Paul Ryan at War With GOP Base?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Ryan has repeatedly stressed that the bipartisan funding agreement lifted the 40-year federal ban on crude oil exports and renewed hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks for U.S. businesses and families.
But in a nod to the critics, Ryan has also emphasized that he “inherited” the flawed omnibus from his predecessor, ousted Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), and that the cake was “already baked” by the time he was handed the reins in late October.
Those arguments have done little to sway some of Ryan’s critics, particularly on conservative talk radio.
Laura Ingraham denounced the spending package as an “omni-bust” and said Ryan should be “regarded as a declared enemy of the Base." Mark Levin said Ryan is "already a disaster” and criticized the funding package for increasing the number of visas for foreign workers.
Criticism has also come from Rush Limbaugh, the king of conservative talk radio, who declared that the GOP sold the country “down the river.”
For any GOP establishment leader, outrage from the right is unavoidable, with the deal making that comes with the job often conflicing with the desires of the base.
But that anger has become especially vitriolic and personal recently.
As Ryan and Obama were putting the final touches on the spending deal, the now-bearded Speaker told the president that some on the right have accused him of being a Muslim, Al Hunt recounted in a Bloomberg View column.
“The president, who has long faced the same absurd allegation, chuckled,” Hunt wrote.
Luckily for Ryan, the uproar on the right has yet to spill over into the House Republican Conference.
Conservative hard-liners in Congress were disgusted with the $1.1 trillion spending deal, which boosted funding for most federal agencies. Almost all Freedom Caucus members voted against it.
But those same conservatives were aware the top-line funding levels had been set by the budget deal Obama negotiated with Boehner before Ryan came on board. And most held their fire as Ryan pushed the spending and tax-cuts package past the finish line.
“I think most Freedom Caucus members hated the omnibus product but acknowledge that Speaker Ryan could only do so much within the parameters that he had to work with,” one Freedom Caucus leader told The Hill. “But so many grassroots supporters have been disappointed so many times that they can see no difference.
“Mr. Ryan will need to put real pressure on the Senate in the first quarter of 2016 or any goodwill he has will be gone,” the conservative lawmaker added.

Fury of the right falls on Ryan

Ryan did inherit this bill from Boehner, and he could at best tweak the edges before seeing it passed, the only alternative being a clash with the White House and a government shut down that the Dhimmicrats hold the advantages in due to the national media being an appendage of the Dhimmicratic Party.

Ryan is being weighed by his conservative rank and file and if he does not want to be a one term Speaker, he needs to show some testicular fortitude on the next budget. He wont be able to blame Boehner for that one.
Ryan did inherit this bill from Boehner, and he could at best tweak the edges before seeing it passed,

I don't buy it. Try telling your boss
"sorry about that bad production program, the guy before me messed it all up" We had to sign off on it so we all could make it to XMAS vacation. Out you go..............

Shut it down. Stay all night every night for 10 months. Fix it with your massive highly paid staff in shifts. Whatever it takes is a typical statement from da' boss.

I don't want to hear next time it will be different. ENUFF ALREADY! we can't live like that but they can? Bull hockey!
"Ryan did inherit this bill from Boehner, and he could at best tweak the edges before seeing it passed, the only alternative being a clash with the White House and a government shut down that the Dhimmicrats hold the advantages in due to the national media being an appendage of the Dhimmicratic Party."

Wrong – this is nothing but a lie.

Ryan and most Congressional republican knew that another government shutdown would fail, where republicans would be correctly and appropriately blamed for the shutdown, just as they were correctly and appropriately blamed in the past, having nothing to do with democrats or 'the media.'

The American people acknowledge the fact that a government shutdown would have been the sole responsibility of republicans, the consequence of rightwing partisanism, reckless extremism, and contempt for sound, responsible governance.
"Ryan did inherit this bill from Boehner, and he could at best tweak the edges before seeing it passed, the only alternative being a clash with the White House and a government shut down that the Dhimmicrats hold the advantages in due to the national media being an appendage of the Dhimmicratic Party."

Wrong – this is nothing but a lie.

Ryan and most Congressional republican knew that another government shutdown would fail, where republicans would be correctly and appropriately blamed for the shutdown, just as they were correctly and appropriately blamed in the past, having nothing to do with democrats or 'the media.'

The American people acknowledge the fact that a government shutdown would have been the sole responsibility of republicans, the consequence of rightwing partisanism, reckless extremism, and contempt for sound, responsible governance.
Shit, Clayton, you actually made an intelligent post. I disagree, but I guess there is hope for even the most mentally challenged Dhimmicrats here.

Whenever I read nonsense like the thread OP I wonder at the masochism of the right wing conservative republican in America? If our president were not a democrat and a tanned one, you'd hear nothing of this, but because anything he does is wrong, the white man beats themselves like an early Christian saint and then asks for more. Take away my job, take away my freedoms, take away, take away, and the white bigot will be happy. Reagan and Bush created enormous deficits and the whitey praised them and sang of their glory, even to this day. Elect a black man and the fools would run over the cliff if given the order by right wing corporate managed and owned media. What a bunch of dipshits. Any need to wonder over the appeal of Trump - no need, as he'll screw the fools and they'll sing his praises as dictators of the past are bowed down to still. Bluster moves the soul of the hateful, bigotry manages their minds.A bit of reality below.

"...Romney reiterated three themes: he would slash taxes (while also balancing the budget); he would prune away government regulation and even excess government itself, liberating the engine of private enterprise; and he would pare government entitlement programs that transferred resources to the least productive elements in society. These were hardly prescriptions likely to help the great bulk of the middle class, especially if understood as families with incomes below six figures. Instead, Romney effectively campaigned on the promise to enact the policy preferences of society's moguls: tax cuts for the rich; deregulation; reduced social spending.

Even more than Romney, his anointed running mate, the young Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan, espoused extreme policies. Consider Ryan's proposed budget plan. A version passed the House of Representatives in the spring of 2012 on a near party-line vote, thus making clear during the campaign season the Republican Party's priorities. Talking of budget deficits in apocalyptic terms, Ryan proposed huge cuts to Medicaid, a program that covers the medical expenses of many disabled and elderly Americans-cuts so deep that potentially 28 million people would have lost medical coverage." He further proposed reducing food stamps for poor families and college aid to students. Perhaps most explosively, he advocated converting Medicare's guarantee of health care for the elderly into a system of vouchers with a fixed value, which would have effectively ended the guarantee of medical care and left many retirees struggling to cover rising costs in their waning years. In all, 62 percent of his budget savings were to come from cuts to aid to the poor - a figure that does not include the savings from restructuring Medicare." "More than any other politician today:' Robert Reich wrote in a scorching rebuke, "Paul Ryan exemplifies the social Darwinism at the core of today's Republican Party: Reward the rich, penalize the poor, let everyone else fend for themselves. Dog eat dog."

Pushing beyond reducing social spending, Ryan's budget threatened to suffocate the federal government overall. According to a Congressional Budget Office report, Ryan's budget path anticipated by 2050 the virtual end to all federal government aside from Social Security, a much-reduced health care system, and an engorged defense establishment. "That includes [cutting] everything from veterans' programs to medical and scientific research, highways, education, nearly all programs for low-income families and individuals other than Medicaid, national parks, border patrols, protection of food safety and the water supply, law enforcement, and the like."76 Ryan and the GOP seized on supposedly dire budget deficits to justify drastically shrinking the federal government "down to the size where it could be drowned in a bathtub:' to retrieve Grover Norquist's imagery. To this extent, the budget was a fake, a set of ideological commitments in the form of budget, but completely unworkable as a genuine fiscal blueprint. Few believed that cuts this draconian would be enacted, let alone indefinitely sustained. Nevertheless, Ryan's budget was completely genuine in indicating hostility toward government as a political priority." p164 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
Whenever I read nonsense like the thread OP I wonder at the masochism of the right wing conservative republican in America? If our president were not a democrat and a tanned one, you'd hear nothing of this, but because anything he does is wrong, the white man beats themselves like an early Christian saint and then asks for more. Take away my job, take away my freedoms, take away, take away, and the white bigot will be happy. Reagan and Bush created enormous deficits and the whitey praised them and sang of their glory, even to this day. Elect a black man and the fools would run over the cliff if given the order by right wing corporate managed and owned media. What a bunch of dipshits. Any need to wonder over the appeal of Trump - no need, as he'll screw the fools and they'll sing his praises as dictators of the past are bowed down to still. Bluster moves the soul of the hateful, bigotry manages their minds.A bit of reality below.

"...Romney reiterated three themes: he would slash taxes (while also balancing the budget); he would prune away government regulation and even excess government itself, liberating the engine of private enterprise; and he would pare government entitlement programs that transferred resources to the least productive elements in society. These were hardly prescriptions likely to help the great bulk of the middle class, especially if understood as families with incomes below six figures. Instead, Romney effectively campaigned on the promise to enact the policy preferences of society's moguls: tax cuts for the rich; deregulation; reduced social spending.

Even more than Romney, his anointed running mate, the young Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan, espoused extreme policies. Consider Ryan's proposed budget plan. A version passed the House of Representatives in the spring of 2012 on a near party-line vote, thus making clear during the campaign season the Republican Party's priorities. Talking of budget deficits in apocalyptic terms, Ryan proposed huge cuts to Medicaid, a program that covers the medical expenses of many disabled and elderly Americans-cuts so deep that potentially 28 million people would have lost medical coverage." He further proposed reducing food stamps for poor families and college aid to students. Perhaps most explosively, he advocated converting Medicare's guarantee of health care for the elderly into a system of vouchers with a fixed value, which would have effectively ended the guarantee of medical care and left many retirees struggling to cover rising costs in their waning years. In all, 62 percent of his budget savings were to come from cuts to aid to the poor - a figure that does not include the savings from restructuring Medicare." "More than any other politician today:' Robert Reich wrote in a scorching rebuke, "Paul Ryan exemplifies the social Darwinism at the core of today's Republican Party: Reward the rich, penalize the poor, let everyone else fend for themselves. Dog eat dog."

Pushing beyond reducing social spending, Ryan's budget threatened to suffocate the federal government overall. According to a Congressional Budget Office report, Ryan's budget path anticipated by 2050 the virtual end to all federal government aside from Social Security, a much-reduced health care system, and an engorged defense establishment. "That includes [cutting] everything from veterans' programs to medical and scientific research, highways, education, nearly all programs for low-income families and individuals other than Medicaid, national parks, border patrols, protection of food safety and the water supply, law enforcement, and the like."76 Ryan and the GOP seized on supposedly dire budget deficits to justify drastically shrinking the federal government "down to the size where it could be drowned in a bathtub:' to retrieve Grover Norquist's imagery. To this extent, the budget was a fake, a set of ideological commitments in the form of budget, but completely unworkable as a genuine fiscal blueprint. Few believed that cuts this draconian would be enacted, let alone indefinitely sustained. Nevertheless, Ryan's budget was completely genuine in indicating hostility toward government as a political priority." p164 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López

don't worry about it is still "business as usual". Only in DC are reductions in the rate of growth considered cuts. If the recent rise from $10T to $20T don't get your attention.........there is little hope.
Shit, Clayton, you actually made an intelligent post

yeah, I was kinda following along until I got to......

"and contempt for sound, responsible governance."

more spending , more debt, no cuts................good idea? huh?
I said it was an intelligent post, not necessarily a 'good idea'.

Anytime a libtard can post without factual errors or logical fallacies it is an 'intelligent post' almost by definition.

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