Pelosi, Coverup artist


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Subprime Scandal: We've long suspected the Financial Crisis Inquiry
Commission wasn't honest in examining events before the meltdown. But an ex-commissioner says the probe was actually a full-blown political cover-up.
In a just-released book, former FCIC member Peter Wallison says that a Democratic Congress worked with the commission's Democratic chairman to whitewash the government's central role in the mortgage debacle. The conspiracy helped protect some of the Democrats' biggest stars from scrutiny and accountability while helping justify the biggest government takeover of the financial sector since the New Deal. Whistleblower Pelosi Covered Up Gov t Role In Housing Crisis -

No surprise. I feel pretty sure a couple of their biggest donor/cheerleaders also weren't scrutinized either.
It is absolutely amazing how the vast majority of republican claims about obamacare, the housing crisis, and the stimulus have all come true. Not enough attention is paid to democrats emphasis on the tactics of getting everything passed or elected at any cost because once that happens it is a done deal.

A perfect example is the recent questioning of an under Secretary of State after he had been approved for his position. Rubio cited specific testimony by this man in his confirmation hearings saying that no negotiations with Cuba would happen without the congress being notified. He bald faced lied but nothing happens. This the strategy of democrats from the president on down. Lie, get what you want, move on to next fabrication, and without media scrutiny of such dishonesty the American people are left in the dark again.
Rubio Administration Lied About Cuba Policy Change The Weekly Standard
Over and over again. That jerk was so flippant when called on it I wanted to smack him.
It is absolutely amazing how the vast majority of republican claims about obamacare, the housing crisis, and the stimulus have all come true. Not enough attention is paid to democrats emphasis on the tactics of getting everything passed or elected at any cost because once that happens it is a done deal.

A perfect example is the recent questioning of an under Secretary of State after he had been approved for his position. Rubio cited specific testimony by this man in his confirmation hearings saying that no negotiations with Cuba would happen without the congress being notified. He bald faced lied but nothing happens. This the strategy of democrats from the president on down. Lie, get what you want, move on to next fabrication, and without media scrutiny of such dishonesty the American people are left in the dark again.
Rubio Administration Lied About Cuba Policy Change The Weekly Standard
It is absolutely amazing how the vast majority of republican claims about obamacare, the housing crisis, and the stimulus have all come true. Not enough attention is paid to democrats emphasis on the tactics of getting everything passed or elected at any cost because once that happens it is a done deal.

A perfect example is the recent questioning of an under Secretary of State after he had been approved for his position. Rubio cited specific testimony by this man in his confirmation hearings saying that no negotiations with Cuba would happen without the congress being notified. He bald faced lied but nothing happens. This the strategy of democrats from the president on down. Lie, get what you want, move on to next fabrication, and without media scrutiny of such dishonesty the American people are left in the dark again.
Rubio Administration Lied About Cuba Policy Change The Weekly Standard
Blinken is definitely qualified to work in this administration. He's a lying sack of shit.
This is why the Office of the Inspector General needs to be removed from the Department of Justice.

The most disturbing aspect of this scandal is that DEMOCRATS DON'T CARE ABOUT CORRUPTION if it is done by their team. WINNING ELECTIONS IS ALL THAT MATTERS.
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