Paul Ryan Takes Apart Obamacare in 6 Minutes


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Ryan is impressive in this video. Remember back when the debate was going on with Obamacare? Ryan was right, as we would later find out after the bill was passed and we were finally able to see what was in it. Obama looks unhappy to hear the truth about his signature legislation. I think Ryan will crush Biden in debates and also think he could take on Obama any day.

The more I learn about Ryan, the more I like him.

Paul Ryan Takes Apart Obamacare in 6 Minutes
Paul Ryan Takes Apart Obamacare in 6 Minutes - YouTube
Should Congress have passed Ryan's 2009 health reform bill?

State-based exchanges, subject to new federal consumer protections/regulations and offering new federal tax subsidies to help folks buy individual coverage?

Why oh why didn't Obama pursue an idea like that?
The libs can't stand the truth, Nor did they read what was in the bill. Hey, lets take $700B from SS to fund OHB takeover of Liberty but don't tell anybody...
This is a political speech-op, not a constructive dissection of the bill. In other words, in politics, when there's a camera pointed at a politician, they say stuff like this. If actual laws were made through rants like that we'd be toast. But what I've read, Ryan is a good political strategist and he can manage himself at the real business meetings, too.

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