Pelosi Makes It Clear: NO Impeachment, Calls Effort To Do So 'Gift To President Trump'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
From the moment it was announced Donald Trump defeated Hillary for the Presidency Democrats called for Impeachment.
- They pushed the false 'Illegal Russian Collusion' Narrative
- They pushed the false 'Obstruction' Narrative
- They even declared they did not need to wait for the Mueller Report because they needed NO EVIDENCE

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has now made it perfectly clear that there will be NO IMPEACHMENT EFFORT against President Trump, calling any effort to do so would be a 'GIFT' to President Trump.

"Some Democrats have "wanted to impeach the president since the day he got elected. You're wasting your time, unless the evidence is so conclusive that the Republicans will understand. Otherwise, it's a gift to the president. We take our eye off the ball", declared Nancy Pelosi.

1. 'Unless the evidence is so conclusive that the Republicans can understand'

After 2+ years of wasting time and tax dollars trying to take down President Trump, having nothing to show for it except for several indictments / convictions that have nothing to do with the President (no evidence of criminal activity / collusion by the President), at this point ANY evidence of criminal activity found - conclusive or not - would be welcomed by Mueller and his team. To date there has been NONE.

2. The Democrats, to include Nancy Pelosi, declared President Trump had been compromised by the Russians / Putin, that he was a Russian 'mole'/'operative'. Like Global Warming, there was not even a question in the Democrats' mind that Trump was a product of willing collaboration with the Russians.
--- If Nancy Pelosi still thought that to be the case, how many people REALLY think she would block attempts to Impeach the President?

The FACT is Pelosi KNOWS that NOT to be the case...and she KNOWS Mueller's report is going to do nothing to change that.

Pelosi is also right - if the Socialist Trump-Hating Leftists attempt to Impeach Trump it WILL be a Re-Election Gift to President Trump.

Pelosi Chides Dems Who Wanted to Impeach Trump From Day One

From the moment it was announced Donald Trump defeated Hillary for the Presidency Democrats called for Impeachment.
- They pushed the false 'Illegal Russian Collusion' Narrative
- They pushed the false 'Obstruction' Narrative
- They even declared they did not need to wait for the Mueller Report because they needed NO EVIDENCE

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has now made it perfectly clear that there will be NO IMPEACHMENT EFFORT against President Trump, calling any effort to do so would be a 'GIFT' to President Trump.

"Some Democrats have "wanted to impeach the president since the day he got elected. You're wasting your time, unless the evidence is so conclusive that the Republicans will understand. Otherwise, it's a gift to the president. We take our eye off the ball", declared Nancy Pelosi.

1. 'Unless the evidence is so conclusive that the Republicans can understand'

After 2+ years of wasting time and tax dollars trying to take down President Trump, having nothing to show for it except for several indictments / convictions that have nothing to do with the President (no evidence of criminal activity / collusion by the President), at this point ANY evidence of criminal activity found - conclusive or not - would be welcomed by Mueller and his team. To date there has been NONE.

2. The Democrats, to include Nancy Pelosi, declared President Trump had been compromised by the Russians / Putin, that he was a Russian 'mole'/'operative'. Like Global Warming, there was not even a question in the Democrats' mind that Trump was a product of willing collaboration with the Russians.
--- If Nancy Pelosi still thought that to be the case, how many people REALLY think she would block attempts to Impeach the President?

The FACT is Pelosi KNOWS that NOT to be the case...and she KNOWS Mueller's report is going to do nothing to change that.

Pelosi is also right - if the Socialist Trump-Hating Leftists attempt to Impeach Trump it WILL be a Re-Election Gift to President Trump.

Pelosi Chides Dems Who Wanted to Impeach Trump From Day One


The Russian Witch Hunt will be the biggest gift to the president. Along with the Kavanaugh Hearings, 3rd tri mester abortion where the killing of a child "which is comforted" before being killed.

All of this allowed so much more to be exposed and for many in America and elsewhere to be suspicious of global socialists intentions and big donor activities. The thought of this guy being a doctor and the thought of doing this to a human being, it's caused many to question their own understanding of abortion, and even their support for it.

Throw in the far left socialists, anti-semetism, general anti-American, Open Border ideology and Trump will have many large targets for the 2020 debates.
'Gift To President Trump'
She and her East Coast rival for the title Queen Space Cadet (AOC) are much, MUCH bigger gifts to President Trump.

This move benefits Pelosi more than Trump. An Impeachment attempt would have been the death knell for Democrats for a full decade.

If she thought it would help her party, Pelosi would have already called for a vote.

Pelosi’s Days as speaker are numbered!
Pelosi is speaker in name only the three new members of the house are actually in charge. AOC is the head followed by the other two sharing second.
Those 3 are undermining themselves and the power they have right now.

All three are making enemies fast within their own ranks.

-- AOC pissed off Cuomo and him coming after her. She is now in some legal trouble with 3 FEC complaints filed against her...

-- Omar has been publicly rebuked by her own party now, and a fellow politician is apologizing for her to constituents back at home because despite the apparent embrace of anti-Semitism by the Democratic Party, it is not sitting too well with a lot of Constituents...
Trump was never in any danger. They've got nothing on him, period. They just say the shit the enemies of this country pay them to say.

Dems are just criminals. They will do anything for money and to keep the flow of child sex traffic streaming. They don't care if Trump goes or stays, they just say what makes the peple who pay them happy.
Pelosi’s Days as speaker are numbered!
Pelosi is speaker in name only the three new members of the house are actually in charge. AOC is the head followed by the other two sharing second.
Those 3 are undermining themselves and the power they have right now.

All three are making enemies fast within their own ranks.

-- AOC pissed off Cuomo and him coming after her. She is now in some legal trouble with 3 FEC complaints filed against her...

-- Omar has been publicly rebuked by her own party now, and a fellow politician is apologizing for her to constituents back at home because despite the apparent embrace of anti-Semitism by the Democratic Party, it is not sitting too well with a lot of Constituents...
I think you are giving the democrats too much common sense.
If they have shown anything since the death of JFK and the party he represented is their complete lack of common sense.
How many deserted Hillary after her illegal server was exposed?
How many on here are calling for free healthcare?
How many on here are calling for the end of the electoral college?
Look at the current democratic candidates. Give sixteen year olds the vote. Free healthcare. Tax at 70%. Reparations. Tear down all barriers at the border. Etc.

Look at those in positions of authority. Trying to create a plot to assure that Trump would not be president. Telling the FBI not to prosecute Hillary. Trying to obstruct Kavanaugh.

Do you really believe that they will reign in the unofficial leaders? I think you are putting your hope in a basket with no bottom.
From the moment it was announced Donald Trump defeated Hillary for the Presidency Democrats called for Impeachment.
- They pushed the false 'Illegal Russian Collusion' Narrative
- They pushed the false 'Obstruction' Narrative
- They even declared they did not need to wait for the Mueller Report because they needed NO EVIDENCE

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has now made it perfectly clear that there will be NO IMPEACHMENT EFFORT against President Trump, calling any effort to do so would be a 'GIFT' to President Trump.

"Some Democrats have "wanted to impeach the president since the day he got elected. You're wasting your time, unless the evidence is so conclusive that the Republicans will understand. Otherwise, it's a gift to the president. We take our eye off the ball", declared Nancy Pelosi.

1. 'Unless the evidence is so conclusive that the Republicans can understand'

After 2+ years of wasting time and tax dollars trying to take down President Trump, having nothing to show for it except for several indictments / convictions that have nothing to do with the President (no evidence of criminal activity / collusion by the President), at this point ANY evidence of criminal activity found - conclusive or not - would be welcomed by Mueller and his team. To date there has been NONE.

2. The Democrats, to include Nancy Pelosi, declared President Trump had been compromised by the Russians / Putin, that he was a Russian 'mole'/'operative'. Like Global Warming, there was not even a question in the Democrats' mind that Trump was a product of willing collaboration with the Russians.
--- If Nancy Pelosi still thought that to be the case, how many people REALLY think she would block attempts to Impeach the President?

The FACT is Pelosi KNOWS that NOT to be the case...and she KNOWS Mueller's report is going to do nothing to change that.

Pelosi is also right - if the Socialist Trump-Hating Leftists attempt to Impeach Trump it WILL be a Re-Election Gift to President Trump.

Pelosi Chides Dems Who Wanted to Impeach Trump From Day One



"...convictions that have nothing to do with the President..."

Pull your head out of your ass.

No one can be this stupid.

His lawyer, campaign manager, former deputy campaign chair, and former foreign policy advisors are all going to jail.

And those are just the ones directly connected to the Russians.

And there's no dots to connect?

My god no one can be this loyal to a mob boss who doesn't give a flying fuck about you.

If this was Obama you'd be in the streets with pitchforks and torches demanding he be arrested, you phony POS.
Pelosi’s Days as speaker are numbered!

You said she'd never be elected. She has an iron grip on the Democratic Caucus, and Trump's balls. Trump under-estimated here, and apparently you continue to do the same.

Stupid Russians.

Pelosi’s Days as speaker are numbered!

You said she'd never be elected. She has an iron grip on the Democratic Caucus, and Trump's balls. Trump under-estimated here, and apparently you continue to do the same.

Stupid Russians.


Interesting signature line you have. You should try living by it sometime.
Pelosi’s Days as speaker are numbered!

You said she'd never be elected. She has an iron grip on the Democratic Caucus, and Trump's balls. Trump under-estimated here, and apparently you continue to do the same.

Stupid Russians.


Interesting signature line you have. You should try living by it sometime.
I will never be a democrat dumbass!
Pelosi’s Days as speaker are numbered!

You said she'd never be elected. She has an iron grip on the Democratic Caucus, and Trump's balls. Trump under-estimated here, and apparently you continue to do the same.

Stupid Russians.


Interesting signature line you have. You should try living by it sometime.
Pelosi’s Days as speaker are numbered!

You said she'd never be elected. She has an iron grip on the Democratic Caucus, and Trump's balls. Trump under-estimated here, and apparently you continue to do the same.

Stupid Russians.

Canadian? Really!

Look here Canuck, the Dems do not want AOC, so let me give you a heads up---------->If for some reason they believe they can't beat her, they will just redistrict her out of a job.

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