trump supporters.
....,the NAs murdered/raped/TORTURED/warred on/decimated/displaced other tribes long before the whites came
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
So, Speaker Pelosi (a.k.a. “Nervous Nancy”) says she wants to see President Trump behind bars. “I want to see him in prison,” the speaker told a group of senior Democrats. That’s the part of Pelosi’s statement that is getting all the attention — the second part.

Democrats would prefer not to discuss the first part.

The speaker started out by saying, “I don’t want to see him impeached.” She was prompted by Fat Jerry Nadler, the Judiciary Committee chairman, who has made it known that he very much does want to see the president impeached.

Well, Jerry knows impeachment will go nowhere. And Nancy does not actually want to see the president in prison.

So what’s going on here?

The speaker is saying she wants Trump locked up because she knows it is safe to say that. That is, it’s never going to happen.

See, the speaker has a quandary. The Democratic base is not exactly numerous, but it is loud, moneyed, and energetic. And it badly wants Trump impeached.

But then there’s the other two-thirds of the country, which includes an awful lot of Democrats who cannot abide the president but are dead set against impeachment, either because they think it would be bad for the country or because they know it would be bad for Democrats.

59 Democrats who are calling for the president’s impeachment. Don’t try a Venn diagram on this. You’ll come up empty.

The Democrats who want to start impeachment proceedings are mainly hard lefties who are in very safe seats — the seats that, as Mrs. Pelosi tartly observes, a glass of water could win if it had a “D” on it. These districts are disproportionately woke. They want Trump impeached yesterday. They expect the fellow travelers they send to Washington to get it done. They’re getting angrier that it hasn’t been done yet.

Meantime, the Dems in Trump districts do not want to hear about impeachment. Their constituents not only don’t want Trump impeached; they don’t want to hear about it anymore — not impeachment, not collusion, not obstruction, not Mueller. No mas! They were open-minded about Russiagate. They were anxious, like the rest of us, to find out what Mueller’s probe would come up with. But now that it’s come up with bupkis, they want to move on.

They’d rather the country’s attention were turned to things that are relevant to them.

Does Nancy Pelosi Really Want Trump in Prison? | National Review
Why don't the Democrats just give Trump the heaviest Censure they can-then the 2020 candidate can use it in the election debate.
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
The Democratic party predates the Nazi party. Therefore, it's more accurate to say that the Nazis emulated the Democrats, rather than the other way around.
It is well known Hitler praised the genocide of the Native Peoples. And so do many Trump supporters.

In actuality, the Nazi party emulated the US Democratic party's apartheid policy. However, in regards to anti-miscegenation policy, the Nazi Nuremberg laws were much more permissive and less totalitarian than the Democrat Jim Crow laws.

For example, under Nazi law, if somebody had three Aryan grandparents and one Jewish grandparent, they could still fuck and marry a pure Aryan. Whereas the Democrats implemented a "one drop" policy. If somebody had one drop of Negro blood it was illegal for them to fuck or marry a Caucasian person.

People who claim that the Democrats have emulated the Nazis have it backwards. It was actually the Nazis who emulated the Democrats.
Last edited:
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
Technically, the left's Antifa groups have been acting just as the Nazi's did during "Crystal nacht, prior to WWII. The left groups have been using similar tactics to the Nazi's and Fascists by shouting down, intimidating and threatening those who defend the right to free speech and differing opinions. The left has decried the concept of Nationalism as evil, when Gandhi, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, et cetera, were Nationalists. The left claims it is pro-environment, when it wants to open the borders to millions flowing in, unvetted, yet those same millions will cause massive more deforestation and destruction of animal habitat. Each "individual" flowing over that border still needs 1.5 acres of land to provide food for them, more housing, more businesses to accommodate them, more roads/streets, parking lots, et cetera.
The Trump administration isn't peddling hate, that's the purview of the left. Trump only cited that we should make sure to take care of our own citizens first, not last, or not at all. He also only banned Muslims from coming in from countries that were on Obama's list to restrict, as they could not be vetted (although personally, in my opinion, it would be good if we could restrict all Islamists from entry). Europe has had numerous Muslim terrorist attacks on its soil from Islamists freely flowing in, while in Hungary and Poland, nations that restricted their entry, there have been no terrorist attacks and the public feels and is safe. Largely, when it comes to the left, they prefer to remain ignorant of Islam's track record and present day activities, even excusing Islam's behavior regarding non-Muslims and women in their nations.
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
Technically, the left's Antifa groups have been acting just as the Nazi's did during "Crystal nacht, prior to WWII. The left groups have been using similar tactics to the Nazi's and Fascists by shouting down, intimidating and threatening those who defend the right to free speech and differing opinions. The left has decried the concept of Nationalism as evil, when Gandhi, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, et cetera, were Nationalists. The left claims it is pro-environment, when it wants to open the borders to millions flowing in, unvetted, yet those same millions will cause massive more deforestation and destruction of animal habitat. Each "individual" flowing over that border still needs 1.5 acres of land to provide food for them, more housing, more businesses to accommodate them, more roads/streets, parking lots, et cetera.
The Trump administration isn't peddling hate, that's the purview of the left. Trump only cited that we should make sure to take care of our own citizens first, not last, or not at all. He also only banned Muslims from coming in from countries that were on Obama's list to restrict, as they could not be vetted (although personally, in my opinion, it would be good if we could restrict all Islamists from entry). Europe has had numerous Muslim terrorist attacks on its soil from Islamists freely flowing in, while in Hungary and Poland, nations that restricted their entry, there have been no terrorist attacks and the public feels and is safe. Largely, when it comes to the left, they prefer to remain ignorant of Islam's track record and present day activities, even excusing Islam's behavior regarding non-Muslims and women in their nations.
Nope they have not been acting like anything resembling Crystal Night...Fantasy original is not your forte..
Which dictatorship and fascist regimes have we seen this before; Threats to arrest political oppositions for merely having presidential control they seek, threatening their family and collegues, Nazis like restrictions on letting them eat at restaurants, controlling the media propaganda geared on 100% hate and
division, demonizing opponents and calling their supporters rats and pigs and deplorables,
not validating or allowing democratic elections and thinking they are the only party that can have control by all abusive subversive means.

PELOSI'S call (threats) of arrest are just making our reports to the OCE (office of Congressional Ethics) on her and her congressional collegues abusive behavior get spotlighted as the fascist acts that they are.
OPEN AND SHUT CASE TO PROSECUTE, because it's all caught on news clips and public speaches. Remember Pelosi, nobody is above the law, not even frail confused bumbling speakers who are too nervous to think and speak at the same time.
Ah yes another person who throws around the word Nazi and tries to tell us how bad they were, yet the Dems have not acted like Nazis, no one has..Get a grip..
Technically, the left's Antifa groups have been acting just as the Nazi's did during "Crystal nacht, prior to WWII. The left groups have been using similar tactics to the Nazi's and Fascists by shouting down, intimidating and threatening those who defend the right to free speech and differing opinions. The left has decried the concept of Nationalism as evil, when Gandhi, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, et cetera, were Nationalists. The left claims it is pro-environment, when it wants to open the borders to millions flowing in, unvetted, yet those same millions will cause massive more deforestation and destruction of animal habitat. Each "individual" flowing over that border still needs 1.5 acres of land to provide food for them, more housing, more businesses to accommodate them, more roads/streets, parking lots, et cetera.
The Trump administration isn't peddling hate, that's the purview of the left. Trump only cited that we should make sure to take care of our own citizens first, not last, or not at all. He also only banned Muslims from coming in from countries that were on Obama's list to restrict, as they could not be vetted (although personally, in my opinion, it would be good if we could restrict all Islamists from entry). Europe has had numerous Muslim terrorist attacks on its soil from Islamists freely flowing in, while in Hungary and Poland, nations that restricted their entry, there have been no terrorist attacks and the public feels and is safe. Largely, when it comes to the left, they prefer to remain ignorant of Islam's track record and present day activities, even excusing Islam's behavior regarding non-Muslims and women in their nations.
Nope they have not been acting like anything resembling Crystal Night...Fantasy original is not your forte..
Crystal Nacht was conducted by Nazi goons in organized attacks on not only Jews, but also, their businesses, hence the "broken glass." Antifa has been gathering and breaking store windows, in essence, rioting in various locations. The people they threaten and assault, while not necessarily Jewish, are those who are vocal against their tactics and the left's radical agenda of shouting down opponents and blocking their entry into speaking events. They are the Nazi/Fascist goons of the left. Learn your history.
Back on Topic;
Dem. Mark Penn(former Bill Clinton strategist) was being interviewed on
Life, Liberty, & Levin agreeing with my filed complaint to the O.C.E. that in a normal world Nadler and Pelosi and many of the get Trump Congress would be impeached and removed from congress for over stepping their congressional oversight roles & in their abuse of power. He said if Trump had used his position to harass them and their family like they are doing, that he'd be impeached immediately. He mentions Congress has oversight too, hinting at The O.C.E. and seemed to mirror my setiments on this subject exactly as per my former post on this subject that had the link to the O.C.E. web site for congressional ethics violation complaint filing.

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