Paul Wolfowitz deputy Sec. of Defense and others endorse Hillary Clinton


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of defense under President Bush from 2001-2005, said that Donald Trump represents a security risk for the U.S. and that his praise for strongmen like Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is “pretty disturbing.”

Wolfowitz said, “The only way you can be comfortable about Trump’s foreign policy is to think he doesn’t really mean anything he says. That’s a pretty uncomfortable place to be in. Our security depends on having good relationships with our allies. Trump mainly shows contempt for them.”

Wolfowitz is the latest in a series of Republican who have come out in favor of the former secretary of state’s White House bid. James Glassman, Bush’s undersecretary of state for public diplomacy, said Monday that Clinton is “by far the superior candidate.” President Bush’s Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Lezlee Westine, a former aide, have also announced their intention to support Clinton.
ANOTHER Major Republican Endorses Hillary...Trump Is LIVID, Fears Campaign Is OVER

Those Republican walls keep caving in on Donald Trump. But you didn't need them right? After all-- they're all Establishment and a bunch of "RINO'S" anyway--LOL


The Neocons and liberals like Hillary are merely two sides of the same corporate crony network coin.
Is there a calculator with enough digits to measure how stupid oreo is?

Well, it looks like you screwed the pooch with this Chimpanzee nominee, Donald Trump.


I suspect you'll see a lot more Republicans in the very near future come out and publicly endorse Hillary Clinton.
Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of defense under President Bush from 2001-2005, said that Donald Trump represents a security risk for the U.S. and that his praise for strongmen like Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is “pretty disturbing.”

Wolfowitz said, “The only way you can be comfortable about Trump’s foreign policy is to think he doesn’t really mean anything he says. That’s a pretty uncomfortable place to be in. Our security depends on having good relationships with our allies. Trump mainly shows contempt for them.”

Wolfowitz is the latest in a series of Republican who have come out in favor of the former secretary of state’s White House bid. James Glassman, Bush’s undersecretary of state for public diplomacy, said Monday that Clinton is “by far the superior candidate.” President Bush’s Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Lezlee Westine, a former aide, have also announced their intention to support Clinton.
ANOTHER Major Republican Endorses Hillary...Trump Is LIVID, Fears Campaign Is OVER

Those Republican walls keep caving in on Donald Trump. But you didn't need them right? After all-- they're all Establishment and a bunch of "RINO'S" anyway--LOL

Well it is only fitting that one of the architects of the Iraq war would reciprocate in kind for Hillary's support. Birds of a feather...
Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of defense under President Bush from 2001-2005, said that Donald Trump represents a security risk for the U.S. and that his praise for strongmen like Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is “pretty disturbing.”

Wolfowitz said, “The only way you can be comfortable about Trump’s foreign policy is to think he doesn’t really mean anything he says. That’s a pretty uncomfortable place to be in. Our security depends on having good relationships with our allies. Trump mainly shows contempt for them.”

Wolfowitz is the latest in a series of Republican who have come out in favor of the former secretary of state’s White House bid. James Glassman, Bush’s undersecretary of state for public diplomacy, said Monday that Clinton is “by far the superior candidate.” President Bush’s Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Lezlee Westine, a former aide, have also announced their intention to support Clinton.
ANOTHER Major Republican Endorses Hillary...Trump Is LIVID, Fears Campaign Is OVER

Those Republican walls keep caving in on Donald Trump. But you didn't need them right? After all-- they're all Establishment and a bunch of "RINO'S" anyway--LOL


Wolfowitzwith also just bought a new vacation home next to Bernie"s new one.
'Wolfowitz is the latest in a series of Republican who have come out in favor of the former secretary of state’s White House bid. James Glassman, Bush’s undersecretary of state for public diplomacy, said Monday that Clinton is “by far the superior candidate.” President Bush’s Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Lezlee Westine, a former aide, have also announced their intention to support Clinton.'


Clinton is also by far the better candidate because as president the likes of Wolfowitz and his criminal co-conspirators from the Bush era will be kept out of the WH for at least another four years.
My my, how quickly faux liberals forget. Now they openly celebrate the neocon endorsements. Sickening.
Wolfowitz is scum. If I was Hillary, I'd say thanks, but no thanks.
Wolfowitz is scum. If I was Hillary, I'd say thanks, but no thanks.
Hillary is one of them. Neocon scum I mean.

Many more Republican endorsements of Hillary Clinton will be coming, this is the start. These are those Establishment Republicans and Rino's whom are giving the final FU to all you Tea baggers. Unfortunately for you tea baggers, the overwhelming majority of the Republican party are what you refer to as Establishment or Rino's.


You wanted Trump, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Wolfowitz is scum. If I was Hillary, I'd say thanks, but no thanks.
Hillary is one of them. Neocon scum I mean.

Many more Republican endorsements of Hillary Clinton will be coming, this is the start. These are those Establishment Republicans and Rino's whom are giving the final FU to all you Tea baggers. Unfortunately for you tea baggers, the overwhelming majority of the Republican party are what you refer to as Establishment or Rino's.


You wanted Trump, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Deaf, dumb and blind is no way to go through life kid.

Hillary Clinton is a vile human being. Is it any wonder she counts neocons among her admirers. The suggestion earlier in this thread that Clinton will keep neocons away from positions of influence is exceedingly naive. Robert Kagan is a long time Clinton adviser. Victoria Nuland will undoubtedly have a prominent position in a Clinton administration. Samantha Power? Michele Flournoy, Hillary's likely pick to head the Pentagon, is already making overtures for more American troops in Syria. I would highly recommend that anyone who thinks of themselves as liberal and is supporting Hillary Clinton, remove your head from your ass and take a breath of fresh air. Clear your head and watch the video below, it is instructive. Of course if you believe in Inverted totalitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, then enjoy, it is the America of your making.

Warning: This video may contain images disturbing to some viewers.
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Establishment Gold Card member Paul "I Never Saw A War I Didn't Like" Wolfowitz endorses Establishment-funded, War Lobby candidate Hillary Clinton! Surprise!

It is just comical to see liberals who claimed to be anti-Establishment and anti-war supporting the ultimate Establishment insider who has backed every misguided war effort of the last two decades.

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