Peggy Noonan's Downhill Slide Toward Irrelevancy


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
As we all know Sarah Palin is a fan, admirer and political descendant of Ronald Reagan. As such, she strikes fear into people and it's hard to tell who she terrifies more: the Democrat/Progressive/Liberal Establishment or the Republican Establishment.

In a recent TV appearance Palin made the comment that her exposure on TV would not hurt her brand because Reagan too had also been an actor and appeared in "Bedtime for Bonzo"

Peggy Noonan, who during the 08 Campaign was one of Obama's Republican Fluffers took exception to the remark and wrote an article calling Palin a "nincompoop" for making the remarks

Peggy Noonan: Americans Vote for Maturity -

Seriously, Peg? Do you miss getting invited to marshmallow roasts with Begala and Carville?

It's clear that after watching Establishment Democrats and Republican get vaporized by the Tea Party and candidates favored by Palin, the Republicans who gave us Prescription Drugs, Kennedy's Education Bill, Tom Delay and Juan McCain want to try to hurt Sarah's chances in 2012.

We tried to warn you, didn't we? Alright, you asked for it, here comes the Big One!
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