Pelosi on Trump: "I'm counting down the hours 'til he's gone...I plan to pull him out of there by his hair, his little hands and his feet"

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

Sounds like a sadistic fantasy NaN has for Trump.
I would love to see him physically escorted out as he’s screaming that he is imposing martial law and demand the five swing states all have a new election.

this is actually something trump is considering

Thank you for sharing your fantasy.
He is considering martial law and insisting five states vote again. He’s insane

Where did he say he is considering martial law?

The meeting came just days after Flynn appeared on the far-right news channel Newsmax to declare that Trump, in his role as commander-in-chief, could “take military capabilities, and he could place them in those [swing states], and basically re-run an election in each of those states.”

“These people out there talking about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 — 64 — times,” Flynn said. “So, I’m not calling for that, we have a Constitutional process … that has to be followed.”

According to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, Trump on Friday “asked about Flynn’s suggestion of deploying the military, those briefed said,” only for the idea to be shot down by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone.

The idea that Trump might exploit the centuries-old law and send U.S. troops into American streets, combined with the president’s vocal refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in the run-up to the 2020 election, had previously induced the Defense Department to reiterate its apolitical role in American elections.

“I believe deeply in the principle of an apolitical U.S. military,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley said in September. “In the event of a dispute over some aspect of the elections, by law, U.S. courts and the U.S. Congress are required to resolve any disputes, not the U.S. military. I foresee no role for the U.S. armed forces in this process.”
You are a little light on the history there dude. The National guard is in fact part of the US military and has been used several times just during my lifetime to quell riots looting and insurrection. Also you fail to quote the President saying he was considering using, or planning to use, troops.
I agree
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Did you read about the republican club in New York where they weren’t wearing masks and they were in a conga line? That’s on trump. Starts at the top. So when trump mocked masks and held rallies, it sent a message to his followers who are responsible for the super spreading of this virus.

Look at Australia. They have good leaders and they have the pandemic under control.
Really? And when exactly has anyone proven masks prevent the China flu?
Idiot alert

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

Sounds like a sadistic fantasy NaN has for Trump.
I would love to see him physically escorted out as he’s screaming that he is imposing martial law and demand the five swing states all have a new election.

this is actually something trump is considering

Thank you for sharing your fantasy.
He is considering martial law and insisting five states vote again. He’s insane

Where did he say he is considering martial law?
Google it.

If someone makes a claim it is on them to provide support for that claim. "Google it" = fraud.

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

I love Pelosi, tough as nails, yes, she should say more, pussygrabber brought down this country, America sent clear message with unbelievable number of over 81 million americans voting for President Biden and just 74 million for pussygrabber...


Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

Sounds like a sadistic fantasy NaN has for Trump.
I would love to see him physically escorted out as he’s screaming that he is imposing martial law and demand the five swing states all have a new election.

this is actually something trump is considering

Thank you for sharing your fantasy.
He is considering martial law and insisting five states vote again. He’s insane

Where did he say he is considering martial law?
Google it.

If someone makes a claim it is on them to provide support for that claim. "Google it" = fraud.
Did you google it? What did you find?
As nasty as he has been to everyone
Only those hell bent on destroying him and this country. Of course we all know what side you're on
Oh come on now. We just don’t want deregulation’s that are going to cause harm. We just don’t want poor kids to go hungry or die because they don’t have health insurance coverage. We want to stop man made climate change that could destroy our precious ecosystem. We want employers to pay employees more.
As nasty as he has been to everyone
Only those hell bent on destroying him and this country. Of course we all know what side you're on
I can’t say republicans want to destroy the country, they just want to change it so they pay less taxes and lower wages.

That would destroy America for the poor ane turn a lot of the middle class into the working poor
As nasty as he has been to everyone
Only those hell bent on destroying him and this country. Of course we all know what side you're on
I can’t say republicans want to destroy the country, they just want to change it so they pay less taxes and lower wages.

That would destroy America for the poor ane turn a lot of the middle class into the working poor

Everybody wants to pay less taxes; including Democrats. Right now, the Middle Class is keeping more of their paycheck (ie less taxes) than they did under Obama. Obama and Biden told the Middle Class In 2008 they would not be paying more in taxes. See how that turned out.
Thing is Pelosi is a drunken drug addict because she has smidgen of conscious for what the Demonicrats and PROGS are doing to this country. Pelosi only does what she's told.
As nasty as he has been to everyone
Only those hell bent on destroying him and this country. Of course we all know what side you're on
I can’t say republicans want to destroy the country, they just want to change it so they pay less taxes and lower wages.

That would destroy America for the poor ane turn a lot of the middle class into the working poor

Everybody wants to pay less taxes; including Democrats. Right now, the Middle Class is keeping more of their paycheck (ie less taxes) than they did under Obama. Obama and Biden told the Middle Class In 2008 they would not be paying more in taxes. See how that turned out.
It wasn’t worth the cost.

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?
Considering the legion of inappropriate things that came from the mouth of our current POTUS that many, including all of his supporters, had absolutely no problem with, I don't see anything wrong w/what Pelosi said.

Time for his slovenly fat ass to get outta there, by physical dragging if necessary.
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