Pelosi Asks Rep. Ilhan Omar to Clarify


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Scratch a Leftist, find a racist.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she welcomed a clarification from Rep. Ilhan Omar over a tweet about Israel that critics on both sides of the aisle said had unfairly compared the U.S. and Israel to terrorist groups.

What more can she clarify?

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Why does Piggy need a clarification? Omar is a fucking muslim skank who hates America, and the connotation of what she said is clear as day, and aligned perfectly with her muslim cult and hate for America.

No clarification is needed.

Oh wait... Piggy is just giving her a chance to recant... got it. Piggy wants Omar and Talib and the rooftop dancing bartender to keep their hate America comments on the down low... like the rest of them try to do.
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Scratch a Leftist, find a racist.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she welcomed a clarification from Rep. Ilhan Omar over a tweet about Israel that critics on both sides of the aisle said had unfairly compared the U.S. and Israel to terrorist groups.

Watch Omar "clarify" her comments by saying she does indeed hate Jews and America, while Pelosi nods along like a retard.

Old geezers like Pelosi need to get out of the way and die already, so the new DemoKKKrat party can proceed with expelling all the Jews and other whites from the party.

A liberal Democrat Congressional racist, sexist, Islamophobe,
anti-Semitic Slap-Fight for the entire world to see.....


Now that's quality entertainment...

Her and the other Muslim Sharia law mutant should have been kicked out of Congress as racists. Which they both are.
yeah. you want to cancel her. and other undesirables. JUST LIKE HITLER.
Bullshit. Seems to me I remember Congress censuring Trump for "racism." Those two sharia law mutants have been racist since they got elected.

LOL Hitler would have just shot the two of them dumbass.
Scratch a Leftist, find a racist.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she welcomed a clarification from Rep. Ilhan Omar over a tweet about Israel that critics on both sides of the aisle said had unfairly compared the U.S. and Israel to terrorist groups.

Omar is just another type of klansman. The DemoKKKrats are lousy with them.
Her and the other Muslim Sharia law mutant should have been kicked out of Congress as racists. Which they both are.
That's why I believe the election irregularities should have been far more regulated than the Nov. 3, 2020. Some of the most irresponsible Congresscriters likely rode the corruption wave at the polls that dumped President Trump's election re-elected loser squad who are nobody's friends. That entire farce of an election should be thrown out. This nation does not care for Democrat corruption any more. Out with 'em.
Scratch a Leftist, find a racist.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she welcomed a clarification from Rep. Ilhan Omar over a tweet about Israel that critics on both sides of the aisle said had unfairly compared the U.S. and Israel to terrorist groups.

This is what she said,

We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.

Has all those countries committed war crimes? Why yes, yes they have, including convictions. But we get this from Pelosi,

drawing false equivalencies between democracies like the U.S. and Israel and groups that engage in terrorism like Hamas and the Taliban foments prejudice and undermines peace and security for all.

What false equivalencies? All the countries and entities committed war crimes. That is an indisputable fact. Enough already. The real undermining of peace is when individuals scream racism at any attempt to condemn Israeli behavior. It is horseshit. Hell, terrorism wasn't even mentioned by Omar, is was atrocities, war crimes, that is what she was talking about. And she is absolutely correct. We can't address the war crimes of Hamas and Afghanistan until we address our own. Sweeping them under the rug does nothing.
Scratch a Leftist, find a racist.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she welcomed a clarification from Rep. Ilhan Omar over a tweet about Israel that critics on both sides of the aisle said had unfairly compared the U.S. and Israel to terrorist groups.

This is what she said,

We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.

Has all those countries committed war crimes? Why yes, yes they have, including convictions. But we get this from Pelosi,

drawing false equivalencies between democracies like the U.S. and Israel and groups that engage in terrorism like Hamas and the Taliban foments prejudice and undermines peace and security for all.

What false equivalencies? All the countries and entities committed war crimes. That is an indisputable fact. Enough already. The real undermining of peace is when individuals scream racism at any attempt to condemn Israeli behavior. It is horseshit. Hell, terrorism wasn't even mentioned by Omar, is was atrocities, war crimes, that is what she was talking about. And she is absolutely correct. We can't address the war crimes of Hamas and Afghanistan until we address our own. Sweeping them under the rug does nothing.

People like you are going to help klansmen like Omar "cleanse" your party of the Jews and other whites you so desperately want to get rid of.
Scratch a Leftist, find a racist.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she welcomed a clarification from Rep. Ilhan Omar over a tweet about Israel that critics on both sides of the aisle said had unfairly compared the U.S. and Israel to terrorist groups.

Nancy said, "Omar clarified her remarks as "slow death to Israel and slow death to America" and that was all we needed to hear"

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