PBS, Public Blasphemy Channel


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
PBS, Public Blasphemy Station

i feel sorry for people who think they can get any idea of Christianity from watching PBS, A&E, or History Channel.

these documentaries aren't even in the freaking ballpark.

i like watching them, but the truth is i should stop, it's pure BS.

they start of by saying , "we don't really know but..." , then within 15 minutes they try to lead you down the path of what they WANT to believe.

they tell half truths, they tell odd parts of a story, they misunderstand meaning, ..they over simplify meaning to make it sound odd or ridiculous.

it's scary to think that they have people believing they know everything because they did a DNA test or a carbon test, and no one has a right to question anything.

they tell misleading stories in the beginning of the documentary, then make some effort to correct it at the end, and people who can't follow too well will think the first story, they made up, is factual.

they add inaccurate reenactments, so people take in the visual rather then the words.

sometimes they come up with "facts" from some Bible that i never saw.

if you want to know what the Bible says, go to the source

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What shows specifically are you referencing.
Because a lot of their programing is good. And educational, but then again I tend towards the science and nature shows.
PBS, Public Blasphemy Station

i feel sorry for people who think they can get any idea of Christianity from watching PBS, A&E, or History Channel.

these documentaries aren't even in the freaking ballpark.

i like watching them, but the truth is i should stop, it's pure BS.

they start of by saying , "we don't really know but..." , then within 15 minutes they try to lead you down the path of what they WANT to believe.

they tell half truths, they tell odd parts of a story, they misunderstand meaning, ..they over simplify meaning to make it sound odd or ridiculous.

it's scary to think that they have people believing they know everything because they did a DNA test or a carbon test, and no one has a right to question anything.

they tell misleading stories in the beginning of the documentary, then make some effort to correct it at the end, and people who can't follow too well will think the first story, they made up, is factual.

they add inaccurate reenactments, so people take in the visual rather then the words.

sometimes they come up with "facts" from some Bible that i never saw.

if you want to know what the Bible says, go to the source


Which Bible? Aren't there a number of different ones with revision upon revision?
Love those brittcoms.

Miss Monty Python and Benny Hill though....

PBS does not write their scripts from behind a pulpit.
Their goal is to educate and make people think.

I know thinking is a problem for so many, but that is why we need PBS.
so people ask for examples.
i've been watching these documentaries for over 15 years and these days, i have a problem with something said about every 5 minutes.
i was actually thinking about re-narrating these documentaries to point out how misleading they actually are.

i have no problem what-so-ever with them doing stories on topics the churches have rejected, but these people who make the documentaries need to be more truthful about what they report.
they can show what they dug out of the ground, but as soon as they try to put the pieces together, they need to tell people these are their THEORIES, instead of trying to make it look like everything is fact.

here are some examples i remember...

the documentaries take any secretive sounded story and run with it.
they are not interested in any kind of Bible reporting that allows people to choose for themselves.

i have seen these channels play anti-religious material on Thanksgiving and Christmas, which can only be taken as an insult to the religious population.

* Documentary about the story of David.(i watched several years ago)
i used to be, in the olden days, that they would only trash the New Testament, but recently they have included the Old Testament as well.
in their story they claim that David was "crucifying" his enemies.
i went home and read that location and i didn't see anything that says that. the documentary failed to name which cabal they got that from.
the writers had their desired effect, i was watching with my Atheist sister and she was horrified by the sound of it, the logical conclusion is to stay away from religious topics.
the whole documentary was slanderous to David, painting him as a guy who wanted to gain the throne by using religion as a weapon.
the story of David is far more dynamic than that.

* in the documentary titled "Mary Madelene" most of the story is centered around the conspiracy theory that Mary and Jesus were married.
with the title "Mary Madelene", it now implies this is fact.
the idea is ridiculous, you're talking about a story with a guy walking around raising the dead , but everyone is afraid to say he was married?
if Jesus was married, the Bible would have said so.
...of course the greater implication is that Jesus wasn't really killed.
they took the story of Mary, who may not have been Mary Madelene, and said Mary washed washed the feet of Jesus with her hair.
Luke 7:38 , Mary was behind him weeping, indicating that this was NOT a sexual incident, but according to one of the great historians in the documentary "this was a VERY sexual incident"

* the Gospel of Judas.
historians claim to find the long lost Gospel of Judas which may be one that was rejected by the church around 200AD.
they say it's upsetting to Christians.
they carbon date the document to that time period (but fail to mention that just because the paper is old, doesn't mean the writing is old)
according to historians , they believe there is only 5 to 25 people in the world who could be capable of faking the document.
(all i heard was it CAN BE faked)
the writers of the documentary take the line "Jesus was like a child" and proceed to film a scene that lasts for over 5 minutes of a little kid standing with Judas and the apostles. the idea that they went out of their way to film this is ridiculous.
the documentary never mentions the obvious conclusion that they are talking about the innocence of Jesus.
the person who does not pay attention will see that image and think that document says Jesus was a little kid. the whole was filmed to confuse people.
the big highlight documentary is that, in the Gospel of Judas, Jesus tells Judas he has great understand , and that Judas's star will shine greater than all the others.
assuming that this gospel has any credibility what-so-ever, the documentary never explores a logical conclusion that Judas being so well known might not be a good thing.
in fact, if you ask any person on the street to name an apostle, Judas will probably be their first answer.
the documentary goes on to imply that the rejection of Judas was a big Christian plot against Jews, and somehow manages to work the Nazis into it.
the documentary says that biblical history was twisted to blame Jews for the death of Jesus, even though the Romans did it.
.....coming back to reality, the Bible is very clear that the Jewish high council was jealous and worked their political magic to execute Jesus.
...most of the people involved, on both sides, were Jewish

* Sodom and Gommorah
it wasn't so long ago that scientists were telling people that the Bible is not factual because there were no cities in that area and no large cities could survive there.
not only did they find twin cities there, but they found 3 others.
archaeological evidence says the cities were abruptly destroyed, because storeroom supplies were not removed. the towns had a large amount of fire damage.
the main goal of the documentaries seems to be to remove the homosexual aspect of the story. according to them, the main sin was the treatment of travelers.
according to Christian archaeologists, the towns are covered with sulfur and no one has an explanation why.
(there are no volcanoes in the area)

* Jericho
the biblical story where the walls were destroyed by God, so the Israelites could over run it.
if you ignore all the BS in the documentary and focus on the facts, ...the fact is, according to archaeologists, the walls were destroyed from the inside out which is inconsistent with a battle siege.
will the documentary entertain the idea that the Bible might be right?
Love those brittcoms.

Miss Monty Python and Benny Hill though....

PBS does not write their scripts from behind a pulpit.
Their goal is to educate and make people think.

I know thinking is a problem for so many, but that is why we need PBS.

Their goal is to educate and make people think the way they want them to think. I fixed it for you.
You're welcome.
PBS, Public Blasphemy Station

i feel sorry for people who think they can get any idea of Christianity from watching PBS, A&E, or History Channel.

these documentaries aren't even in the freaking ballpark.

i like watching them, but the truth is i should stop, it's pure BS.

they start of by saying , "we don't really know but..." , then within 15 minutes they try to lead you down the path of what they WANT to believe.

they tell half truths, they tell odd parts of a story, they misunderstand meaning, ..they over simplify meaning to make it sound odd or ridiculous.

it's scary to think that they have people believing they know everything because they did a DNA test or a carbon test, and no one has a right to question anything.

they tell misleading stories in the beginning of the documentary, then make some effort to correct it at the end, and people who can't follow too well will think the first story, they made up, is factual.

they add inaccurate reenactments, so people take in the visual rather then the words.

sometimes they come up with "facts" from some Bible that i never saw.

if you want to know what the Bible says, go to the source

And religion doesn't lead you down the path of what they want you to believe?
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Love those brittcoms.

Miss Monty Python and Benny Hill though....

PBS does not write their scripts from behind a pulpit.
Their goal is to educate and make people think.

I know thinking is a problem for so many, but that is why we need PBS.

Their goal is to educate and make people think the way they want them to think. I fixed it for you.
You're welcome.

Yeah, okay.

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