"Peace" in reach: Gaza Terror Tunnel Led to Israeli Town

Everybody is against the terrorists in Gaza, and the Egyptians have done a terrific job in eliminating this scum.

They have flooded some tunnels with sewage, so sewage would meet sewage ... hopefully neutralizing each other in the end. :)


Everyone is not against the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children. I am not against them. GOD is not against them. Jesus died on the cross for them too. Of course, a person would have to know Jesus to know that. Certainly, I am not speaking about you, Skye, one who does not know Jesus.
Everybody is against the terrorists in Gaza, and the Egyptians have done a terrific job in eliminating this scum.

They have flooded some tunnels with sewage, so sewage would meet sewage ... hopefully neutralizing each other in the end. :)


Everyone is not against the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children. I am not against them. GOD is not against them. Jesus died on the cross for them too. Of course, a person would have to know Jesus to know that. Certainly, I am not speaking about you, Skye, one who does not know Jesus.

I don't know why I bother answering you at all.... anyway......the only ones who love the Gazans are the terrorists Hamas, and even they only profess their love for self-interest.
Most of the civilian population are sick and tired of the terrorists and their propaganda machinery, which includes people like you.
Everybody is against the terrorists in Gaza, and the Egyptians have done a terrific job in eliminating this scum.

They have flooded some tunnels with sewage, so sewage would meet sewage ... hopefully neutralizing each other in the end. :)


Everyone is not against the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children. I am not against them. GOD is not against them. Jesus died on the cross for them too. Of course, a person would have to know Jesus to know that. Certainly, I am not speaking about you, Skye, one who does not know Jesus.

1.7 million squatters in Gaza? How can that be ShiaSherri? Your every other post claims they're being ethnically cleansed by the evil JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS. Make up your rabbit assed mind.
Everybody is against the terrorists in Gaza, and the Egyptians have done a terrific job in eliminating this scum.

They have flooded some tunnels with sewage, so sewage would meet sewage ... hopefully neutralizing each other in the end. :)


Everyone is not against the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children. I am not against them. GOD is not against them. Jesus died on the cross for them too. Of course, a person would have to know Jesus to know that. Certainly, I am not speaking about you, Skye, one who does not know Jesus.
I know Jesus. Jesus Mendez. His youngest son cuts my grass every week.
Is there any evidence this wasn't just as contraband smuggling tunnel like a hundred others they've found?

I wouldn't be surprised a contraband tunnel would extend to a jewish settlement.

That makes no sense whatsoever....:cuckoo:
Everybody is against the terrorists in Gaza, and the Egyptians have done a terrific job in eliminating this scum.

They have flooded some tunnels with sewage, so sewage would meet sewage ... hopefully neutralizing each other in the end. :)


Everyone is not against the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children. I am not against them. GOD is not against them. Jesus died on the cross for them too. Of course, a person would have to know Jesus to know that. Certainly, I am not speaking about you, Skye, one who does not know Jesus.

Did the l'il HAMAS whore stop to ponder how many of those Palestinian children could've been protected by shelters made from that 500 tons of concrete? NO: she's busy trying to spit venom at Skye instead....

Incidentally, l'il sherriscum - you apparently have no knowledge of Jesus your own self. Do go on harassing and slandering other posters, seeking new ways to disparage and offend them.
I expect the truth of this story is simply this was a tunnel where arms were being stored.

And big deal, the fact is an occupied population has the right to resist Occupation with armed resistance. All perfectly lawful under intl law.
Everybody is against the terrorists in Gaza, and the Egyptians have done a terrific job in eliminating this scum.

They have flooded some tunnels with sewage, so sewage would meet sewage ... hopefully neutralizing each other in the end. :)


Everyone is not against the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children. I am not against them. GOD is not against them. Jesus died on the cross for them too. Of course, a person would have to know Jesus to know that. Certainly, I am not speaking about you, Skye, one who does not know Jesus.
Quit blabbering about Jesus. You are so busy here you didn't even go to church services today. It's a shame that you probably don't have a mosque in your town to attend the Friday sermons the way you did when you lived in California. The Egyptians realize what a threat some of these Gazans are, and they try to take care of the threat.
.:: Maan News Agency ::.

Israel cuts off all civilian building supplies to Gaza

JERUSALEM (AFP) -- Israel on Sunday froze shipments of building materials to the Gaza Strip after discovering an alleged "terror tunnel" entering its borders from the adjoining territory, a defense official said."Due to security reasons, (the army) decided to stop for now the transfer of building materials into Gaza," Guy Inbar told AFP.

Inbar, spokesman for the Israeli defense ministry unit responsible for civilian affairs in the Palestinian territories, did not say how long the ban would remain in force.Last month Israel permitted delivery of cement and steel for use by the private sector into the Gaza Strip for the first time since 2007, when Israel banned their transfer as part of a larger economic blockade imposed on the Strip at the time.Israeli officials said on Sunday that a sophisticated tunnel running 450 meters into Israel and intended as a springboard for militant attacks had been uncovered by troops."I want to congratulate the army for exposing the Gaza terror tunnel," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday. "It is part of our offensive policy against terror, both in prevention and intelligence, proactive activity, reactive activity."The army did not immediately publish details of the tunnel, but the head of the Israeli local council where it was found said that he had been taken inside for an inspection."This tunnel, which looks like the New York subway, is apparently intended to kidnap soldiers or for some other kind of terrorist attack," Haim Yelin told army radio."It is impressively executed, with concrete supports."...

The Gaza Strip has been under a severe economic blockade imposed by the State of Israel since 2007.*The blockade was imposed following the victory of Hamas in the 2006 Palestinian elections and the subsequent 2007 clashes between Fatah and Hamas, which left Hamas in control of the Strip and Fatah in control of the West Bank.The blockade has severely limited the imports and exports of the Gaza Strip and has led to frequent humanitarian crises and hardship for Gazans.*These have been particularly severe given frequent Israeli military assaults, particularly in 2008-9 and 2011, which killed around 1,400 and 170 Gazans respectively and led to major infrastructural damage.

Israel cuts off all civilian building supplies to Gaza | Maan News Agency

Israel punishes 1.7 million civilians in Gaza for an alleged terror tunnel.

This is an act of collective punishment against a civilian population and a war crime under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

How long does the world sit back and watch Israel terrorize and commit daily war crimes against the civilian population in Gaza?

Time for the ICC to get involved and stop this collective punishment against civilians in Gaza.

I was just reading 250 schools still need to be rebuilt, all damaged in Cast Lead. The children have suffered enough, through malnutrition, premature births, stunted growth, attacks on their homes and schools, sonic booms which cause deafness, and seeing so much devastation and death.
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"Israel cuts off all civilian building supplies to Gaza"

No, that is not true.

Israel cuts off all building supplies to Gaza
, is more correct.

The supplies never went to any civilians, or anything OTHER than Hamas terrorism.

They can blame only themselves.

They use it for terror, why is Israel to continue HELP them by supplying MORE future weapons?
No, Mossad operative, they are cutting off civilian building supplies.

Children do not even have schools repaired that were damaged almost 5 years ago, Israel deliberately attacked and damaged 250 schools in Cast Lead and refuses to allow civilian building supplies in to rebuild the schools deliberately targeted and damaged in Cast Lead.
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