Pearl Harbor Day One For Which Franklin Delano Roosevelt Shoulders Infamy


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
OPINION: Pearl Harbor Day One For Which Franklin Delano Roosevelt Shoulders Infamy

OPINION: Pearl Harbor Day One For Which Franklin Delano Roosevelt Shoulders Infamy
On Dec. 7, 1941, the Empire of Japan bombed the U.S. Pacific Fleet which was stationed in Pearl Harbor on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. In addressing Congress the next day, President Roosevelt called it “a date which will live in infamy.” But Roosevelt’s reputation should live in infamy too. The line that Roosevelt enthusiasts and left-wing historians have peddled for so many years is that the attack was a complete surprise. Here’s a sample from The American Pageant, a typical left-wing American history textbook widely used in American high schools: Officials in Washington, having “cracked” the top-secret code of the Japanese, knew that Tokyo’s decision was for war … Roosevelt, misled by Japanese ship movements in the Far East, evidently expected the blow to fall on British Malaya or on the Philippines. No one in high authority in Washington seems to have believed that the Japanese were either strong enough or foolhardy enough to strike Hawaii.

FDR screwed the pooch by denying America it's National Security while kicking the Constitution to the curb for a fistful of entitlement programs and power grabs should be enough for him being in the Presidential hall of shame.
The so called common history of a "sneak attack" by Japan is a complete and utter lie told by FDR and Democrats, who called Stalin "Uncle Joe" and admired his work program of Gulags.
What we see today is the Socialist Left’s version, and it’s in line with the rest of the “fake history” they want American high school students to learn. The Education and Research Institute (ERI — of which I am chairman) has written a critique of The American Pageant, which tells a more accurate story about Pearl Harbor and scores of other events in American history.
Let's face it, FDR's Socialist efforts to revive the economy were going downhill fast. It's been said the economy would have been back to normal by 1936 without FDR's interventions which dragged down even further. War time production was just what the doctor ordered to jumpstart everything.
FDR has many things to answer for, he allowed Japan to attack us at Pearl Harbor, he gave away the store to Stalin at Yalta, which at that time FDR was a very sick man, on his way to his deathbed. The one smart thing he did was to put Eisenhower in charge and give him the freedom to do his job.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist scum here and there are all about revising and telling history in their own warped fashion.
Yes FDR set up Japan to attack, for the specific purpose of getting the USA into WWII. His placing heavy trade sanctions on Japan and refusal to negotiate trade agreements, along with his outrageous demand that Japan vacate China before agreeing to lift sanctions (knowing full well Japan could never agree to such terms), set up the attack. A sort of false flag to go to war, that many US presidents have employed.

He likely knew the attack was coming, but refused to warm commanders at Pearl and then he scapegoated them after the event.

However your post is wrong about left wing historians. Right wing historians are just as likely to vinerate Stalin’s Stooge.
And that's in addition to FDRs racism: wouldnt shake hands with Jesse Owen's and conducted the Tuskegee Experiment to see how black men would die from syphilis.

He sucked economically, got us into WWII only to help his Master, Uncle Joe, and damaged civil society and American freedoms.



If FDR knew of the attack

Why would he allow all of his Pacific Battleships to be sunk?
Why would he want to fight the Japanese empire with a crippled Navy?
If FDR knew of the attack

Why would he allow all of his Pacific Battleships to be sunk?
Why would he want to fight the Japanese empire with a crippled Navy?

there were doc's let out of classification RWinger, it's what they do after 1/2 century.

the intel at the time clearly expressed imminent japanese aggression to FDR

motivation? we were a weak isolationist state at the time , the general public was all too willing to allow the euro's to sort it out by themselves.

military industrialism rose the USA out of poverty , PH was the catalyst

If FDR knew of the attack

Why would he allow all of his Pacific Battleships to be sunk?
Why would he want to fight the Japanese empire with a crippled Navy?
He moved out the carriers and sacrificed those left behind. Nice guy.

And dummy, nearly all the ships sunk were back in service within a few months. The attack had a marginal impact, just as Stalin’s Stooge likely anticipated.
FDR is overrated

It's far beyond that.

FDR directly violated the Constitution by locking up innocent Japanese Americans only on the basis of their race. So not only did he violate the Constitution, a rare event of agreement by both Left and Right, he was a racist while doing it.

Then you have him trying to retool the Supreme Court, which is a violation of checks and balances within government.

The thing many probably don't understand about Pearl Harbor is that the Japanese Code was broken well before Pearl Harbor. In fact, months later at Midway, the breaking of the Japanese code was instrumental in the victory at Midway.

Yes, FDR was a racist, openly violated and disdained the Constitution, and knowingly sent US sailors to their deaths for political purposes, yet historians still routinely refer to him as one of the greatest presidents of all time.

Meanwhile, Trump is a danger to the Republic, someone who has not started any wars, in fact, he got fat boy to stop playing with his missiles in the Pacific.
FDR is overrated

It's far beyond that.

FDR directly violated the Constitution by locking up innocent Japanese Americans only on the basis of their race. So not only did he violate the Constitution, a rare event of agreement by both Left and Right, he was a racist while doing it.

Then you have him trying to retool the Supreme Court, which is a violation of checks and balances within government.

The thing many probably don't understand about Pearl Harbor is that the Japanese Code was broken well before Pearl Harbor. In fact, months later at Midway, the breaking of the Japanese code was instrumental in the victory at Midway.

Yes, FDR was a racist, openly violated and disdained the Constitution, and knowingly sent US sailors to their deaths for political purposes, yet historians still routinely refer to him as one of the greatest presidents of all time.

Meanwhile, Trump is a danger to the Republic, someone who has not started any wars, in fact, he got fat boy to stop playing with his missiles in the Pacific.

You left out his idiot economic policy prolonged the depression
If FDR knew of the attack

Why would he allow all of his Pacific Battleships to be sunk?
Why would he want to fight the Japanese empire with a crippled Navy?

there were doc's let out of classification RWinger, it's what they do after 1/2 century.

the intel at the time clearly expressed imminent japanese aggression to FDR

motivation? we were a weak isolationist state at the time , the general public was all too willing to allow the euro's to sort it out by themselves.

military industrialism rose the USA out of poverty , PH was the catalyst


Hardly. Even after years of ignorant and devastating economic failures by FDRs administration, the USA was still one of the most powerful economies in the world in 1941. Hardly a nation living in poverty.
If FDR knew of the attack

Why would he allow all of his Pacific Battleships to be sunk?
Why would he want to fight the Japanese empire with a crippled Navy?

there were doc's let out of classification RWinger, it's what they do after 1/2 century.

the intel at the time clearly expressed imminent japanese aggression to FDR

motivation? we were a weak isolationist state at the time , the general public was all too willing to allow the euro's to sort it out by themselves.

military industrialism rose the USA out of poverty , PH was the catalyst


Hardly. Even after years of ignorant and devastating economic failures by FDRs administration, the USA was still one of the most powerful economies in the world in 1941. Hardly a nation living in poverty.

economics are always an underlying factor in global conflicts Gip ......yet you have a point in that FDR moved the public towards a more noble altrism ....on the surface.........keep in mind we were not a world power back then

The actual attack at Pearl Harbor took place on December 6. On that day in 1967, 1st Bn 4th Marines were attacked by NVA Regulars. My squad leader Jim Rader was KIA.
FDR critics always leave out all the things FDR did to prepare for Pearl Harbor. They call the many mistakes and failures of military leaders "on the ground" as "FDR scapegoating". Radar reported the incoming Japanese bombers giving commanders plenty of time to scramble defenses, but the radar readings were ignored and misinterpreted. A warning was sent but sent not as a priority, but instead by rhe slowest method available. Reconnaissance aircraft were left on the airfield parked in clusters instead of flying reconnaissance and watching out for the Japanese attack. Patrol ships and boats were kept docked.
Looks like we have a new Russian troll and the Trumpers love him
If FDR knew of the attack

Why would he allow all of his Pacific Battleships to be sunk?
Why would he want to fight the Japanese empire with a crippled Navy?

there were doc's let out of classification RWinger, it's what they do after 1/2 century.

the intel at the time clearly expressed imminent japanese aggression to FDR

motivation? we were a weak isolationist state at the time , the general public was all too willing to allow the euro's to sort it out by themselves.

military industrialism rose the USA out of poverty , PH was the catalyst


Hardly. Even after years of ignorant and devastating economic failures by FDRs administration, the USA was still one of the most powerful economies in the world in 1941. Hardly a nation living in poverty.

economics are always an underlying factor in global conflicts Gip ......yet you have a point in that FDR moved the public towards a more noble altrism ....on the surface.........keep in mind we were not a world power back then

LOL...a world power???

We were the world's preeminent economy even in 1941. Being a world power in your mind, means being a imperialistic military power. I prefer an economically powerful nation that does not invade and terrorize other nations. I prefer a nation with a small military, that minds it's own business.
LOL...a world power???

in militant terms , iirc we weren't even in the top 10...

We were the world's preeminent economy even in 1941. Being a world power in your mind, means being a imperialistic military power.

the then economics of a century ago is a study Gip, given we had moved from an Ag based to Manufacturing based economy during the guilded age juxtaposed to the Jekyl island crews manifesto

Their then potus puppet Wilson having thrown the monroe doctrine under the bus made FDR's job introducing us to the allies/axis conflict far smoother.

Our economic renaissance followed suit, FF to our arguably imperialist presence around this rock, and we've an economy based on it, it's extortionary means of big stick foreign policy, as well as petrodollar predominance

I prefer a nation with a small military, that minds it's own business.

preferences aside .... we're not it


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