Peligrew Here


Aug 7, 2019
Hello, I enjoy long walks with my Cat, Funny people and unsightly women. Wait a second, I thought this was a dating site, never mind. My nom de plume is Peligrew hunter of facts and disclosure of bullshit. We all have our views which makes us not cows as much of the American people have become. Listening to any idea is a hobby of mine because all ideas bare hearing especially when they make you laugh. You may disagree with me, its ok because once I did hear that I was wrong, but later proved right. There you have it my introduction be it as it is. :hello77:

hope we cross paths soon.................................
Hello, I enjoy long walks with my Cat, Funny people and unsightly women. Wait a second, I thought this was a dating site, never mind. My nom de plume is Peligrew hunter of facts and disclosure of bullshit. We all have our views which makes us not cows as much of the American people have become. Listening to any idea is a hobby of mine because all ideas bare hearing especially when they make you laugh. You may disagree with me, its ok because once I did hear that I was wrong, but later proved right. There you have it my introduction be it as it is. :hello77:
STFU troll! welcome! NOT! How's that for an Idea worth hearing?
Hello, I enjoy long walks with my Cat, Funny people and unsightly women. Wait a second, I thought this was a dating site, never mind. My nom de plume is Peligrew hunter of facts and disclosure of bullshit. We all have our views which makes us not cows as much of the American people have become. Listening to any idea is a hobby of mine because all ideas bare hearing especially when they make you laugh. You may disagree with me, its ok because once I did hear that I was wrong, but later proved right. There you have it my introduction be it as it is. :hello77:

Well, you do seem rather perceptive on the TDS-ers infesting the country and who doesn't like a cat that goes on long walks.

Your humor is a welcome addition to the USMB as well... :113:
Hello, I enjoy long walks with my Cat, Funny people and unsightly women. Wait a second, I thought this was a dating site, never mind. My nom de plume is Peligrew hunter of facts and disclosure of bullshit. We all have our views which makes us not cows as much of the American people have become. Listening to any idea is a hobby of mine because all ideas bare hearing especially when they make you laugh. You may disagree with me, its ok because once I did hear that I was wrong, but later proved right. There you have it my introduction be it as it is. :hello77:
Welcome! We always need a good laugh around here. Have a donut.
Hello, I enjoy long walks with my Cat, Funny people and unsightly women. Wait a second, I thought this was a dating site, never mind. My nom de plume is Peligrew hunter of facts and disclosure of bullshit. We all have our views which makes us not cows as much of the American people have become. Listening to any idea is a hobby of mine because all ideas bare hearing especially when they make you laugh. You may disagree with me, its ok because once I did hear that I was wrong, but later proved right. There you have it my introduction be it as it is. :hello77:
Welcome! We always need a good laugh around here. Have a donut.
If they're "free" he'll be banging on your door in the morning. And shitting in your bushes in the Afternoon. "Feed a stray cat it'll never go away":abgg2q.jpg:
Hello, I enjoy long walks with my Cat, Funny people and unsightly women. Wait a second, I thought this was a dating site, never mind. My nom de plume is Peligrew hunter of facts and disclosure of bullshit. We all have our views which makes us not cows as much of the American people have become. Listening to any idea is a hobby of mine because all ideas bare hearing especially when they make you laugh. You may disagree with me, its ok because once I did hear that I was wrong, but later proved right. There you have it my introduction be it as it is. :hello77:
Welcome! We always need a good laugh around here. Have a donut.
If they're "free" he'll be banging on your door in the morning. And shitting in your bushes in the Afternoon. "Feed a stray cat it'll never go away":abgg2q.jpg:
Is this your attempt at humor, Captain?
Try again.
Hello, I enjoy long walks with my Cat, Funny people and unsightly women. Wait a second, I thought this was a dating site, never mind. My nom de plume is Peligrew hunter of facts and disclosure of bullshit. We all have our views which makes us not cows as much of the American people have become. Listening to any idea is a hobby of mine because all ideas bare hearing especially when they make you laugh. You may disagree with me, its ok because once I did hear that I was wrong, but later proved right. There you have it my introduction be it as it is. :hello77:

Welcome to the madhouse......
Thank you for all the greetings, I have sent to each and every one of you a Walmart gift card and bulletproof underwear, ladies stay low we would hate to have your puppies harmed. I am really glad to be here and will strive to write things that make you go " HuH ".
Thank you for all the greetings, I have sent to each and every one of you a Walmart gift card and bulletproof underwear, ladies stay low we would hate to have your puppies harmed. I am really glad to be here and will strive to write things that make you go " HuH ".

Can I get a Kalishnakov?
As I hit enter button I saw I was using the feminine form, I figured what are the chances someone will catch it, now I know good call,
Good choice on the rifle its been issued widely so if you run out of ammo there should be plenty laying around.


  • SKS rifle.jpg
    SKS rifle.jpg
    7.2 KB · Views: 172
Hello, I enjoy long walks with my Cat, Funny people and unsightly women. Wait a second, I thought this was a dating site, never mind. My nom de plume is Peligrew hunter of facts and disclosure of bullshit. We all have our views which makes us not cows as much of the American people have become. Listening to any idea is a hobby of mine because all ideas bare hearing especially when they make you laugh. You may disagree with me, its ok because once I did hear that I was wrong, but later proved right. There you have it my introduction be it as it is. :hello77:
Welcome to USMB, Peligrew. I hope you enjoy the boards! Be sure you have all your shots up to date, as from time to time, an ankle bite is given when you least expect it! That said, hope you enjoy being brought into a family with many interests. Just go to "Forums" and scroll your way down through every imaginable topic, and if your special interest doesn't seem to be there, Put 2 or 3 words of your interest into the search window and see if you find something someone else has started recently. :thup:

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