Paul Ryan's busy schedule

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
As we speak, he's on his way to Las Vegas to meet with Sheldon Adelson.


To get his marching orders cuz, we all know, Adelson's first priority is keeping China green.

So, Adelson and the Kochs will have Dual Ownership on the two of them.

Paul Ryan vice president pick: Koch brothers have his back -

Makes them both Koch Suckers and is just one more way these two jerks are hypocrites.

Or, put another way, the perfect R candidates.
As we speak, he's on his way to Las Vegas to meet with Sheldon Adelson.


To get his marching orders cuz, we all know, Adelson's first priority is keeping China green.

So, Adelson and the Kochs will have Dual Ownership on the two of them.

Paul Ryan vice president pick: Koch brothers have his back -

Makes them both Koch Suckers and is just one more way these two jerks are hypocrites.

Or, put another way, the perfect R candidates.

No, nooo, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ooooooooooooooh the humanity!

As Romney Donors Pick Up Pace, Meet Obama's Biggest Billionaire Fundraisers - Forbes
how many rounds of golf can he squeeze in?

Not as many as Boehner who plays at least once every three days and only takes time off from golfing and boozing to be filmed for TV.

But hey, they take it off their tax return.

oh yeah, they're both lying and hiding their tax returns.

I wonder how much of their sneaking around they learned from Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff ... Ryan is supposedly "catholic" but forced his staff to read nazi Ayn Rand. He is anti-science but he got money for alternate energy from the stimulus funds. Their Medicare is supposedly a good deal and yet they want only to TAKE money now but not change anything for more than 10 years.

Who is dumb enough to fall for this?

I don't know ... I kind of feel sorry for poor Romney. Did you see him today? Without Ryan, he was all but snoring. He knows now that he just blew the election, big time. And, I miss their adorable matching shirts.
how many rounds of golf can he squeeze in?

Not as many as Boehner who plays at least once every three days and only takes time off from golfing and boozing to be filmed for TV.

But hey, they take it off their tax return.

oh yeah, they're both lying and hiding their tax returns.

I wonder how much of their sneaking around they learned from Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff ... Ryan is supposedly "catholic" but forced his staff to read nazi Ayn Rand. He is anti-science but he got money for alternate energy from the stimulus funds. Their Medicare is supposedly a good deal and yet they want only to TAKE money now but not change anything for more than 10 years.

Who is dumb enough to fall for this?

I don't know ... I kind of feel sorry for poor Romney. Did you see him today? Without Ryan, he was all but snoring. He knows now that he just blew the election, big time. And, I miss their adorable matching shirts.

two words. Joe ... Biden. ahahahahahahahahaha:lol:
As we speak, he's on his way to Las Vegas to meet with Sheldon Adelson.


To get his marching orders cuz, we all know, Adelson's first priority is keeping China green.

So, Adelson and the Kochs will have Dual Ownership on the two of them.

Paul Ryan vice president pick: Koch brothers have his back -

Makes them both Koch Suckers and is just one more way these two jerks are hypocrites.

Or, put another way, the perfect R candidates.

Hey Harry Reid's just been caught out pushing for a Chinese Solar Company that his own son represents.


Harry's in deep with the Chinese. Now isn't Harry a hero of yours? Have you any words to say on Harry helping the Chinese?

No. Because hypocrite thy name is liberal.
Do you suppose Chinese insurance companys will accept Medicare vouchers?

Are there really Chinese insurance companies?

And what's the exchange rate, dollars to yen/yuan?

Could get complicated. I think I'll just stay with ObamaCare because I already know that works and I've already benefited from it. :razz:

(Woie Zowie - check it out. That's the first time I've been able to use a smilie for a long while. Wonder why ...............)
As we speak, he's on his way to Las Vegas to meet with Sheldon Adelson.


To get his marching orders cuz, we all know, Adelson's first priority is keeping China green.

So, Adelson and the Kochs will have Dual Ownership on the two of them.

Paul Ryan vice president pick: Koch brothers have his back -

Makes them both Koch Suckers and is just one more way these two jerks are hypocrites.

Or, put another way, the perfect R candidates.

Hey Harry Reid's just been caught out pushing for a Chinese Solar Company that his own son represents.


Harry's in deep with the Chinese. Now isn't Harry a hero of yours? Have you any words to say on Harry helping the Chinese?

No. Because hypocrite thy name is liberal.

An hour later he responded to another poster but he doesn't have the self respect or dignity to address your post.
Seriously, why do libtards bag on rich folks, when they have just as many? Soros gives the left it's marching orders, and noone disputes that FACT.
Do you suppose Chinese insurance companys will accept Medicare vouchers?

Are there really Chinese insurance companies?

And what's the exchange rate, dollars to yen/yuan?

Could get complicated. I think I'll just stay with ObamaCare because I already know that works and I've already benefited from it. :razz:

(Woie Zowie - check it out. That's the first time I've been able to use a smilie for a long while. Wonder why ...............)

Nice attempt at, not really

For someone that thinks they know alot you dont know shit. Oh and how have you benefitted from OBamacare? were you one of the ER moochers they were talking about?

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