(Patriotic) Governor Palin To Military Brass: "Get A Clue"


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I have to say that again, she is right on the money with her brilliant insight. This true natural born citizen woman has the moral common sense standards (which Obama lacks) to make a great outstanding president. Our current putative president, who is not a natural born Citizen that is not qualified to meet the requirements of Article 2 Section 1, has implemented demoralizing policies within the military that will basically neuter it's effectiveness. Governor Palin is a person who has Christian faith and she understands that if you take Christianity out of our military, it will weaken it tremendously. It will demoralize it to where it will become dysfunctional and that is where it is currently headed under our putative presidents guidance. What America is experiencing is what our founders feared would happen if we got a person in office that was not a true natural born Citizen.










Governor Palin to Military Brass: Get a Clue - Conservatives4Palin

Look, U.S. Military top brass, some of us are known for supporting our troops 110%, even encouraging our own kids in their voluntary, sacrificial enlistments. We send them off with blessings as you send them off to war. You keep pulling stunts like this, and how long do you think our military enthusiasm keeps up? Get a clue, brass. Quickly. You keep up these new double standards and this recent discrimination against Christians, and the greatest military power on earth will soon be "fundamentally transformed" into a weakened, involuntary and unrecognizable mere bureaucratic entity. Obviously you need a new commander-in-chief who sincerely believes in freedom and respects the fact we need to keep our finest keeping us free, but until that time, exert some brass cojones and re-embrace American military ethos.
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No true American wants a TeaP for president or TeaP morality running the country.
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No true American wants a TeaP for president or TeaP morality running the country.
I beg to differ. A TEA party president is what this country needs to bring this country back to greatness and from the brink of moral decay that Obama and negroes has brought upon this nation. What America is experiencing under Obama is one big chimpout!

Hahahahaha. Good one. Quitter Sarah Palin telling anyone to "Get a Clue"

Threads like this make me understand why some countries restrict the right to free speech. It's a public health issue, because stupidity like this is nauseating.
Maybe that's why she can see "Russia".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x34G0h7R__Y]Who's Nailin Palin? - YouTube[/ame]
No true American wants a TeaP for president or TeaP morality running the country.
I beg to differ. A TEA party president is what this country needs to bring this country back to greatness and from the brink of moral decay that Obama and negroes has brought upon this nation. What America is experiencing under Obama is one big chimpout!


Exclusive - Best Sarah Palin Moments - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 12/15/08 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
She wouldn't know what it takes to have a first rate military.

1. R@D
2. New advances in science
3. strong economy in the public and private sectors

A military is built on those three things. So is a powerful nation...Kim jong un will never be a powerful leader as he doesn't understand this truth...Sadly so don't the tea party.
No true American wants a TeaP for president or TeaP morality running the country.
I beg to differ. A TEA party president is what this country needs to bring this country back to greatness and from the brink of moral decay that Obama and negroes has brought upon this nation. What America is experiencing under Obama is one big chimpout!


^^Policies not about race
Among the allegations?

The story listed below has all the appearance of being mostly, if not completely, untrue.

The bottom three out of the four included look particularly ridiculous.

* VA officials in Iowa City, Iowa, told American Legion volunteers they could not hand out gifts to veterans if the wrapping paper included the words “Merry Christmas.”
* VA personnel in Montgomery, Ala., prevented a young woman from delivering gift bags to veterans because they included the words “Merry Christmas.”
* The Dallas VA medical center refused to accept the delivery of handwritten Christmas cards from local school children because the cards contained phrases like “Merry Christmas” and “God Bless You.”

Lawmakers accuse VA of disrespecting Christians | Fox News
Is it me? Or does Sarah look like a Russian Spy?


Is it me or does obama look like a complete fag in that last picture?

Not being sardonic, I mean it

Fags are generally with men.

And conservatives seems to think about fags alot.

Because deep down inside they understand that they're the beta males of our society. They want to kill exploration? A real man wouldn't do that. They want to gut science? You mean they want to gut us being number one???? No real man would do that. They want to cut infrastructure. A real man likes his car and roads. wtf?
She wouldn't know what it takes to have a first rate military.

1. R@D
2. New advances in science
3. strong economy in the public and private sectors

A military is built on those three things. So is a powerful nation...Kim jong un will never be a powerful leader as he doesn't understand this truth...Sadly so don't the tea party.

When are you commies going to figure out that a public sector economy doesn't exist, government is a parasite on the private sector. The founder were well aware of this fact but you commies do need to get a clue.
This is even to stupid of a post to respond too.Turn you tv on and switch the channel to "duck dynasty" and enjoy yourself.

I have to say that again, she is right on the money with her brilliant insight. This true natural born citizen woman has the moral common sense standards (which Obama lacks) to make a great outstanding president. Our current putative president, who is not a natural born Citizen that is not qualified to meet the requirements of Article 2 Section 1, has implemented demoralizing policies within the military that will basically neuter it's effectiveness. Governor Palin is a person who has Christian faith and she understands that if you take Christianity out of our military, it will weaken it tremendously. It will demoralize it to where it will become dysfunctional and that is where it is currently headed under our putative presidents guidance. What America is experiencing is what our founders feared would happen if we got a person in office that was not a true natural born Citizen.

Look, U.S. Military top brass, some of us are known for supporting our troops 110%, even encouraging our own kids in their voluntary, sacrificial enlistments. We send them off with blessings as you send them off to war. You keep pulling stunts like this, and how long do you think our military enthusiasm keeps up? Get a clue, brass. Quickly. You keep up these new double standards and this recent discrimination against Christians, and the greatest military power on earth will soon be "fundamentally transformed" into a weakened, involuntary and unrecognizable mere bureaucratic entity. Obviously you need a new commander-in-chief who sincerely believes in freedom and respects the fact we need to keep our finest keeping us free, but until that time, exert some brass cojones and re-embrace American military ethos.
She wouldn't know what it takes to have a first rate military.

1. R@D
2. New advances in science
3. strong economy in the public and private sectors

A military is built on those three things. So is a powerful nation...Kim jong un will never be a powerful leader as he doesn't understand this truth...Sadly so don't the tea party.

When are you commies going to figure out that a public sector economy doesn't exist, government is a parasite on the private sector. The founder were well aware of this fact but you commies do need to get a clue.

That's what puzzles me about people like Matt...and his Socialist Brother and sister moochers...they think Government has to run everything by taxing the Hell out of the producers...HOW can they keep alive the Goose that lays their golden eggs by strangling it to the point that all it produces is shit? (And then they complain it isn't giving enough...).

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