Patti Davis: My father, Ronald Reagan, would never have stood for this


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Well said Patti ... well said :eusa_clap:


The verbal sparring between my father and Sam Donaldson of ABC, or Helen Thomas of UPI, is well documented. But there was never vitriol, there was never name-calling, and if anyone had attacked a journalist, my father would have been the first to stand in the way.

I've tried to imagine what my father would have done if people attending a political speech of his had turned to the press and raised their middle fingers, hurled obscenities or physically menaced the reporters there doing their jobs. I found it difficult to conjure the image, and then I realized why. It simply wouldn't have happened. The person on the podium, the person everyone has gathered to see, sets the tone.

President Donald Trump has quite successfully set today’s tone. He expertly stirred up the anger that was already simmering in the people who support him, and then he lit a match to it. He gave them an enemy — always a useful tactic. And naming the press as the enemy has precedents: Many tyrants have employed it to their advantage. Trump may not read much, but I’ll bet he knows that.

Those of us who are horrified by the vilification of the news media, those of us who cringe at the sight of angry mobs jeering at the cordoned-off journalists at Trump rallies, far outnumber those who are swept up by this ugly passion. We are still in the majority. But if we are silent, if we don't speak up, if we don't raise our voices and say, "This is not America," it won't matter that we are in the majority.

Silence didn't create this country; brazen, unwavering commitment did. And one of those commitments was to a free press - one not controlled or hampered by a demagogue who has a good day only when he's being flattered.​

Patti Davis: My father, Ronald Reagan, would never have stood for this
Well Patti Smattie, maybe you could suggest to your asswipes in the press that they should try for reporting the news rather than be political hacks. Ya Think?
Well Patti Smattie, maybe you could suggest to your asswipes in the press that they should try for reporting the news rather than be political hacks. Ya Think?

the news ?

did Trump tell some new lies over the weekend ?
While her father was unfairly attacked it was nothing like the press has done to Trump, the administration and even the citizen voters.

The press is the enemy. Not principally of Trump either. The press is the enemy of whoever doesn't agree with the press.
Reagan was a devotee of politics. From the time he started at the Screen Actor's Guild to his time as governor and then president, he was a student of politics. He was not a blatant amateur like Trump. Unlike Trump, Reagan truly did hire some of the best people in the business. Reagan knew how to deal with the press. He did not have thin skin and dealt with them deftly. Who could forget his bantering with Helen Thomas.

Reagan had defined values and kept to those values. I may not have agreed with all of them, but he was consistent.

If Reagan were around today he would be considered a RINO or worse in their eyes. That is how far Republicanism has deviated from its modern foundations.
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While her father was unfairly attacked it was nothing like the press has done to Trump, the administration and even the citizen voters.

The press is the enemy. Not principally of Trump either. The press is the enemy of whoever doesn't agree with the press.

so the Senate resolution means nothing to you
Well Patti Smattie, maybe you could suggest to your asswipes in the press that they should try for reporting the news rather than be political hacks. Ya Think?

the news ?

did Trump tell some new lies over the weekend ?

Given his average - I'd put Friday through Sunday at around 23.
Donald Trump is averaging 7.6 mistruths a day - CNNPolitics

But since he repeats the same lies frequently, the new ones probably total somewhere between 7 and 10.
Well Patti Smattie, maybe you could suggest to your asswipes in the press that they should try for reporting the news rather than be political hacks. Ya Think?

the news ?

did Trump tell some new lies over the weekend ?

Given his average - I'd put Friday through Sunday at around 23.
Donald Trump is averaging 7.6 mistruths a day - CNNPolitics

But since he repeats the same lies frequently, the new ones probably total somewhere between 7 and 10.
Amusing that you lie about Trump lying.
Reagan was a devotee of politics. From the time he started at the Screen Actor's Guild to his time as governor and then president, he was a student of politics. He was not a blatant amateur like Trump. Unlike Trump, Reagan truly did hire some of the best people in the business. Reagan knew how to deal with the press. He did not have thin skin and dealt with them deftly. Who could forget his bantering with Helen Thomas.

Reagan had defined values and kept to those values. I may not have agreed with them, but he was consistent.

If Reagan were around today he would be considered a RINO or worse in their eyes. That is how far Republicanism has deviated from its modern foundations.

Reagan failed on all ten "GOP Purity Test" menu items although they still invoke his name as if he were a figurehead.
Go Figure
Reagan Would Fail "Purity Test" Proposed for GOP
The Press always attacks Republicans and they defend crooked Democrats.
Hillary and Obama are totally corrupt and yet the Press adores them.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the mainstream press is full of fake news, a sentiment that is held by a majority of voters across the ideological spectrum.

Poll: Majority says mainstream media publishes fake news

I would agree - The mainstream media (primarily Fox and Sinclair) publish fake news DAILY
So funny. The only way to deal with a bully is let him beat you up all the time, just don't swing back and hope he doesn't hit as hard the next time.

So Reagan never went after the press, and how did that work out for him?
Bush Senior never went after the press, and how did that work out for him?
George junior never went after the press, and how did the work out for him?

Well Patti Smattie, maybe you could suggest to your asswipes in the press that they should try for reporting the news rather than be political hacks. Ya Think?
The press is held to higher standards than our President is
So funny. The only way to deal with a bully is let him beat you up all the time, just don't swing back and hope he doesn't hit as hard the next time.

So Reagan never went after the press, and how did that work out for him?
Bush Senior never went after the press, and how did that work out for him?
George junior never went after the press, and how did the work out for him?

Reagan won his second term with among the largest margins in history and left with his legacy largely intact.
Bush Senior lost but not because of the Press, look at a guy named Ross Perot.
George Jr. won two terms. The press had absolutely nothing to do with his legacy. That was pure Bush.

It is only Trump acting like a whiny little autocrat that can't take criticism that viciously attacks the press and who has called them the enemy of the people..
So funny. The only way to deal with a bully is let him beat you up all the time, just don't swing back and hope he doesn't hit as hard the next time.

So Reagan never went after the press, and how did that work out for him?
Bush Senior never went after the press, and how did that work out for him?
George junior never went after the press, and how did the work out for him?

Reagan won his second term with among the largest margins in history and left with his legacy largely intact.
Bush Senior lost but not because of the Press, look at a guy named Ross Perot.
George Jr. won two terms. The press had absolutely nothing to do with his legacy. That was pure Bush.

It is only Trump acting like a whiny little autocrat that can't take criticism that viciously attacks the press.

That's not the point. The point is that the MSM is an extension of the Democrat party and will always go after Republicans regardless how they treat the press. It never made sense to me why any Republican didn't punch back. It's one of the things I like about Trump.
I didn’t agree with a lot of St Reagan’s policies but at least he was very presidential and a decent human being.

Unlike the slime ball that’s in there now.
Well said Patti ... well said :eusa_clap:


The verbal sparring between my father and Sam Donaldson of ABC, or Helen Thomas of UPI, is well documented. But there was never vitriol, there was never name-calling, and if anyone had attacked a journalist, my father would have been the first to stand in the way.

I've tried to imagine what my father would have done if people attending a political speech of his had turned to the press and raised their middle fingers, hurled obscenities or physically menaced the reporters there doing their jobs. I found it difficult to conjure the image, and then I realized why. It simply wouldn't have happened. The person on the podium, the person everyone has gathered to see, sets the tone.

President Donald Trump has quite successfully set today’s tone. He expertly stirred up the anger that was already simmering in the people who support him, and then he lit a match to it. He gave them an enemy — always a useful tactic. And naming the press as the enemy has precedents: Many tyrants have employed it to their advantage. Trump may not read much, but I’ll bet he knows that.

Those of us who are horrified by the vilification of the news media, those of us who cringe at the sight of angry mobs jeering at the cordoned-off journalists at Trump rallies, far outnumber those who are swept up by this ugly passion. We are still in the majority. But if we are silent, if we don't speak up, if we don't raise our voices and say, "This is not America," it won't matter that we are in the majority.

Silence didn't create this country; brazen, unwavering commitment did. And one of those commitments was to a free press - one not controlled or hampered by a demagogue who has a good day only when he's being flattered.​

Patti Davis: My father, Ronald Reagan, would never have stood for this

Perhaps your father was dealing with a free and independent press. We dont have that luxury.

By the way were always a disappointment to him.
While her father was unfairly attacked it was nothing like the press has done to Trump, the administration and even the citizen voters.

The press is the enemy. Not principally of Trump either. The press is the enemy of whoever doesn't agree with the press.

so the Senate resolution means nothing to you
The senate, the law, the Constitution nor anyone else gives two shits about that stupid worthless resolution.

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