Peggy Noonan Mugged by Reality, Obama Incompetent


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
During the Campaign and the first days of Spamalot, Peggy spoke so glowingly and eloquently about the Boy from Hope and Change. He had charisma, he was a leader, a prophet, a sage, a guru, a new form of energy, a messenger, a new hope, a fiscal conservative, a political moderate, he could recite the Koran from memory and he knew all the words to the latest rap songs, he inspired the young, he gave strength to the elderly, made us look good to a jaded world; he was the Ossiah, the ONE!

All the time, I was wondering what the fuck was the matter with Peggy Noonan?

Finally, reality and Peggy had a head on collision and it's not pretty.

Yes, Peggy, Obama really is an Ideologue and a total fuck up once outside his Marxist Ideology

Peggy Noonan: He Was Supposed to Be Competent -
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She has serious, and very valid, Buyer's Remorse.

I didn't pay Obama much attention until August or September of 2008. I'm a Republican and I kept waiting for McCain to stuff a rag into Palin's mouth. It wasn't till I had had to give up on McCain that I wandered over to see what else was on offer.

I still don't know diddly-shit about Biden, but Obama wowed me. The day he was inaugerated, I cried. Watching Aretha Franklin and Woody Guthrie sing, I really did think -- then -- that this was going to be a New Day. I think many of us felt that way -- that the values we'd cherished all our lives would rule the White House and the Nation.

Well, it hasn't been. The taste of ashes in my mouth is only a few weeks old -- I fought hard to sustain the illusion that Obama shares my values. Whoever this Noonan lady is, I feel her pain.

A lot of us have that same pain. Happened to me when I plucked my head outta my ass and realized that Obama is NOT the Second Coming of MLK. I dunno WHOSE dream he's fulfilling, but t'aint MLK's, or mine.

Peggy Noonan was a giant disappointment. She is one of the best writers in America and after moving to NYC allowed herself to be seduced by left wing values. So of course she valued Obama. Thought he looked "presidential" on inauguration day. Said glowing things about him.
But anyone who worked for RR ought to have been able to spot a phony. And Obama is nothing if not an empty suit. Shame on her.
I didn't pay Obama much attention until August or September of 2008. I'm a Republican and I kept waiting for McCain to stuff a rag into Palin's mouth. It wasn't till I had had to give up on McCain that I wandered over to see what else was on offer.

I still don't know diddly-shit about Biden, but Obama wowed me. The day he was inaugerated, I cried. Watching Aretha Franklin and Woody Guthrie sing, I really did think -- then -- that this was going to be a New Day. I think many of us felt that way -- that the values we'd cherished all our lives would rule the White House and the Nation.

Well, it hasn't been. The taste of ashes in my mouth is only a few weeks old -- I fought hard to sustain the illusion that Obama shares my values. Whoever this Noonan lady is, I feel her pain.

A lot of us have that same pain. Happened to me when I plucked my head outta my ass and realized that Obama is NOT the Second Coming of MLK. I dunno WHOSE dream he's fulfilling, but t'aint MLK's, or mine.


He's fulfilling the dreams of Saul Alinsky, Rev Wright, Frank Davis and William Ayers
Some of us saw right away what Obama was. My only question is how could otehrwise intelligent people make the mistake of thinking Obama was really up to his rhetoric? He never said HOW he was going to do anything. We just had to believe him. Who slips by on that kind of rhetoric in politics anymore? How could people ahve been so blind?
For the same reason that normally intelligent women can be (temporarily) seduced by a good looking, smooth talking, player.
Peggy Noonan was a giant disappointment. She is one of the best writers in America and after moving to NYC allowed herself to be seduced by left wing values. So of course she valued Obama. Thought he looked "presidential" on inauguration day. Said glowing things about him.
But anyone who worked for RR ought to have been able to spot a phony. And Obama is nothing if not an empty suit. Shame on her.

Cool article. She always scores, even when I don't agree with her.

Noonan said:
When your most creative thoughts in the middle of a disaster revolve around protecting your position, you are summoning trouble. When you try to dodge ownership of a problem, when you try to hide from responsibility, life will give you ownership and responsibility the hard way.
I still like her. I think she, like many, were seduced by all the hype and frankly, had just grown weary of 8 years of Bush bashing. Heck, even I hoped this guy would not be what I thought he was....
Some of us saw right away what Obama was. My only question is how could otehrwise intelligent people make the mistake of thinking Obama was really up to his rhetoric? He never said HOW he was going to do anything. We just had to believe him. Who slips by on that kind of rhetoric in politics anymore? How could people ahve been so blind?

they were blinded by Bush hatred! and now they whine about getting them some R E S P E C T :lol:
whatever in this world made noonan think obie wan "was in sync with the center"? is she nutz?
Some of us saw right away what Obama was. My only question is how could otehrwise intelligent people make the mistake of thinking Obama was really up to his rhetoric? He never said HOW he was going to do anything. We just had to believe him. Who slips by on that kind of rhetoric in politics anymore? How could people ahve been so blind?

Rush calls them republican elitist intellectuals who didn't like Bush and found Obama's intellect and oratorial skills impressive.
During the Campaign and the first days of Spamalot, Peggy spoke so glowingly and eloquently about the Boy from Hope and Change. He had charisma, he was a leader, a prophet, a sage, a guru, a new form of energy, a messenger, a new hope, a fiscal conservative, a political moderate, he could recite the Koran from memory and he knew all the words to the latest rap songs, he inspired the young, he gave strength to the elderly, made us look good to a jaded world; he was the Ossiah, the ONE!

All the time, I was wondering what the fuck was the matter with Peggy Noonan?

Finally, reality and Peggy had a head on collision and it's not pretty.

Yes, Peggy, Obama really is an Ideologue and a total fuck up once outside his Marxist Ideology

Peggy Noonan: He Was Supposed to Be Competent -

"Mr. Obama was supposed to be competent???"

At least she admits she was stupid to believe that. Some people still believe in unicorns.
Cool article. She always scores, even when I don't agree with her.

Noonan said:
When your most creative thoughts in the middle of a disaster revolve around protecting your position, you are summoning trouble. When you try to dodge ownership of a problem, when you try to hide from responsibility, life will give you ownership and responsibility the hard way.

She can turn a phrase ....
And true to Peggy Noonan's common sense politics, she ends with this (which of course I see no acknowledgement by the right, here):

But Republicans should beware, and even mute their mischief. We're in the middle of an actual disaster. When they win back the presidency, they'll probably get the big California earthquake. And they'll probably blow it. Because, ironically enough, of a hard core of truth within their own philosophy: when you ask a government far away in Washington to handle everything, it will handle nothing well.

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