Pelosi delays vote on bipartisan infrastructure bill


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
The House will begin debate Monday on Biden’s $1 trillion collection of roadway and other infrastructure projects. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has scheduled a final vote on the bill for Thursday.

Biden and Democrats continue negotiations to resolve internal divisions over a separate $3.5 trillion package of proposals to strengthen the social safety net and climate programs.

The collapse of either piece of legislation could cripple much of Biden’s domestic agenda. The fate of both bills remains in doubt.

The infrastructure package cleared the Senate and awaits final approval in the House. Pelosi had committed to a vote Monday, but liberal Democrats said they won’t back that legislation until Congress advances the larger so-called reconciliation bill.

Pelosi delayed the vote until Thursday but predicted it would pass.

It's a lot easier to bitch about the other side when you're not the party in power that has to do something. And it's possible that the factions within the democratic party are not going to pass anything regarding any kind of infrastructure. The moderates want the smaller bipartisan bill to get voted on and passed first, while the far left progressives want the larger $3.5 trillion human infrastructure bill to get passed first. So, if neither side caves, then the democrats will end up doing nothing, and the kicker is that the Senate democrats don't have the votes to pass the larger bill anyway even if it makes it through the House.

The way I see it, the progressives are not going to cave cuz they don't have to. Most of them come from deep blue states and districts and they know they can't cave or they'll get primaried out of office. So, it comes down to the moderates; if they cave then they'll lose their seats in the next election and the democrats will lose their majority. I'd bet my house on it. 'Course, I also think the democrats will lose their House majority anyway, history tells us that. But, under pressure from the far Left, I think the moderates will fall on their swords and cave; and we'll see another shellacking similar to the 2010 massacre of the democrats.

Pelosi has said she won't bring any bill to the House floor to vote on unless the votes are there to pass it. So, who blinks first?
WE have McConnell's whose strategy is simply to destroy any Biden agenda.

We have the middle including ten gop senators who want to move forward on the infrastructure Trump failed to pass.

And we have the progressives, who think that 5 trillion in new spending was really a compromise they made. And people want to defund the cops, pass gun control and totally open borders.
WE have McConnell's whose strategy is simply to destroy any Biden agenda.

We have the middle including ten gop senators who want to move forward on the infrastructure Trump failed to pass.

And we have the progressives, who think that 5 trillion in new spending was really a compromise they made. And people want to defund the cops, pass gun control and totally open borders.

Let's be honest here, Ben. McConnell's strategy is no different from Schumer's when he was the minority leader. These days, obstruction is the name of the game no matter who is the minority party. And I would probably say for good reason: too often the majority will not compromise or cooperate, both sides are guilty of this too.

I do not believe there are 10 senators who will vote for the $3.5 tril human infrastructure bill, which according to some is really over $5 tril. Hell, not even all of the dem senators are supporting that.

I have no doubt the progressives believe that $5 tril in new spending is too low, but not a lot of voters agree IMHO. And they want to defund the cops, open borders, and pass gun control, none of which are popular positions to take these days.
Let's be honest here, Ben. McConnell's strategy is no different from Schumer's when he was the minority leader. These days, obstruction is the name of the game no matter who is the minority party. And I would probably say for good reason: too often the majority will not compromise or cooperate, both sides are guilty of this too.

I do not believe there are 10 senators who will vote for the $3.5 tril human infrastructure bill, which according to some is really over $5 tril. Hell, not even all of the dem senators are supporting that.

I have no doubt the progressives believe that $5 tril in new spending is too low, but not a lot of voters agree IMHO. And they want to defund the cops, open borders, and pass gun control, none of which are popular positions to take these days.

And the dems offered to vote for infrastcuture when Trump was potus.

What McConnell's doing IS Different. He doesn't want to compromise on issues that democrats have compromised upon before, and which the gop has supported. Infrastructure and debt ceiling.

The gop passed defict boosting tax cuts, and the dems voted to increase the debt ceiling.
No way should that bill pass. Only 45% of it is for infrastructure the rest is a hodge podge of green shit and social bull shit that we don't need. Good Lord. Bidung is trying to break the bank which is already broken.
We are about to find out if the crazies are running the show in DC. I previously thought wiser heads would prevail, but now I think the moderates are going to be terrorized into letting the progressives run the table.
She only delayed it for her own selfish reasons. Everything she does is only to serve herself.

Like the time she withheld stimulus money from all Americans for her own political gain and she had the balls to admit it. Here is Dan Crenshaw getting in her ass for it.

Or when she invested a million in Tesla stock a week or two before Biden announced his electric vehicle push and she made millions. But she just said "I didn't invest it my husband did" so she got away with insider trading which is illegal.

Or when she was demanding everyone wear masks and threatening people over it while pushing for small businesses to be closed down she went to a salon and didn't wear a mask to get her hair done.

Pelosi only cares about herself. She doesn't care about the country or it's citizens.
And the dems offered to vote for infrastcuture when Trump was potus.

What McConnell's doing IS Different. He doesn't want to compromise on issues that democrats have compromised upon before, and which the gop has supported. Infrastructure and debt ceiling.

The gop passed defict boosting tax cuts, and the dems voted to increase the debt ceiling.
4% will go towards actual infrastructure.

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